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Church of God Election Supplement

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 20, 2012
Views: 83028


Click here to read the Church of God Election Supplement.



Displaying 149 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
dani (March 21, 2012)
@aasish ,you are absolutely don't know much about p j james..he is a fraud and a hypocrate..however,i am not a fan of kunjappy,p c c,.... truly, truly i tell you i don't like p j james,coz i know him very personally ..i don't know what is happening in cog ,something went wrong somewhere.
child of god (March 8, 2012)
@as mathew, @sam mathew, or @all readers.Does any one know or have any clue of who this pastors kid is? That story sounds really scary and unbelievable.It is scary to read the facts, he has mentioned and unbelievable as almost all the pastors i know, are well off.If its true, i would love to help out in some way, with at least that kids education.
aasish (March 6, 2012)
Even though many criticize the functioning of CGI,i personally fell it is much better than many other churches in Kerala.This time the election was in very proper way,just remember the elections in Kumbanad and all,(police,cases,stay and many such shameful things happens all there).Our early churches submitted to autority, Apostle Paul controlled or guided churches in Asia.So why cant we accept the leaders from abroad,remember the sacrifice they have taken to bring Gospel in our nation.I also read above someone worrying the ability of Pr.P.J James.He is a spiritual leader,those who have been to his ministry know that.
sajan (February 25, 2012)
@ Cog memeber,I really love your answer. hats of to you...That makes sense ..saypinte sabha nd saypinte ishtam ..."Poochakku aaru mani kettum"..???
cog member (February 24, 2012)
cntd 4m 1@sajan problem 2. administration. we need and indigenous administration. we have copied and just following the american guidline, which does not help us most of the times. living in america, i can tell how hard they try americans cannot fully grasp our culture and situations.its always misinterpreted. its not gud, when most of the churches are funded sacrificially by our believers, sayppu just should not control the church functioning.that is why there is always conflict of interest.i will tell who are the curse for cog, this one set of people within cog whose only job is to find fault, criticize cog without trying for the growth of church. i can mention the names of those leaders,but dont want to they didn start now, they have been doing this for years. they also convince a good majority of believers, that nothing good is happening in kerala state.3.we all blame kunjappy but didn we step up to put money when the uncorrupt john sir was in power.lets act instead of blamingcnt3
cog member (February 24, 2012)
@sajan. brother you are really funny. i really laughed at ur comment.sorry about that. church is cursed. oh my god. i dnt know where do people get these teaching. growing in cog, i will tell u the problems. 1. its not an ingeniousness church,tat means its always considered as saypinte church nd overseers are considered people who act according to saypinte istam.because of tis most of the pastors nd believers never felt an ownership for the growth of cog. that nt the case in ipc. leaders, pastors & believers consider ipc as their mother church and they are committed for the growth. there is a strong faction in cog, whose only job is to critique any new development of cog. most of the leaders we had cared less to cast any vision for the overall growth of church. some did but their method were not correct but majority didn care. best examples are our mallu overseers in n.india most of them care only to keep their position, and gud name not really the growth of cog. cntd2
sajan (February 24, 2012)
It is very interesting to see how church of god is always in contraversy.always there is an issue .i think this is a kind of a curse for church of god. oru overseer um kannu neer kudikkathe poyittilla .P J James nte karyam orkumbol oru bhayam . daivame kaakkaney.Kunjappy Kazhivu undayittu polum,rakshapettilla, pinne ee James enthu cheyyum adutha randu varsham..???uuhhhmmmm.
a. s. mathew (February 23, 2012)
pastors kid: thank you for your comment and it is serious challenge

to be taken into consideration by the business minded pastors of

the modern times. they are not looking to god for the heavenly

provisions, but have all the tricks of the world to accomplish their

material goals like the insurance sales people scaring with the

imminent death, if not abruptly insured. they will deliver very

strong message of faith while holding millions of rs worth of assets in bank balance and real estate: and by preaching the hot sermons of faith, then collect more money to their trust fund. your father is trusting

in a living god who provided the needs of his children in the

wilderness. the pentecostal leaders of the old times believed as

your father believed. god bless your father, family and ministry.

sam thomas (February 22, 2012)
@ pastor'skid- Praise god. Your experience is the real model of faith life, which the new generation believers can't believe. it is also much great thing that you are not disclosing your identity to claim greatness. Let all, whose desire of faith life is to reach the final goal, the eternity with Christ, understand the meaning of the life, 'separated' but in the world, fed and maintained by God in all reasonable needs.
pastors kid (February 22, 2012)
@people of God. We as a family continue to serve Lord joyfully waiting the final reward in heaven one day. God was faithful to us. My dad fast every morning, 3-7 days a month, 21,40 days just drinking water for souls and revival in church.we knew our dad had no money pay donation so we studied hard and God Helped us to pass our schools with distinction and secure merit seats in colleges for higher studies. We were hungry, in need, never had any luxuries,ill dressed, lived with little means, still have utilities in house that we been using for more than 2 decades, yet never lacked the passion to serve the Lord. Our desire is to serve the Lord through generations, reaching nations for Christ. Romans 8 and 2 Corinthians 6 serves as the best chapters for our lives as we continue to serve the Lord. I have decided not to write our names as my only intention of this comment is to encourage people to continue serving the lord, irrespective of everything that's happening around us God bless.
pastors kid (February 22, 2012)
@people of god. i read all the criticism against pastors here. can i tell, not all are same.can i speak for my own dad, if you will allow. my dad is serving the lord 4 more than 3 decades. even today we depend on lord for all our daily needs, god has never failed us. my dad got saved and called into ministry at age of 17. since then he has been faithfully serving kog under cog. he has won hundreds of souls, started many mission stations, build or rebuild multiple cog churches.he did all this without making any personal gain for him, not even cared to build a house to live after he retire, no bank balance, beaten by the anti christians(never cared to make money out of story), at times betrayed by church leadership, colleagues, and people yet he never complains. church has given him best pastor award 3 times. his passion is souls,evangelism,peoples deliverance.he is a man of prayer and faith .difficulties taught us to spend hours in gods presence and cry and tell lord everything.cntd 2
believer (February 22, 2012)
@all critique and all believers. cog members, its high time to gather together in prayer, and unity to build the kog. it is nothing wrong to take medicine and preach healing. it is same god who created man, gave him wisdom to make medicine. if not no pentecostal should be nurses or doctors or even work in medical field. i want to request every member of cog world wide to travel to a place in kerala, or in india meet a pastor nd family in person, talk to them hear their stories then verify their stories from other believers and pastors. then directly support them for a year or two with any amount holy spirit lays in your heart. i am saying as i have traveled and met many many pastors in cog who are suffering, but are faithful and passionate in their work for the lord. when i went to north india, stories were heart breaking. i decided to help as much as i can and gather people of god.i dont collect any money, all i want to do is find a person directly and help. harvest is plenty in india
believer (February 22, 2012)
@believer cog. i agree with u on certain things, but not all. i know pr kunjappy from the time he was living in his kudil in valakam. he grew in ministry due to the ministry god has given him. my point is to talk about cog nd not him as i dnt see any use talking abt an outset leader.mst of our pastors in cog are suffering and really in poverty. if u dont trust me, come with me i will take u to all the churches in two weeks and u can make a report. most of our churches have no parsonages, no good halls. pks are suffering for their education. this is not the case in ipc, majority of the pastors are well off because ipc believer give abundantly. gulf and american churches have taken extra care to support their pastors in india. we do not have even one gud bible college for cog, not one educational place why? true i can blame the leaders, but believers cannot wash their hands of it. why not stop criticism and gather up to meet the needs and help. if we cant help, keep quiet.
believer cog (February 22, 2012)
bro. jose pambady how long you know pr. Kunjappy, if you know him personally can you please ask him either stop preaching against ornaments or kick pr. p r baby out of cog, stop allowing him to preach in general convention, is it right to allow br. samkutty (ithratholam uyarthya deyvathunu stotharam)lic in the church for business. is it right to put banner of josco hospital in the convention ground and preach about a healing Jesus. most of these preachers are came with a quilt to the cog and leaving with a ship or multiple ships. is this is what we call role models. if any church is affiliated with cog the pastors of the church should not be in any official position of cog. can you please find out pr. shibu's church is affiliated or part of cog. if it is affiliated can he resign from all positions, if not can you please officially handover the church in thiruvalla to cog. Believers Journal Please make sure this will come in the post
jose pambady (February 22, 2012)
i know,what i said is may be one of the cronies of p j of god is going to face hard times under the leadership of james.lets wait and see..!
tom (February 21, 2012)
Here we go another cronies of Kunjappy(jose pambady ). Dont you have anything else to do?
jose pambady (February 21, 2012)
p c cherian, much better than p j james on the basis of ability..although there was no need of a leadership change,kunjappy pastor was good..!
ashamed to be called pentecost (February 18, 2012)
i have read all the comments posted above. still, i am not sure what's happening and why this happening.

to be honest !!! born and brought up as a pastor's son. knowing this cog from age 3. i know who this kunjappy and james is !!

people still, fight for their leaders !!! let me tell you something, forget pastor m kunjappy forget pastor p j james.

they will be dealt by heavenly father !!

stop worrying for them, start worrying for you children and families, cos they are precious !!!

thomas vemmelil (February 17, 2012)
Believer:What is wrong for a criticism from the right spirit?In a sense the speakings of all the old testament prophets were critique in nature.John the Baptist was another example for it.Apostle Paul was a critic as well.

