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Nv Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm doPn-b ]nfv NnX-dpp : ap Hmhkn-b-dpsS t\Xr-Xz-n Hm^okv Itdn

Church of God Kerala Region is splitting
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 11, 2011
Views: 34642

Church of God Kerala Region is splitting.
tImbw: Nv Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm doPn-b-Wnse {]iv\- ]pXnb hgn-n-cn-hn-tev. Ihj tUnbw k`-bpsS A\p-aXn IqSmsX ssIamw sNbvX-Xns t]cn ]pd-m--s ap Hmhkn-b ]m tXmakv tPmWns t\Xr-Xz-n ]mnepw (tIm--bw) Hmhkn-b CNmpw \mj-W sd{]-skn-o-hp-amb ]m sI.-kn. tPmWns Npa-X-e-bn N-\m-ticn-bn-epw, sI.-kn. tPm Hgn-hmn \nn-bn-cn-p 5 Iukn AwK--fpsS Npa-X-e-bn Ip-\m-Sn\p kao-]hpw Ihj-\p-Iġp Hcp-- \S-p-p. ]nd-hpw ssltd-n epw ap cp hn`m-K--fpsS Ihj\pI-fpsS Hcpw AWn-b-d-b-d-bn \S-p-p. {]Xn-knL-n {]iv\ ]cn-lm-c-n-\mbn Npa-Xe \In Ab dh. sI.-kn. tPmWns ]nSn-p-tISv doPn-bs\ ]e-Xp-mn amn-bn-cn-p-p-sh--XmWv bmYmyw.


Displaying 11 Comments
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be fair (June 28, 2012)
Hi Folks, to all those that are so philosophical about COG Divison...and if you are not a Dalit Christian...would you please arrange a marriage between your child and a dalit christian first (not when they fall in love and tell you that they are going to marry) then let us talk....It is so easy to preach..and hard to walkl the TALK..

There were valid reasons for the break up. It is agonizing and a dark spot to the outer world. However, if you step into their shoes, research and find the real reasons for the split.. and then ask the contemporary people if they want to re-unite-- You will understand the real reasons. It is a social issue with a spiritual twist..
a. s. mathew (September 8, 2011)
THEPRAIZE: What you have said is absolutely correct. The Churches of Kerala, both the episcopals (the Pentecostal generally address tham as "SAMUDAYAKAR") and the Pentecostals are marching in the same format to have the biggest of everything, but they have miserably failed to honour the last commission of Jesus Christ. Evangelism is an unnecessary burden now. While thousands of people from Hindus and other religions are coming to Christ in north India, how many people are coming to Christ in Kerala? Now all the denominations in Kerala have turned like corporations, and the leadership mainly consisted of the religious hierarchy is totally interested to keep their jobs and positions intact. They love their denominations far greater than JESUS CHRIST, and won't mind to berate the believers of other denominations far worse than the politicians do. It is time that the believers of all denominations get united to break this religious Berlin wall.
thepraize (September 6, 2011)
Very interesting to see the stalwarts of the religious organizations trying to follow the British culture of divide and rule and crown themselves as overseers,without shame. This is the same reason why neo pentocostal movements have spread like wild fire in all parts of Kerala and God has been moving among non Christian thru signs and wonders resulting in these conventional church establishments to remain where they started, and by the way who cares for church growth?
raju, ppuram (March 20, 2011)
church of god is not a racist organisation. the seperation of division from the state was a need of the time. their demand as well as the reason for it was quite genuine. but now they became more either kanam achen or evenif the angel of god goes there as overser; they won't accept unless he is a dalit christian. but on the other hand when we blame the cog we shouldnot forget the historical reason why such people are more in cog compared to all other pentecostal groups. it was because of the farsightedness (crafty tactic?) of the founders of ipc. in the beginning of ipc many dalit belevers approached pr.kea but he directed them to mr. cook in the pretext of financial help. pr. kea as well as the ag church very well knew that they will be a burden to them. that is why they are more in cog
Thomas Vemmelil (January 28, 2011)
The Organisations are all man made and they are fractious in nature.But the Church is an ORGANISM the living Body of Christ as the Head. How could there be a "Church of God -Division" if it is the Body of Christ?? A divided body is nothing but a corpse!!!
vinod (January 26, 2011)
why don't you send kanam achan and solve it? you are projecting him as a great man. but now it is proved that he is only foolish enough to do anything when the church of god(may be not his faction!!) in crisis. pentecostals reap what their leaders sown so far!!!!!!!!
jobin (January 16, 2011)
dont show partiality on selecting news based on churches.. corruption is common..
Kora (January 16, 2011)
Oh there was a "Kodi Kuthi Samaram"? Please tell me more about it. What did really happen?
sha (January 12, 2011)
Joe, You don't know all the facts and how it happened. Division people wanted a group on their own. When they started "Kodi kuthi Samaram" Church of God had no other choice other than let them have it. Don't judge with out all the facts.
Joe (January 12, 2011)
Church of God is most racist organization with their nonsense COG State & division. wonder how they will place themselves when they get to heaven, if they ever make it!!!
shiju (January 12, 2011)
every thing is in God's name....
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