Sunday, February 23, 2025 |

sNItcn am tPmPv \ncymX\mbn.

Chembakaserril Mammen George Promoted to Glory
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Feb 16, 2011
Views: 14879

Chembakaserril Mammen George Promoted to Glory.
{]ikvX \ncq]Iw, FgpnImcamb tPmbv sNItcnens (_ntPmbv Avem) ] nXmhv sNItcn am tPmPv (80) s^{_phcn 15mw XnbXn cmhnse 6 aWnv Xm {]obw sh Imhn \nZr{]m]np. ]tcXcmb ]m kn.Fw. hKokv, kn.Fw. tXmakv, kn.Fw.Nmtm Fnh ktlmZcfmW". {]ob ]Xv\n AnWn tPmPv {Xniq kztZinbmW'. ]tcX tIcf Khsan KkUv Hm^okdmbp HutZymKnI PohnXtmSp IqsS kphntij {]h\fn hym{]X\mbn. ZoL hj Xnh\]pcw sF.] Xmtm k`bpsS sk{Idnbmbn tkh\w Anp. Ign Nne hjfmbn Atacnbn afpsS IqsS hn{ia PohnXw \bnIbmbn. a: tPmbv sNItcn (_ntPmbv Avem), tUhnUv sNItcn tPmPv, tagvkn sNItcn Um\ntb, dq_n sNItcn s_a. aa: tagvkn, ennn, Um\ntb, s_a. afpw sImp afpw Bbn \memw Xeapdbpw Zinhm ]tcXs\ ssZhw klmbnp.arXtZlw s^{_phcn 1718 (hymgw, shn) Fo Znhkfn sshInv 6 aWn apX 9 aWn hsc \}tPknbn lmkmse Pmbn ^pWd tlman s]mXp Zi\hp, i\nbmgv cmhnse 9 aWnv shv hpUv skantcnbn kwkvImc ip{iqjbpw \S XmW".


Displaying 9 Comments
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Samuel Varghese OH (March 7, 2011)
I was away in India at the time of Georgechayan's demise, could not come for the funeral. I know Georgechayan is in a very peaceful place. Please accept my condolences.
Thomas Varghese, TX (March 1, 2011)
I knew Georgechayan for a while, very polite person, sad to hear that he passed away. May GOD strengthen the family. My condolences to the bereaved family.
John Abraham, I L (February 27, 2011)
George Sir was a man of Principles, I had the opportunity to get to know him closely back in India. I am sad to know he passed away, my condolences to the family.
John Thomas, F L (February 26, 2011)
I am sad to hear Georgechan passing away, but I glad realizing he is with our heavenly father, my condolences to the entire family.
Sam Joseph, N C (February 26, 2011)
Sorry to hear George Sir's demise, my condolences to the family.
George Varghese, TX (February 26, 2011)
I knew Georgechayan for a long time. I sad to hear that he passed away, please accept mine and my families condolences.
Rajan Ariyappally, Atlanta (February 23, 2011)
Bejoy, I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad,C.M. George achayan. I know you will have many wonderful memories to keep and cherish always. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Rajan Ariyappallil, Atlanta, GA. USA
JOY CHEMBAKASSERIL (February 22, 2011)
Please accept my sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who turned in to pay the last respects to our father 'CHEMBAKASSERIL MAMMEN GEORGE'and for your sympathy and support to our families at the time of our loss. We also thank all those who conveyed their condolences through e-mails and telephones. Mrs AMMINI GEORGE express her thanks to everybody as well. Please REMEMBER US in your prayers and we shall do the same. May GOD BLESS you all. Yours Affectionately, JOY CHEMBAKASSERIL [Bejoy]
Pr. Alvin David, N.Y. (February 16, 2011)
Dear Ammamma, children and grand children.
Accept our family's condolences and we will pary for you. May our Lord bless your heart with peace. "the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"
James,(Pr.A.David) Kesavadasapuram, TVM.
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