D.L.Moody was an inexperienced and uneducated shoe-maker.His sermons were patched together from what he heard here and there.He took note of these things and made up his sermons.Once, in a gospel meeting, a middle-aged lady came to him later and criticized him for saying the wrong thing.When Moody heard this, he said to her with tears in his eyes, "You know me the best.You should pray for me." She only knew how to criticize. While her words to Moody were right, her spirit was wrong.Moody was the opposite.His words might have been wrong, but his spirit was right.This should be the attitude of our criticisms.Good tree produces good fruit, corrupt tree produces bad fruit. What we see today in Pentecostalism is a corrupted tree producing only bad fruits!!(Matthew 7
believer (February 17, 2012)
Dear People of God, With much prayers and a burdened heart, i am requesting the entire Pentecostals to leave this evil habit of criticizing each other and focus on evangelism, fasting, praying, and preaching the word. Times are less infront of us. There are hundred thousand of Indian in america to be reached. For sure we should not tolerate adulterous people on our midst, we should throw them out of churches and leadership. However, it should be done within church and not to be publicly through media and news papers. By opening up these arguments to public we are really putting at risk those believer and pastors who are faithfully serving the Lord. Its true there are fake believers, pastors, and ministers at the same time God is the righteous judge and he will surely tell them, depart from me you evil and i do not know you and cast them in fire.So lets pls stop personal criticism and deal all this either inside the church. Else we are itself becoming stumbling block for Gods work
joy chembakasseril. (February 7, 2012)
to brother-- we do not want to loose you, please keep writing ! there are few things in 'journalism" that we need to follow-- 1. always try to follow a courteous moderate path in writing, please do not go to extremes, even though you want to because it may hurt many people, not just one. 2. do not refer any writing pointed directly at a person, unless its something positive,because it may turn into 'character-assassination', 3. never use profane or curse words or languages in writing. not everybody can write good or be a good journalist, the whole world knows that! a lot of people can scribble things and that we know when we read them! bj-journal has not published my article too, which i don't really care, because i got other papers to write! so keep up your talent in writing-- we don't want to miss you, good luck, god bless !!!
a. s. mathew (February 6, 2012)
BROTHER: Thank you for your response. You are correct, there is no

need of spreading the gospel through the Believers Journal, because

the readers are believers. I am sorry that some of your comments

were not published; some of mine were not published because they were

exposing some of the old traditions being blindly followed in the

Episcopal Churches. Please don't stop writing comments. If there are

no comments, many will not read the Believers Journal.
brother (February 6, 2012)
@as mathew.i am real the real need of today. some one asked me shorten the tile, so i am writing brother. lets keep on spreading the good news. not in believers journal. i am stopping writing comments and reading believers journal from today. i guess they are very partial in allowing comments to appear. almost nearly 10 of my comments on different titles were not posted. i atleast thought if i check their website i will find rules and regulation for that. it was funny, when i saw their disclaimer saying,"all the comments expressed are of people and not bj..... ". i dont know why they are filtering, when they have a disclaimer. this is not fair. bye. will some day meet you in person and discuss more.
a. s. mathew (February 6, 2012)
brother sam thomas: please understand that the whole purpose of my

writing of comments is to motivate the readers to catch a new vision

in spreading the gospel to the neighbours and strangers. i do

greatly admire people like you for writing comments at the believers

journal, so that the readers can get new outlook about christian

life-evangelization-traps of the traditions-hidden business

agenda etc etc.
a. s. mathew (February 6, 2012)
brother the real need of today: thank you for your response. let us

all start praying very fervently to send a revival and new vision

in the hearts of the believers to have a new burden and passion to

spread the good news. also, we will have to discourage the business mentality of the christian leaders, and re-direct those

people landing here every three or six months to deliver the same

old sermons; tell them to go to north india or africa to preach the

gospel. by the vast number of religious leaders landing here

regularly from all the denominations, it seems like america is the second nineveh. i am deeply convinced that god is going to use

the believers journal as a tool in a spiritual awakening among the

believers. brother, keep on writing, and we will see the day of harvest one day.
2nd'thotz (February 5, 2012)
this is only a stereo-type thinking !!! " annattheea aatthmavum, enntheea aatthmaavum ennonnillaa- aatthmaavue onneea ulloo ! annattheea aatthmaavil nonnulla vyattyastthamaayi ennattheea aatthmaavu, liberal suvisheeasham, all of this is your fiction-creation ! there is nothing mentioned apart from ' the gospel and truth of holy spirit ! it's your stereo-type thinking; because you are brain-washed to think that way for several years !!!
shaji mathew (February 5, 2012)
to. the real need of today: uncle you have a really long ugly - user name. can you shorten it and make it look good. i wonder why didn't you use a whole paragraph as your user name ! wonder what happened to your artistic-sense !!!
the real need of today (February 5, 2012)
@AS Mathew. Thank you for understanding, the pain with which i was sharing the matter. I am rallying my friends, believer, and pastors for the same cause. Why dont you also start talking about this in churches, youth meeting, and make people aware of the need of the hour, at least in your sphere of influence.
eric (February 5, 2012)
The celebration begins everywhere by P J James,giving mutton biriyani to his followers...hi hi hi..!
kunjachan (February 5, 2012)
Annathe aathmaavil ninnum vyathasthamaaya mattoru aathmaavanu innu vyathasthamaaya alochanakalum vyathasthamaaya oru liberal suviseshavum pracharippikkunnathu.sookshichaal dhukhikkenta ennu maathram. ellaa aathmakkalum deivathil ninnullathalla ennu apostholan ormippikkunnumundallo!!
2nd'thotz (February 5, 2012)
@ kunjachan- Please re-read in my previous segment as---

" annattheea aathma neyooghatthaal nadatthappeettu", Thank you !
2nd'thotz (February 5, 2012)
@ bro kunjachan- patrosum, barnabasum enghaneea VACHANAM padicchennu, ninghalkum ariyilla, agate asthma neyooghatthaal nadhatthapettu ! Systematikkaayi paddhikkaan savakaasam ullappool annghane tthanneea ccheeyanom ! Eekaariyanghal buddhimuttillaatheea manassilaakki eadukkuvaan daivom nighaleea sahaayikkatteea ! God Bless You !
kunjachan (February 4, 2012)
OK. No need of argument on these.let time proove the truth.

Yahwe witness,Christadelphians, Seventh day advtts.,Sabbath mission etc. etc. are studying bible systematically. oh! ethra manikkoor systematic aayittu dhyanichum prarthichum paddichum ockeyaayirunnu pathrose pentakustha naalil prasangichathu alle? barnabaas prasangichathum angane thanne aayirunnallo. athukondu pentecosthil 'janichavar' systematic aayittu paddichu nadakkatte; kalttukal undaakkatte; aathmavil 'janichavar' aathmaavil samsaarikkatte; deiva sabhayude panikku sahayamaayi prayojanappedatte.
a. s. mathew (February 4, 2012)
TRUTH: I salute you for your forthright talk warning the brain washed and blinded followers of the preachers and prophets. The Catholic Church didn't allow the believers to read the Bible, so the Church traditions and the religious hierarchy totally controlled them. Now, believers are reading the Bible and coming out of the old and rusted chain. What is happening at the extreme end at the Pentecostal denominations in India is the mind control of the religious leaders. The belivers will have to open the Bible and study it with an open heart with prayer so that the Holy Spirit will guide and reveal the divine secrets to them.
2nd'thotz (February 4, 2012)
@ kunjachan- oooyennue, the tail of a dog can never be straightened, your ways are almost similar to that. please don't there are too many like you. "daivavachanam veeveeakatthoodum, vevaratthoodum koodi veenom kayyikaariyam cheyaan, allaatheea murukkaan-kadayil erunnu sauwra parayunnai laaghavatthoodeea alla. kunjughaleea pooleea anusarikkanam ennanue allaatheea, .grahikkanam ennalla. bible is refering to the "innocency", kunjughaleea pooleea nisshkalanghathayoodheea anusarikkanam, grahikkanam ennalla paranjhirikkunnathue, bro kunju aaddhyam nannaayi onnu vaayeereu. first thoottsil ccheeyandda, ellaam nannaayi aloochicchu second thoottssil cheeyithaalmathi, drruthi vakkandhaa ! the best doctor is not from the books. eppool pastor p j james cheeyaan pookunnathu namukku kaanaamallo ! pastor kunjappy theeroddhaanam cheeyyithittonum ella, sabha thaaneea thirikeea vilikkum, i think he is indispensable for cog at this juncture !

