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Nv Hm^v tKmUv Kzmn-amse Hmhkn-b sIm-sp

Church of God Gevattiman Overseer got killed
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 17, 2016
Views: 8823

Church of God Gevattiman Overseer got killed.
ohveUv sSn Bm-\-ambn {]hnp hcp Nv Hm^v tKmUns Kzmn-amse Hmhkn-b ]m phm kmp-dnt\m Kphm-nt\m 2016 amv 16-\v AXn-Zm-cp-W-ambn sIm-s-p. sXt Ata-cn--bnse cmPy-amb Kzmn-am-se-bnse sXp Ing- taJ-e-bmb Iznj(Quinche)-bn-emWv kw`hw Ac-t-dn-b-Xv. Iem-]-Im-cn-I Xn-sm-p-t]mb Atlw h[n--s-Sp-I-bm-bn-cp-p.
Hcp k`-bpsS ]m IqsS-bm-bn-cpp Kphm-n-t\m. cp ]pXnb anj ^oUpI Bcw-`n-p. IqSmsX av At\Iw anj {]h-\-ġv Npm ]nSn-p--p-ap-m-bn-cp-p. \ Hcp kmaq-ly-{]-h-I IqsS-bm-bn-cp Kphm-nt\m B {]tZ-is hnZym-`ymk ]-Xnpw t\XrXzw \evIp-p-m-bn-cp-p. Kzmn-am-se-bnse km-cX 72% am{X-am-Wv. km-c-X-bn sXt Ata-cn--bn Ghpw ]ntmw \nevp cmPy-amWv Kzmn-am-se.
hn`m-cy Bbn-cp Atlw Xs \mep apXn a-fpsS kwc--W-bn Bbn-cp-p.
Nv H^v tKmUv emn-\-ta-cn- ^oUv Ub-d-IvS Bb dh. tUhnUv dman-sdkv BWv B Zpc--hm temIs Adn-bn--Xv. sk{S Ata-cn- kq{]-mb tUm. Hmtm-\n-tb tImfnkv BWv kw`hw dntmv sNbvX-Xv.
Iznj taJ-e-bnse Ghpw {][m-\-s P\-\m-b-I Bbn-cpp Kphm-n-t\m. Xs P\s AI-a-gnv kvt\ln-p--h\pw Ah-cpsS t{ijvT-amb A`n-hr-nsb kz]v\w In-cp--h-\p-am-bn-cpp Kphm-nt\m FmWv tUm. tImfnkv At-ls hnti-jn-n--Xv.
""At-l-ns al-\ob \mb-I-Xz-n\p R Kphm-n-t\mbvp ssIm- \evIn hcn-I-bm-bn-cpp. ]s A{Iaw At-ls R-fn \npw FSpp amn. R-fpsS cmPys ]nSn apdp-n-bn-cn-p A{I-a-n Ai-c-Wcpw apdn-th--h-cp-ambn R amdn-bn-cn-p-p. kmq-dn-t\m-sb-tm-se-bp Hcp t\Xr-Xzs hms-Sp-p-hm Nv Hm^v tKmUn\v Ghpw Ipd-Xv ]p-hjw Fnepw thn-h-cpw. `ocp--fmb A{I-an-Iġv X in e`n-p-sav R {]Xo-n-p-p. Kzmn-am-se-bnse Ghpw _lp-am-\y-\mb ]mv R bm{X-b-bp \evIp-p. Hw Nv Hm^v tKmUv kaqlw At-l-ns IpSpw-_-tmSv AKm-[-amb ZpxJhpw A\p-tim-N-\hpw Adn-bn-pp'', tImfnkv XpSp.
16-mw \qm-n kv]m\n-jp-Im Kzmn-amse Iog-S-n-bXp apX tdma Itm-enm hnizm-k-amWv Kzmn-am-se-bpsS HutZym-KnI aXw. 1800-s ayw apX s{]m-v anj-\-dn-am {]h\w Bcw-`np Fnepw Imcy-amb ]ptcm-KXn Hpw Dmbncpn-. 1960 apX-emWv s]s-tm-kvXp kphn-tij hnlnX kwL- {]h\w XpS-p--Xv. Cv Kzmn-am-se-bnse ]-W- apX D{Km-a- hsc Dmbn Fp am{X-a AXn-{ZpXw hfpsImp-an-cn-p-p.
Kzmn-am-se-bnse {]h-\-ġmbpw c-km-n-bmb Kphm-n-t\m-bpsS IpSpw-_-n-\mbpw \apv {]mn-mw. Hw B [oc-tbm-m-hns c-n \npw Bbn-c- Dbns-gp-tv sXtm Ata-cn-sb kphn-tijw sImv kmp-tdv sNt--Xn-\m-bpw Nv H^v tKmUv tIcfm tpw kmq-dn-t\m-bpsS sIme-]m-X-I-n ZpxJw tcJ-s-Sp-p-p.



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bro.jacob mathew, chennai (May 18, 2016)
It is very heartbreaking news.

He is the hero of evangelism
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