truth (February 4, 2012)
@Kunjacha. It is true we serve a soveriegn God and he can use any way to do what he wishes. Read and study the bible carefull then you will understand. God love to do everything through his peoplpe and then when they dont listen to him, People do whatever they want and God will never be fulfilled. It goes the same with Sould winning, church growth, and everything. Study the words and read the word. God will guide u in your life to understand the whole counsel of God. Praying for you.
truth (February 4, 2012)
@Kunjachan. Understanding the context is not trusting in own strenght.It is called common sense and literacy. I grew up in Pentecost, but now that i have started studying the word systematically, i started understanding how much non-sense is being taught by our preachers, claiming on the Holy Spirit. i am not talkking genuine pastors, i am talking about people who will preach any point to make their sermon and say the Holy Spirit led. Holy Spirit is not only active when you are in the pulpit, the same Holy Spirit will guide when you study and prepare messages. It takes atleast 10 hours to prepare a good sermon, with prayer and study tools. Sadly we rarely have any preachers who do that in PEntecost and moreover, believers are not ready to accept such preachers as most of the time they will not hear what they liek and pleasing to their ears. That is why people like all thes fake prophets, beleiver and pastors shine so much in the church for new revelations all the time.
kunjachan (February 4, 2012)
dheiva vachanam 1st'thotzle ,aathmaavil,sisukkalepole grahikkuvaan thayyarillathe context nokki bhudhiyil vyaakhyaanikkunna 2nd'thotz karellaavarum koodi upadesichu upadesichu kunjappy pastare vellathilakki. Iniyum upadesichu athil thanne mukki kollathirunnaal mathiyayirunnu. nerbhudhiyil dhyaanichu addheham iniyum rakshappedumaayirunnu. pakshe- enthucheyyaam....! chuttum ninnu helleluiah paadiyirunnavar sathrukkalayirunnu ennu arinjilla ennu kunjappy pastor thanne suviseshanaadhathil ezhuthiyittumundallo!!
kunjachan (February 3, 2012)
one who is dedicated and got appointment from heaven cannot be defended by any man or organisation rules from reaping souls.
a.s. mathew (February 3, 2012)
the real need of today: i do agree with you 101%. we have gone too far to the extreme in exalting many man-made holiness and blindly worshipping traditions. it is very very true as you have stated, if jesus is coming to our worship service, the holiness folks will not give him a place to sit down due to his different dress. another point you have stated is an urgent issue. our young people are not motivated to come forward in developing their talents and spiritual gifts because the older saints want to control everything. whether it is in the local church of national level, some sitting at the top don't want to shift the location of their seats to a new comer. that is pure selfishness, but they will not admit it.
the real need of today (February 3, 2012)
@all youth around the world.If u r passionate about the serving the lord and wants to see a revival, and change in ur church, community, ur personal life,These r my suggestions for u.1.Dont wait for opportunities on Sunday pulpit, those pharisees may never give one.2. Start a prayer group right in ur room or at a convenient place with ur friend 3. Start praying, worshiping, and studying the word.4. At the same be accountable to some one whom you can trust and who has more experience than you 5. Submit ur ways to the Lord, u will soon see in another year u will become the catalyst of revival in ur community, church, family and more over your life will be transformed. Then none can stop the move of God in your life and ur friends. Then we would not even need to fight for a change, we will itself become the channel of revival, that no man can stop. Yes its time, start with a prayer group.Don't think again, u are the chosen one to change your city,you are anointed and appointed.Hallelujah
the real need of today (February 3, 2012)
Every mallu pente churches around the world irrespective of the size of the church,needs a youth pastor.These are my suggestions.1. Appoint a youth pastors, who has a theological degree along with secular education 2.Youth pastor will be accountable(morally)to church pastor&board.3. All expenses(major) needs prior permission of the board 4.Request &Allow the youth of the church to meet for a time of prayer,praise and worship, and studying the word on any evening during the week days(pls adults attend ur session nd nt the uth, dnt worry they wnt make out or have sx in church).5.Allow the youth to be creative, and independent 6. Pastor oversee, if any heresy is being taught by the youth pastor, if so he can correct(provided pastor, committe knows the difference between hersy and tradtion)7.If church can afford, provide a salary for the YP.PLs do this if u expect youth to be Xtian, attend church after their college.If so many young people wil step in to serve the Lord full time. Cntd.
the real need of today (February 3, 2012)
in some of churches, i doubt even jesus christ himself will be given membership&communion. because he would be wearing long arabic style of dress, with long beard, etc. the second greatest need of our proud, and arrogant pentecostal churches is the need for youth pastors in all the churches. i know, here also jesus christ himself will fail to meet the requirement, greatest example is ipc hebron, dallas.they have been luking for a youth pastor for more than 10 yrs so far none qualified. haleluah. is any one worried of their younger generation. you are only worried about securing your power and position. why this inferiority complex to appoint youth pastors. this is what i dont understand, most of the pastors preach, they started serving the lord at very young age of 17 or in their 20 but now they are older and they wouldn even allow a young man to exhort in the church. i wonder if these pastors think we dont reach puberty at 17 or in 20's. cntd 3...
the real need of today (February 3, 2012)
@kunjacha,@AS Mathew,@ipc pastor,@sam mathew. we r known for prayer, evangelism&preaching.However,the greatest challenge is since no historical&contextual preaching is applied,there r so many wrong beliefs and practises that we teach&practise&give more importance than saving a soul.Traditions are gud, but remember growing up Christ broke all man made traditions.Some of the major areas where false teaching/practises exists are regarding,"Verpad,Vishudi,dress code,style of worship&prayers,Worship order,holy music,ornaments,giving,holy sunday,holy friday,prophecies,porattam,bandhnam,demon every where,abhicharam,kudothram,white dress code,holy communion,marriage,descrimination basesd on caste, skin color, money,&religion,"using the term "convert"for xtian from hindu back ground(we syrian xtian forget for God we were all gentiles)". I am challengin a generation to preach and teach against all these & Preach Christ, who has died to save a wretch like me. Haleluah!!! Cntd
2nd'thotz (February 3, 2012)
Ouukaayeaa - Sam brother, well said, quote-'Stand like a board erected with its post routed deep in the soil under the sea',- and the board will be covered with fungus and weeds in the sea,soon the sea will swallow them and the board not knows where it was-- gud,good,escallent!quote-'Gospel cannot be like an othalanga',true,true and it is true,but should be like a 'maakkree' swimming up and down in the water!Both of you Bro Kunjachan and you keep on praying so that God may grant the wisdom to understand Bible in the proper perspective! Be a cheerful giver, 'let the world know how much you giving,then again not for your personal glory,but for heaven's glory',and not be a small giver in secrecy or seclusion',your giving should motivate others too!Bro A S Mathew is right, be a cheerful giver! 'The mind set-up is the key' here,if you give in grumbling,due to social liability,you won't be Blessed,for sure! Please don't see everything wrong,Pr:Kunjappy was motivating!
a. s. mathew (February 3, 2012)
Cond:- Is it Biblical? " Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver" 2 Cor 9:7. Giving money to have their name on the wall is simply based on "necessity and pressure". On the other hand, if the name is not displayed, many won't give and the building won't be constructed. According to the communist ideology " the end justifies the means". How to make the proper conclusion of this situation?
a. s. mathew (February 3, 2012)
BROTHER KUNJACHAN: You have pointed out your finger to a very urgent

spiritual crisis gradually taking over the religious world. Please

don't misunderstnad my comment, I am not talking about any individual

but talking about the situation as a whole.

In my younger days, after the convention, when the love offering

was counted, it was always far less and hardly any currency but

only coins. Even the spiritually high-minded person will look for

the coins to put in the offering bucket.

Then somebody will take the chicken egg, and put in an auction.

The 25 naya paisa egg is sold for Rs. 3.00, then that person will

give back the same egg, and somebody else will auction that for

Rs. 4.00. The financial balance sheet of the convention will turn

from red to blue very fast. Putting the name of the people on the wall contributing more than Rs. 50000.00 is the same technique.
san thomas (February 3, 2012)
Contd... if all sectors of true believers preach and teach the same in unity, the Holy Spirit will lead the world to a pure spiritual movement again. This is to be the real 'UNARVU' at this end time. Let us pray and act to achieve the target for which Heaven looks down to earth eagerly before the closure.
sam thomas (February 3, 2012)
@ Kunjachan-good,let us pray for the best.we should have a firm vision on the cannot be like an'OTHALANGA'or coconut fell in the sea,half of which will be visible above the water level and the rest under the water.By a wind or wave it will revolve and move to where ever it is forced,to be safe.Revelation of the gospel is a pearl revealed to us.we must stand with it like a board erected with its post routed deep in the soil under the sea.the board will stand clearly obvious to all at any time. nothing can change its position or hide the message written on it.Hearing, believing, obeying, proclaiming and witnessing of gospel is the most important as it is the matter concerning to eternity which cannot be negotiated after our death. Contd...
2nd'thotz (February 3, 2012)
@ kunjachen- contd_1 i don't go by exact word meanings, and i believe bible should be read out of context! "these verses to me only mean-- do not do anything for you personnel fame, god and he only deserves praise, because he is the creator! here the people giving are not asking for fame and pr: kunjappy is also not trying to get fame. he is only trying to motivate a giving. i don't see anything wrong in it and i am with pr: kunjappy on that. you are just over-reacting!
2nd'thotz (February 3, 2012)
@ kunjachan- quote- mathew 6:1-4, careful not to practice your righteousness in front of people,to be seen by them.otherwise, you will have no reward from your father in whenever you give to the poor,don't sound a trumpet before you,as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets,to be applauded by people.i assure you:they've got their reward!3.but when you give to the poor,don't let your left hand know what your right hand is that your giving may be in secret. and your father who sees in secret will reward you.-- this are the verses in the bible you have taken as a reference to your argument that pr: kunjappy is wrong. "i think you are just over reacting" most churches publish in their church records as to who gave how much for what purpose and the church -members see and read it atleast in the general-body meeting. this verses only proves that you won't be rewarded and nothing else. i don't go by word meaning- contd_1
ipc pastor (February 3, 2012)
@ ups clerk sam mathew,even if i am a pastor of an ipc church,as a well wisher and a spectator who really want to see the development of cog.i was born and brought up in cog and i really love to see cog head quarters built of new buildings like other churches .
kunjachan (February 2, 2012)
Contd....Appointed leaders in all sectors of believers must remember that their appointment is to teach and guide the God's chosen,by renewing of their mind always, to qualify for the rapture; not for the personal boasting, comforts and enjoyments. It is really a heavy cross loaded on them. but most of the leaders ignore this fact , give chance to Satan to make the sectors of believers a subject to laugh and shame among the worldly religions, blocking many from getting saved by Jesus in the real sense. They are blocking the Holy spirit this situation all efforts under the name of gospel is added to shame. Please let all leaders to sit together to find out the falls and to have a renewal of mind to reach the real goal. Pr. kunjappy has nothing to bother on the present criticism. when he get right god will use him more effectively than he was. we pray.
kunjachan (February 2, 2012)
@ 2nd'thotz. I don't think anybody is crucifying pr. kunjappy. really he is a man with proper capacity to organise. But when he declared the names of those contributing above Rs.50000/- will be written on the walls of the complex to exhibit for remembrance for generations to come, it was directly against the word of God, matt.6:1-4. This matter was pointed out to pr. kunjappy by email and write-ups,but not cared.also he is always preaching and writing about the need of perfect holy and separated Christian life of believers. but those are very liberal in these matters were also accepted as his right hands and projected them. by these he ignored the real fight in the spiritual world. being an appointed man by God to lead a sector of the believers, when the word of god was ignored, satan took the chance and claimed him to fall, making disappointment among the believers. Contd...
2nd'thotz (February 2, 2012)
@ agpastor- eacchhuuss me please, don't mis-understand me, why pr:kunjappy is a constant debating point here, I think somebody is deliberately sponsoring it.
a. s. mathew (February 2, 2012)
brother sam thomas: your comment was very timely. who is preaching

about the second coming of christ? who is concerned with the

evangelization? the church world lost those things, and it seems

like we are living in heaven on this earth; and adding up more and

more things for eternity on this earth. by watching all this religious shows of

arrogance in all the denominations, god is simply laughing at us.

we blame the idol worship, but many of these shows are turned like

"idol worship" but we will not admit that reality.
ag pastor (February 2, 2012)

Why do you keep bringing Kunjappy's name in the conversation?

His chapter is over and let him take some time off from overseer postion. He maybe good or bad only God knows his true intention.Lets do what God wants us to do. Do not listen to the preachers blindly. Focus on christ and you will be blessed.
2nd'thotz (February 2, 2012)
Don't we all remember,other churches also initiated similar things before,not just Church of God,like giving names of bigger contributors to certain portion or rooms of the building, its only meant for building a motivation to donate money.I don't see nothing wrong in it!"nammal kaanunnathineea ellaam kuttom parayaruthue"

Ofcourse,struggling pastors should be supported.Pakshe sabhayil unndakunna money ellaam avarkku veethikkaanulla thallaa.

The desire for spreading the Gospel and spending money on behalf of that is highly appreciated,Pakshe athinntteea peril kaasshadicchi mattalleea! Aarenghilum aammaacchenmaarum,uppaapenmaarum,okkeea paassttorumaaraayullavaar aanu enghaneea vaadhikkunnathu!

Besides when you build a construction[building],its so evident that the money is spent right there on it! I don't think Pr Kunjappy is corrupt,many people are ganging-up against him because,many don't like him for his Style of conducting things! You all going to see
sam thomas (February 2, 2012)
it is learnt here even the poorest pastor was crushed to contribute to the office complex fund of cog. Actually was the construction of a 'star' office complex(like "let us make a name for ourselves" gen.11:4), essential at this time where all are preaching the second coming of Jesus Christ is very near? this is the time to spend as much money as possible for preaching the true gospel, not with the presence of costly film people,but by the anointed God's men and to help the poor & needy. when the stage for proclamation of gospel is decorated by the socially prominent personality they will be the attraction point of the audience and the presence of the Holy Spirit is ignored. By this the time and money spend goes in vain. Projecting the human personality by words and photographs of preachers is another great hurdle to gospel. deivam thante mahathwam mattarkkum vittukodukkukayillallo!!
ups clerk (February 2, 2012)
@ipc pastor. Why cant you stop talking nonsense and just tell the truth. why cant you Praise God and not human beings...
sam mathew (February 2, 2012)
Paara vaikkalle IPC paastare, please.
joy chembakasseril. (February 2, 2012)
to sam thomas-- that's a good suggestion you made,

"the excess money of the affluent rich churches should be shared to the poor unfortunate churches"- 'pakshea poocchakkaaru manikettoom'.

there should be a strong organizational set-up for that.

"evidheea sabhaa aaathenghilum paastereea sthalom maattiyaal,

aaah maattiyadhattheea sabhayileea kooreea kunnjhaadukaleea konndu paassttaru muungoom"

learn from catholics for that, the organisation!

when their pope talks from 'vertican city', they listen !!!
ipc pastor (February 1, 2012)
We were amazed to see the rapid growth of cog under the leadership of respected Pr M.Kunjappy for just 3 years ..he is an outstanding personality with leadership quality. P J James would'nt be the same.
noby (February 1, 2012)
@sam thomas,Daiva dasanmaare sahayikkuvan cog pole vere oru sabhakalum innu Keralathil illa
biju (February 1, 2012)
few suggestion's for new overseer,change your dress code,avoid wearing sandals in any occasion,comp your hair,don't use filthy languages during your speech, pls do not arrive for any meeting before the time is fixed.come to the stage on a stipulated can do it .
rajeev (February 1, 2012)
@ church of god member,I don't think this as a burden for poor pastors,because they give tithe correctly than others.In contradiction to this, there are pastors who earns more than 65 thousand are not ready to pay tithe.I am talking about these pastors.
sam thomas (February 1, 2012)
all the Pentecostal organisations must have a vision that the money received by them for the gospel work is to support the gospel workers including pastors under the organisation. if they are starving naturally they will seek out of track sources for income for survival.then they will be forced to be liberal in doctrines to please all who support him.

Deiva velakkulla panam adichu polichulla proudy kaanikkuvaanalla chelavidentathu,pavappetta pastor maarku mannyamaayi jeevikkuvaaullathu kodukkanam. aarkkenkilum oru gathikedundaayittu prarthippikkuvaan vannittu panam kittuvaan bharyayum kunjungalum ulppade prarthichukondirikkuvaan idayakkaruthu. Sabhayude pushti aathmarthathayulla deivadaasanmaar anubhavikkuvaan idayaakanam.

sampannanmaarude sabhakalil ulla varumaanam kendram vazhi paavappettavarude sabhakalile pastormaarkum koodi labhyamaakkanam. enkile sabhayam sareerathile ella avayavangalkkum nalla arogyavum vachanam sariyaayi patippikkuvanulla dhairyavum undaa
church of god member (February 1, 2012)
@rajeev they are giving correct tithe every month to COG. Apart from these these one month salary is a great burden. You don't how the poor pastors surviving in these fast moving world. They have so many needs other than these gospel work. Some pastors has good bank balance to give.. but most of the pastors are facing financial problems.
alex j (January 31, 2012)
89th cog convention was going well,but after 3 day's some dirty politicians among the pastors played a dirty game and spoiled the total atmosphere of the convention.This was an unwanted issue made to ridicule Pr M.Kunjappy.This is ridiculous...!
rajeev (January 31, 2012)
@ church of god member,you said giving 1 month salary ,as if it is a crime. Let me tell you ,he did'nt tell to give the full salary at one stretch.he meant to give salary until the amount is paid gradually. As we see in Acts 2 vs 45 and Acts 4 vs 32 to 37,says that the followers of Jesus shared and sold properties to give out to who ever it is needed.It can be for any need for the kingdom of god.whoever give will be blessed,he never forced any one to give.
a. s. mathew (January 31, 2012)
contd:- he told that if he didn't have a benz car, nobody will respect him. i am not telling that the achens-bishops and pastors should live like swamis, but this trend of having the most expensive things for personal use is totally contradicting what jesus has taught us to do. jesus never exhorted his followers to give special offering to peter or mathew, but repeatedly taught to give to the poor. worldwide, the poor spend upto 75% of their income for food, whereas in the u.s., we spend 10% of our income for food. one out of every four children in developing countries is underweight. around the world 925 million people go hungry on a daily basis. as believers and followers of christ, we will have to show some serious concern for the suffering people in our churches-neighbourhood and country.
a. s. mathew (January 31, 2012)
brother church of god member: our lord jesus taught very clearly to wash the feet to be a leader, also the real nature of the follower of christ must be a "cross bearer". when the appoint time comes, whether that is in the pentecostal or episcopal churches, it is totally different than jesus has indicated. those people with underlying or top connections- diplomatic-good fund raiser (graduated from the prosperity gospel university) etc are appointed to the big and powerful churches in india and abroad. i wonder, whether the church leadership is influenced by the late rajaneesh of oregon, who had dozens of rolls royce cars.

my friend called me to tell that his bishop scolded the church memember that they must be ashmed of the 3 bed room house of the

achen. my relative who is the priest of another church told me years back that his

former seminary friend visited the u.s. as their bishop,

church of god member (January 31, 2012)
@ cog well wisher what you have said is totally correct. there are so many church of god pastor who faces financial problems here. in these times, pr kunjappy took 1 month salary of every pastors to this cog complex building. there are number of pastors in cog who don't have a house. cog is not taking initiative to make shelter for them to stay when they are in old age, instead they making hifi settings to the leaders. the cog also offering good churches to council members, political pastors and relatives to the overseer,etc. but poor pastor who serving lord with the cog are not getting good churches. they are still in a poor church even they completed more than 20 or 25 years in church of god. even i am not a pastor , i have personal experiance with these.
ipc believer (January 31, 2012)
as we humans we make mistakes ,,but we need to forgive others,,not just hurting others and making false arguments against others ,,

we need to clear mind this church is church of god ,,and we need to show respect and humility to others ,,if we are not showing that we are not in right path,,

dear brothers and sisters ,,may god help us in coming days to show the right path and god strenghthens us in coming days,,
a. s. mathew (January 31, 2012)
Contd:- are not reaching the needy people. We must give generously, and we must be have four eyes to watch, how that money is spent. It won't hurt the vast majority of the Ministers in India to exaggerate the expenditures, adding up more colourful but totally unnecessary attachments to milk more money from the generous donors. For them, money is cheaply found on the road side of America.
a. s. mathew (January 31, 2012)
contd:- brother bitter truth, i do agree with you that the generous people of the u.s. gave away millions of dollars for the ministry in india, but a great majority of the indian ministers have kept a good share of the ministry or charity money in their pockets. a few years back, one gospel minister died in kerala, he had several crores of rs worth real estate. how this can be? while eating lunch with the founder of one of the richest christian foundation in the u.s., i was quite surprised to hear about the money they have sent to some ministers in india, and some of them are living in big mansions, simply showing the pictures of the slums of india. our money donated to some u.s. charities in the u.s., only 10% will reach the needy and desperate people, but 90% is used and wasted for salary and other highly expensive spending of the organization. likewise, a whole lot of money we give to some indian ministries contd:
a. s. mathew (January 31, 2012)
brother bitter truth: what you have said is very true: that thousands of people are coming to christ in north india. one minister told me in haryana that when he used to preach in the street 25 years back. even 10 people didn't show up, but now it may be 300 people. we need to focus our attention; how we all can do something to spread the good news of the gospel to the masses of india. we are blessed due to the fact that our forefathers came to know jesus christ personally. if we love people, we will have to share the goods news to the masses of india. when i made several trips through the road in north india, i was broken hearted to see the number of people standing in front of many small idol worshipping places, also feeding the fat red monkey to get blessings from god. even though very eagerly i was looking for some building with a cross, after miles of journey in himachal pradesh, i saw only one catholic hospital. cond:-
siby (January 31, 2012)
@ Sam,You are right,only the time will bring out the truth,you are not able to prove it,so we will wait and see what kind of a person P J James would be.
bitter truth (January 31, 2012)
@Sam. Talking about corruption. Do you know corruption is not just in Kerala. Many of those leaders of COG in North India, have been sitting in their positions for long and are in the good books of sayippu. You know why? They have tried to do nothing, except be happy with their salaries given by sayippu and act holy. Some of them have come to states multiples times and have amassed huge wealth for north india and use for personal expenses. Some others they prefer doing nothing, than keeping their chair and position safe. Massive amount of people are coming to the lord daily in North India, what are those COG leaders in North doing. Some of them have been in those position for decades, looking after few churches. i am sorry for my tone, but it really breaks my heart. Also i want to talk about those convention preachers who always condem projects and charities. How could you preachers say those, when you all have lakhs and lakhs of rupees invested in different avenues.
babu (January 31, 2012)
@Sam. Listen please give me your number. I want to talk to you. Pr. Kunjappy is corrupt, there is no second opinion about it. He stayed in power with the support of gundas&corrupt believers.I can name them all but dont want to.If needed i will. However, not all pastors who supported him are corrupted. Many respected him and obeyed him as their elected leader. Pls dont speak like balan, generalizing every one. Jesus,disciples,apostles etc hanged out with prostitutes, tax collectors, samaritans, but was he sinning with them, did he approve their sinful ways.No. It is right and just to support a selected official, so please dont call every one corrupt. Pr Kunjappy was not ready to correct his actions, so he got what he deserved. All he have done for COG before power was feeding some pastors during convention and conduct service with the presence of police at puthupally COG. He started aiming administration, when no church was ready to take him as pastor.However,he was an anointed man
rajeev (January 31, 2012)
@ Sam,Its better you say,satan will prove,because you failed to point out what is wrong with are the right hand of satan.Brother siby asked you to prove your argument.But you are an utter failure.Satan is the father of lies and you are simply lying,because you heard the aligations from someone.shame on you..!
sam (January 30, 2012)

God will prove who is right or wrong. By the way anyone can keep going in out of this site and click like or dislike. This is a pure joke. Only time will bring out the truth. So i need to prove what wrong Kunjappy did? He gets the benefit of doubt? Only time will bring the truth.
siby (January 30, 2012)
@ Sam,did pr Kunjappy stolen anything from you.??can you give a clear evidence to show that Pr Kunjappy used donations for his personal goals.??do you have courage to prove it ..pls ..If not curses will be on you and your generation.
ipc believer (January 30, 2012)
@cog well wisher&all cog people. all the cog pastors and believers should learn from us. we support our pastors very well and have taken great care to build house of worship and parsonage. when we honored our pastors, who work for the lord. god has blessed us indeed.look at how many full time paid pastors we have in usa earning from $2000-$6000. we happily support them.we have brought so many pastors on r1.i dont think cog has even one full time paid pastor. most of cog members in usa either worship in ipc, ag or sharon.cog pastors who came here decades ago have done nothing or very little for cog. churches like queens,ebenezer,atlanta,east dallas,etc itself can support hundreds of pastors in india. we in ipc we fight, we disagree, we have politics but that does not stop us from serving lord and supporting gods work. if i am wrong please visit cog parsonages in kerala, most of them look like one bedroom "outhouse".
rajeev (January 30, 2012)
@ag believer , P J James is going to drink more water,coz its not that easy to be an overseer in cog.being a prime minister of India is much more easier.
sam (January 30, 2012)
i am stating the truth. if that is called condemnation, then so be it.

i have not done anything wrong if pointed out. so now i have a question for you to ask pr. kunjappy.if he has used money that came as donation for lords work for his own personal goals? if he states that he has not then i will be fine. the reason for my uproar is not for supporting anyone. i dont want hard earned money being used for builing pastor villas and mansions in kerala. this is pure treachery.

call me any name you want.
ag believer (January 30, 2012)
what is this???,,i don't think even if kunjappy is gone,,p j james knows how to administer,,he is well equipped,,and there are some poltically parties in church of god,ken anderson,dennis herper,,came and told to put election in church of god..even though kunjappi personal secretary..came and scolded dennis herper..

is this too shame to church of god,,

i am not criticizing anybody,as we are all humans we make mistakes,some times ,once i heard church of god is better than ipc,AG,sharon,,but now fate is same as other organisations,,i heared once church of god was once good now it is full of cheaters and POLTICALLY......

siby (January 30, 2012)
Those of you condemn Pr M. kunjappy will face the consequences in the years to come.He is a servant of God and atleast give him some respect.especially sam ,God will judge you for your evil words against Kunjappy.I suspect you are James himself writing in this forum.
a. s. mathew (January 30, 2012)
the first time i spoke with a translator was at grace bible college

in 2006. the students came from all the states and foreign countries,

students who spoke more than 40 different languages were in the

audience. after those great spiritual experiences of life, when i

landed in the u.s., i felt very moody. if we start visiting the

missionary fields of north india, it will totally change our visions

about the ministry as a whole. we can feel a minute dose of heaven

while meeting those delightful people; some of them don't have

a good pair of clothins or a full meal, but they are very happy in

the lord. we must do everything and anything possible to spread the

good news of the gospel to as many people as possible, which will

make us very happy and our brothers working in the field.

sam (January 30, 2012)
all the one who supported or even supporting kunjappy is either corrupt or be called carnal. i see plenty on this forum supporting him tooth and nails. money is the source of evil. dont get mad at me. i am not supporting any one person. anyone who is syphoning money meant for gods work for their personal use can be compared to blasphemy.
a. s. mathew (January 30, 2012)

in each big city, believers of different denominations who are having

a zeal of missionary work must get together. let them make a visit

to those states of india where the gospel is now spreading rapidly.

meet those people who are working through greater struggles and

help them. for 25 cents, an hindi new testament can be distributed.

when we blow our money for adding more to our comfort zone spiritual

experience, we are simply wasting our hard earned money. if we check

with well established bible colleges like grace bible college, there

are hundreds of graduates, ready to get into the field but lacking

basic needs; dr. paul pillia and the college would be greatly

delighted to introduce hundreds of them who came to the christian

faith from non-christian background. even though we can't go and

preach in the villages of india, these children of god will do the

a. s. mathew (January 30, 2012)
cog wellwisher: brother, speak that truth so loudly so that believers of all denominations, especially of the indian pentecostal denominations can get a new vision. here, the tithe money is collected to blow lavishly for many programmes in the congregations, then for the high flying visitors for their big projects. but the sad reality of suffering of the thousands of ministers in our home land is totally ignored. the tithe doctrine is not in the new testament, it is taken from the old testament. jesus and the apostles taught very firmly about giving and we must give with a cheerful heart, and god will bless abundantly. as you have stated, certain percentage of the money collected must be used for supporting financially suffering ministers and their families. many people who are coming to the christian faith in north india are greatly suffering. we have a spiritual and ethical responsibility to help them. contd:-
cog wellwisher (January 29, 2012)
i dnt know the salary scale in middle east. so let me talk about usa. on an average,almost 80% of pentecostal family in usa makes a minimum of 65k-80k annually. that means a tithe of $6500-8000 dollars, what if we decide to just separate $500-$1000 of tithe to support the ministry in india at large&use the remaining tithe of $6000-$7000 to support our church in usa. even, that small amount of $500-$1000 annually from each family can bring a total change in the living, and working conditions of our pastors in india. therefore, they will get more time to concentrate on the ministry than trying to spend time and effort to feed their own family. i dnt know if i can go &live in india, due to many reasons. the least i thought i can do is to pray and support those suffering pastors and believers. lets think big people of god. most of us started with nothing, but god has blessed us so much,that we forget we are blessed to bless others, otherwise we should never have become xtian.
cog wellwisher (January 29, 2012)
why dont we take up each pastor,district, zone nd support them directly instead of giving to corrupt leaders. i heard from america the biggest contribution was from metro. more than 50k towards bible college. i am sure the churches in uk, middle east, usa&other countries can do much towards the growth of cog. after all its not about cog, its about expanding the kog. souls is all that matters. we are all faithful in giving, but most of the money is gone for visiting prophets, pastors who many times dont deserve much compared to those who shed their sweat&blood for ministry in india. on the visitors too, how many cog pastors are visiting, not many, most of them are independent or desire here is not to create a war between cog&ipc but it really broke my heart when i understood the truths. most of our pastors are faithful&passionate but since, mt.zion have failed to bring out quality graduates with bd,mdiv, or mth, they lack in many instead of fighting lets work together.
cog welwisher (January 29, 2012)
dear@joy,reji,pr,mathew,ommen,philip,tom,& all cog members.i have some bitter truths to share. i went to india&vistied many of cog churches, & talked to pastors and believers. there is no doubt that pr.kunjappy was corrupt.he had support of few pastors and believers for many of his corrupt actions.those pastors who opposed him, he made sure they were threatened or troubled.unlike ipc, i saw these things too.only 30% percent of the churches are self sufficient and have hall and parsonage and almost 40% of the pastors are well off. remaining 60% are still living to meet their daily needs, as the churches cant support them. most pastors&believers in ipc who have gone abroad have taken personal interest to sponsor their churches, districts and pastors. as a result ipc have produced more educated&self sufficient pastor&they have grown. we also came to states 30 yrs ago but only recently we are taking some interest in supporting ks on a regular basis. cntd....
church of god member (January 29, 2012)
@reji ekm..Do you know how kunjappy elected as overseer 4 years ago??. if you know these details you won't say the moses story?.Church of god members know who is kunjappy and who is james.

.The election according to the bible is to select a person filled wisdom and spirit as mentioned in acts of apostle.. church of god is not following because of the gunda leaders.. Church of God should do election with the presence of prayer and as according to the bible(acts of apostle)
church of god member (January 29, 2012)
before some years , there was a pastors conference in icpf camp centre , muttumon, that time there was an issue with the icpf from the church of god leadership. even the icpf asks for their expense due to the church of god pastors conference..some gundas of kunjappy pr. made wrong arguments with prof. mathew p thomas. anybody remebering that issues?? church of god should remove these gundas from the church. most of the council members elected are political guys. we can't believe tat guys. james sir ithinu valare munpe overseer akendathannu.kc john prku vendi ovrseer sthanathu matsarikathe maari ninnatanu kurae varshangalku munpu. adehathe patti church of god il sadharana viswasikalkku polum ariyam. kunjappy pastor pokkology ariyavunna aaal ayathukondu kvphilip brotherinu polullavarkku valare ishtapedum.. pramanam ullavane daivasanidiyil vijayikku... james sir mulakuzayil panita bible college building kandal arkum manasilakum james sirne kondu developmentinu prayasamila ennu
roymon (January 29, 2012)
hello reji, who was elected like moses? Kunjappy? K c john? P a v sam? Ee lokathilonnumalle ningal jeevikkunnath? Ningalano p j jamesinu kazhivu koduthath? Sure anennu paranjathukond chodichatha. Show kanikkunnavara kazhivullavar ennano reji chindikkunnath. Kunjappy cheithathinte falam pulli anubhavichu. Athinu james enth pizhachu? Have a little commonsence.
pr dani (January 29, 2012)
@cog member,you are right,the newly elected council members are all young and not spiritual at all.All gundas and chattambies .
reji ekm (January 29, 2012)
was moses elected by a preference ballot.....?????????? it happens only in church of god by hepner. that's why pr kunjappy was de throned by p j kunjappy is an efficient leader .. p j james is not up to the mark. sure..!
cog member (January 28, 2012)
chruch of god le problem thiranamekil belivers munotuu varanam alathe pastor mar vicharichal matram ith onum thiran pokunila...prathikan polum ariyathe pastors inu council undu aranu avare jayipichu vittathu ee pastors ale.....ingane ulla karayathil visvasikal prethikarikanm ingane ulla pastors chrchil ninu matii nirthanam...pastors ethum kanikam enna nilapadi ayirunu ee convention kandathu...ithu onnum oru christian papers polum vanila ipc ethekilum problem undekil athu ela paper ilum varum..pls daivamakale namuk prathikam ethum parayanum kanikanum thatedam ulla pastor mar cog leadership varathe athimiyam ullavar varan.......visvasikal chindik ithinu oru matam varumooo enekilum..
tom (January 28, 2012)
@cog member

What is wrong in using the COG fund and using to build some flats?

Maybe he(Kunjapy) put the title in his name, but thats nothing wrong.

He is still a servant of god plus he is the overseer. Give him some lax brothers. He may have used some gondas for his own personal safety. What is wrong with that? Even if he is lakhpathy what is wrong with that?
cog member (January 28, 2012)
During the final message in COG Pr Kunju was saying that there was zero balance when he took charge. He was promising things with the Bible as well. However, the truth is there was more than 5olakh rupees in fixed deposit when he took charge as overseer. Where did that money disappear, if he claims that there was zero balance. He acted like a dictator through out his tenure as overseer with the strength of gundas and some forces from perumbavor. Now COG Pastors have clearly shown that, they do not need the influence of an external corrupt black mailing agency to outset corrupt leaders unlike IPC.
a believer (January 28, 2012)
kv philip, if u know who is d district pastor who recieve 50 thousand rupes from james, why dont u mention d name. P j jamesine thankalk ottum ariyilla. Credintial illathavar vote cheithath aarkkanennu thankalk enganariyam? Kunjappikkanennu paranjal ningal sammathikkumo? Balot paper thale divasam rathriyil pathanamthitta districtil thanneya adichath. Allath americayil alla. Ente frienda aa pressinte owner. Addeham enne vilich paranjatha. Ee karyam kunjappikko, jamesino cog yile oru pastorkkum ariyilla. Vayil thonnunnath kothak paatt enna reethiyil iniyelum philip samsarikkaruth. P c cheriyante thanthrangal ningalekkal nannayi p j jamesinu ariyam. Veruthe vachakamadich vayanakkare confusion aakkaruth. Athu ningalk nallathalla. Ith deivathinte sabhaya. Kunjappydeyo jamesinteyo, cheriyanteyo sabha alla.
reji ekm (January 28, 2012)
Abhishekham ulla David ne poozhi vaari eriyunna,shapikunna shimayi marude kaalam anu ithu ,Abhishekham ulla Pr Kunjappy ye poozhi vari eriyunna shimayimarku ayyo kashtam.
cog (January 27, 2012)
to ipc pastor:remove k c john and like minded people from ipc itself and then talk about kunjappy or james!!
simon (January 27, 2012)
@ Sam, I believe what kvphilip says is seems like you are more critical than any one else and you are more extreem..!
ipc pastor (January 27, 2012)
i think there is no substitute for pr m kunjappy..,he is an outstanding personality.why because,cog is growing rapidly under his leadership.i never believe any aligation against him. pr p j james may be an educated person, but need not to be effective like kunjappy. i am just wondering,how dare people condemn a man of god like james may not know how to handle situational crisis and has no commanding power.!

kvphilip (January 27, 2012)
@Sam ,You deserve no answer may be living in US,but I am a poor man living in India..
mathews (January 27, 2012)
Who will be the overseer after James pastor
sam (January 27, 2012)
@kvphilip You are calling me wicked for what? What are you? Saint? Dont try to quote verses from bible and tell me to read it. When I talked about Kunjappy, it hurt your feelings right? That is pretty natural for someone who so attached to a person like him. You are like those fake preachers who like to quote verses from bible and have no real life of their own. There plenty in India as well in USA.
cog believer (January 27, 2012)
bro. k v philp how long you know pr. kunjappy. i do believe you and sam are correct, i have only one question, if you are real and preach against ornaments is it right to keep pr. p r baby in your church and allow him to preach in general convention, is it right to allow br. samkutty (ithratholam uyarthya deyvathunu stotharam)lic in the church for business. is it right to put banner of josco hospital in the convention ground and prach about a healing jesus. most of these preachers are came with a quilt to the cog and leaving with a ship or multiple ships. is this is what we call role models. if any church is affiliated with cog the pastors of the church should not be in any official position of cog. can you please find out pr. shibu's church is affiliated or part of cog. if it is affiliated can he resign from all positions, if not can you please officially handover the church in thiruvalla to cog. br. k v philip can you please work on this and let the forum know about this. please
nathan (January 27, 2012)
first step - pr kunjappykku ethire uumakathu purthirakki
second step - pazhaya councilo puthiya council le 6 members ariyathe sayippine pockatilakki.
third step - otaa divasam kondu election prkyapichu.
forth step- council ellectionil cash koduthu vote vangi chiler jeyichu. nalla kure senior pastors ne tholpichu
think ethelam correct enkil pr.kunjappyum correct annu
kvphilip (January 26, 2012)
@ Sam ,I am so sad and worried about you Sam..because you are one among the wicked people..I don't really want you to destroy your life on earth without any purpose,so live with a purpose.god will open new ways for you.I am not defending Pr Kunjapy, just want to draw your attention what is right.Truth always be truthful.Jesus loves you bro..pls also read[1 Corinthians 3: 1 to 9,].
a. s. mathew (January 26, 2012)
brother arunraj: jesus christ is the author and finisher of our faith. he died for our sins. look to jesus and he will guide you. we must respect god's children but never put too much trust in any denominational leaders because they are all human beings.
thomas vemmelil (January 26, 2012)
Arunraj:- I truly understand your situation. But Bible does not allow anyone to be your role model whosoever it may be. It was impossible indeed even to those 12 disciples to fully receive Jesus as their role model even after following Him for three and a half years. Yet, when Christ became the "The Life giving spirit" at His resurrection He was blown into His disciples as Life.(1Cor.15:45) At the very moment onwards the disciples stopped the concept of "following" but began "growing" in Christ. Without knowing the difference between the spirit and the soul, we will never be able to experience Christ as life in a practical way. It is too shallow to say even Christ is our role model while He Himself is our life. "I am crucified with Christ; It is no longer I who live but it is Christ who lives in me."(Gal.2:20)
alex (January 26, 2012)
Who's will be the next overseer after James pastor, after 2 or 4 years?
sam (January 26, 2012)
@arunraj Please dont be upset just because we are talking facts out here. Arguments and disagreemnts are part of life brother. Truth is sometimes hurtfull. But I am still curious as to what was so great about Pastor Kunjappy that you like him so much? I am very anxious to know.
sam (January 26, 2012)
@kvphilip I happy to hear back from you in proper english. I am proud of you talking some sense at last.If you are defending Kunjappy, that means you are corrupt too. So mind your own work brother and dont worry about me.
arunraj (January 26, 2012)
i am a constant visitor of this site and i love believers journal.i am also a hindu convert and took baptism a year ago. but i am little sad about the things are happening now and i feel to leave the church and go somewhere.i don't understand what you guys write in this column.any way i respect everyone, especially pr m kunjappy for his patients,he is really a role model for people like me.
kvphilip (January 26, 2012)
@sam,don't be so proud,you may think that you are smarter than any one else in this site.humble yourself !!!! ,you said i am illiterate..??you are the right hand of james,i am sure about it and left hand of p c cherian..i have nothin to do with kunjappy,however, i am desperate to see things like this.. i am so sorry about you man..are you fake james..?? are you sure about your name is in the book of life ???? confess your sins and turn back to god."what can wash away your stain,nothing but the blood of jesus". otherwise, rest in peace [ not rip ]
sam (January 26, 2012)
@kvphilip Will please elaborate in English if you are literate enough to understand and write. I am guessing you must be Kunjappy with a fake name. As I told earlier, folks here are just the chamchas of Kunjappy and could not digest getting out of power. Remember this famous phrase: "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely"
church of god member (January 26, 2012)
kvphilip paranjathu viswasikkan valare prayasam .Karanam PJ Jamesine valare vykthiparamayii ariyaam.. Kunjappy overseer aayi elect aayappol ethiraphiprayamulla pastors church of godil dhaaralam undayirunnu.. annu pastors vote illayirunello... palappozhum conventionu ucha bskshanavum koduthaanu munpu nethrutha nirayil pr. kunjappy ethiyathu...
believer kwt (January 26, 2012)
ethu flat paniyanannu kunjappy money eduthathu onnu vishadamakkammo sam enikku shibuvinte buildingil oru flat undu athu njan money koduthannu pannuthathu bakeyullavrum angganethanneyannu .samnu etra vishamam entha
joseph uk (January 26, 2012)
jamesne pc kalleppidechu valichidunnathu thamassikkathe kannam
beliver, usa (January 26, 2012)
kunjappy overseer ayappol eppol jamesne ellavarum pokkunnathupolle thanneyaerunnu annu vannollam pokkiyavarkku ennu kunjappy thattippu karanayi.ethupolle thanne niggalude kayekondum vakondum jamesneyum niggal thallipparaum .kathirunnu kannam.
kvphilip (January 25, 2012)
pr p j james election day vote chothikkuvaan thiruvalla sharon auditoriuthil chenna vivaram avide thaamassicha pala pastors um paranju..fifty thousand rupees oru district pastorkku kodukkukayum cheythu ..! credential illatha palarum annu vote cheythu election duty cheytha ellarum james anukoolikal..! ballot paper america il ninnu sayippu thanne kondu vannathu...ellam valare pre planned aarunnu.. 4 varsham mumbu, pr m.kunjappy overseer ayappol pukazhthiya palarum aanu ippol thirinjirikkunnathu..2 varsham kazhiyumbol ippol james nu sthuthi paadunna ningal palarum ithilum moshamaayi parayum.theeercha, elaborate cheythathu mathiyo sam eeey...????
sam (January 25, 2012)
@pr dani What are you writing? Your so called Man of God(Kunjappy) diverted money meant for bulding facilities for COG, he instead used that money to buld FLATS. He should be put in JAIL for this. Not you folks were trying to elect him as OVERSEER for one more year? What a shame on you folks back in Kerala.
cog well wisher (January 25, 2012)
pr.m.k and pr. pcc(ranny)were two pastors who were never critcized by the pente anti corruption squad(pacs, perumbavor). the reason is very simple, its nt bcoz they were holy. its bcoz they agreed to the pacs terms and conditions like giving every council secrets after every meeting, banning the preachers pacs hated. i have been listening to pr. pcc and i guess he has gone around the world with just 5 messages which is on "your living manna". then, how did he get all these meetings. very simple, pacs had a great deal in that.

pr. pcc(ranny)have convinced the masses that his massive house was built by the donation of few people. thats alright, god bless those families. but has he given tithe to cog for all his donations, has he filed taxes according the indian governemnt rules.

to clean the cog from corruption we need to keep few more people out of power like pr pcc(ranny), pr. pgm(sleeping giant),pr.cct,pr. ppk,pr.benz a(motive good but nt method),pr.shibu(m
cog well wisher (January 25, 2012)
dear all,

its heart breaking to see guardians of faith/pastors sleeping in corruption and waking up without power, pleading to stay in power during their final message time in the general convention. cog pastors have proved that, we do not need the pente anti corruption squad(who blackmails, and writes against people who dont listen to them) to keep a corrupt leader out of power.

its true there is balance in the balance sheet presented to the public, but that does not match the balance in the bank. there is no doubt pr. kunjappy wanted to see the progress of cog, but he was acting democratic but was autocratic through out his tenure and totally defending the henious acts of his secretrary and charity director.

inorder to show that he is a great leader, he always shouts,yells, and verbally abuse fellow pastors, who serve god and cog inspite of all the challenges and difficulties they face. i dont deny there are corrupt(only a minority) pastors, b
sam thomas (January 25, 2012)
Offfice complexinu panam pirikkuvaan adheham kandupidichu prakhyapicha soothram Matt.6:1-4 lankhikkuvaan viswaasikale prerippikkunnathaayirunnu. Rs. 50000/-le kooduthal kodukkunnavarude perukal office complexnte bhithiyil ezhuthivakkaam enna prakhyaapanam oru viswaasikku cheyyavunna kaaryamano? viswaasikalkku idarcha varuthiyathinu dheivom kodutha sikshayaanu sthaanathu ninnu thanne thallikkalanju kondu dheivom velippeduthiyathu; king Saul ne thallikkalnjathupole!
pr dani (January 25, 2012)
pr.M Kunjappy enthu azhimathi aanu cheythathu..?? onnum clear aayi parayaan aarkum pattunnillalo..??vyakthamaaya,vishwasikkaan pattunna thelivu onnum illalo..??ellaaam verum aligations maatram..adheham oru prarthana manushyan thanne..adhehathinte kannuneer..oru shaabam aayi theerum..deshamsham adakkaan paranjathalle adhehathodu ithrayum virodham thonnaan kaaranam..??? Thamburaan ellam kaanunnundu .
kunjappy cherian (January 25, 2012)
Ee Dr.Korah ezhuthunnathu aara? anybody know who is that...? any way he did a good job.
church of god member (January 25, 2012)
pr. p j james prarthanayulla vykthiyaanu..adheham orikkal polum overseer aakan thanthram eduthilla.. thanthram upayogichathu ippol elect aaya councilile chilar aanu.. p c cherian enthu kalichaalum daiva neethi velippedum..p j james sirnu fund raising prasnamalla.. karanam office complexinekkal erattiyil adhikam valippamulla bible college building panitha james sirnu engane fund raising presnamaakum..james sirne viswasamulla videsha malayalikal iniyum contribution kodukkum. but nilavil thiranjedukkapetta councilil pala thanthra shalikalum undu... pr. kunjappy adutha convention vare overseer sthanathu thudaran anumathi tharanam ennu superindentinodu apekshichappol niyukha overseer james sir vare sammatham paranjathaanu.. but asia pacafic super indentend church of god niyamaprakaarme pattukayullu ennu paranjathu aanu..
sam (January 25, 2012)
@kvphilip By the way what was wrong with the way James got elected? Please elaborate? It is getting interesting from what you are speculating.
sam (January 25, 2012)
@kvphilip You dont worry about what James is going to do. If you are for justice and the right things why are you so inclined to Kunjappy? He is corrupt and there is no doubt about it. He has lost all respect among believers. So it is better that we dont even mention his name. Let him rest in peace ( not RIP) and not bother anyone.
kvphilip (January 25, 2012)
James pastor re enikku nannaayi ariyaam,njan valare bahumaanikunna aallanu,pakshe overseer akaan than sweekaricha reethi moshamayi poyi...daivam kshamikkatte ,ee niyamanam daivathal engil James 6 varsham bharikkum.pakshe 2 varshathinu shesham,P C Cherian overseer sthaanam thattiyedukkum..kathirunnu kaanaam.
sam mathew (January 24, 2012)
@ Church of God member - I remember, once Balan criticised Pr. Kunjappy. He wrote an apology to tsb with many ' Balan Sir,Balan sir,Balan sir........' There after TS was not writing any comments over Kunjappy or cog. Pr. Kunjappy knew the magic to close the mouth of criticisers. But finally poocha purathu chaadi. Dheivakopamaayirikkaam ellavarkkum ithu oru paadamayirikkatte.
sam (January 24, 2012)
kvphilip is the right hand mand of Kunjappy. So sad he had send someone like this person to defend a corrupt person. I cannot belive that Kunjappy cried during election. He literally warned everyone after the election results. Poor man could not forgo his position. What an attachment he had to being an oversear.
church of god member (January 24, 2012)
ithreyum thelivukal ulla azhimathi church of godil nadanittum ts balan thante websitil onnum varthayaayi ittittilla..but verae sabha nethakkanmarude ayirunnu enkil ippol vartha ariyunnathinu oru manikoor polum aakunathinu munpe ts balan athu internetil parasyam cheyyum. ithu kanumpole namukku manasilaakkam balan aalu athra correct alla.. kunjappy pastorum ts balanum thammilulla terms kollam.. preeyapetta pastor ts balan thankalku daivam anekam talent nalkiyittundu(athinu pradhaana thelivu "prajapati kristhuvalla" enna ts balan teshakhthamaaya marupadiyulla pusthakam thanne.).. preeya pr. balan thankal anyante paapathinu oharikaranakathe.. daivathe prasadhippichu jeevichal porayirunno...
church of god member (January 24, 2012)
@kvphilip.. p j james sirne njangalkku ariyaam..thankal orikkalenkilum p j james sirnode samsarichittundo..thankal orikalankilum mulakuzhayil vannu bible college buildingil nadakkunnathu kanditundo?. undenkil thankal ithu parayilla. kara theerna mathrukayulla oru daivadaasan innu mulakuzhayil undenkil athu james sir aanu... ippol nethrutha nirayil ullavaril sthana moham illatha apoorvathil oral.. but p c cheriane patti thankal paranjathu neru.. kunjappy pastore patti ariyuvaan thankal thiruvallyilum mulakuzhayilum anweshichaal mathi..162 vote nedi thottathu verutheyo??..kanakku kanda asia pacafic superindent paranjathu kalavo??
a. s. mathew (January 24, 2012)
brother oommachaeon: i am happy that the pastors of all denominations are enjoy better standard of living, because when we
follow christ, even though we may have to bear the cross and drink
tears, later on we are blessed and our posterity. but now the vast
majority in the ministry have gone too far to the
camp of material blessings, loving the material things and
pleasures of this world. some ministers are not touching the earth,
but either in the car or plane. they can't advance in this game
plan, if the believers won't pamper them blindly. if there is a
stipulation that the ministers of all denominations must carry a cross and walk one year
all across the state before the ordination, then how many will be coming forward for the
ministry? a few are called and ready to suffer for the cause of
calvary, but now the majority are jumping into the ministry for the
respect-prosperity and other good material thin
kvphilip (January 24, 2012)
p j james , pinne p c cherian , vampicha azhimatikaru thanne.ini ivarude raising oru prasnam aanu james nu...2 varshathinullil james nte thala urulummm..kathirunnu kaanam..kunjapy ki jaiiiii.....!
oommachaen (January 23, 2012)
church of godil adhikara mattam nannai. inium oru karyam koodi chaithal nanne . real estate, kalyana broker, college admission thudangiya themmadi tharathine koottu nilkkunna pastor enna leabalil ullavrude licence cancel vheyyuka. avar manyamayitte athinte panikke pokatte, enthina oppam pastor enna leabal. p j james pastor athe chaithal nanne ?? safa chuttum veli kettiya thottam anallo ?/ pastor mar avarude pani cheyyuka, real estate kar avarude pani cheyyatte,. randuk koodi onniche kondupokan pattilla. 168. che nanamille ?? kunjappyude faranam nallathe ayirunnenkil veendum jeyikkathirikkumo ?? che nanakkede ?? ethra mathram azhimathi kunjappy katti enne chinthichilla ?
anu (January 23, 2012)
paper il balance und, pakshe accountil naya paisa illa. ellam syphon out cheuthu real estatil invest cheithirikkukaya. athukondu 2 varsham koode venam polum. pakshe convension stadium inyum villum
pastor (January 21, 2012)
k.karunakaran and m.muraleedharan
k.kunjappy and shibu

very good
cheriachan (January 21, 2012)
arenthoke paranjalum adhikaramullavarude koode mathrame njan nilkkoo.karanam enikku alpam moshtikkanam.allenkil enikku urakkam varilla.ente bloodil athundu koove.sorry da mone kunjappeeeee.tata byeeeeeeeeeee byeeeeeeeeeeee
jacob othara (January 20, 2012)
jimmyson (January 20, 2012)
it is good for god;s work .
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