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Church of God writers Fellowship India honoring Kanam Achan
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 3, 2011
Views: 23054

Church of God writers Fellowship India honoring Kanam Achan.
Xncph: Nv Hm^v tKmUnse FgppImcpsS sFIy thZnbmb Nv Hm^v tKmUv ssdtkv s^temjn]v CUym FgppImsc t{]mXvkmlnnpI F eytmsS hn]peamb ]XnIfpambn {] h\ kamIpIbmWv. Ign Znhkw \S {]tXyI BtemN\m tbmKn CXns `mKambn Cu hjw At\I ]XnI \Snemphm Xocpam\np. \mev]Xne[nIw hj fmbn Fgpnepw {]kwKnepw XpSam\ambn kohambncnp kphntijI ]n. sF. G{_lmans\ (Im\w A) BZcnpI, D]tZi kXyfpsS hym]\n\v Atlw \Inb kw`mh\Isf {]Ionv Iymjv AhmUpw, ^eIhpw, {]iIvXn]{Xhpw Atln\p \Ipw. G{]n 15, 16 XobXnIfn Ipafnbn \Sp IpSpw_kwKaw, ]pXnbXmbn FgppImcmbhscbpw Cu cwKp hcphm\m{Klnphtcbpw ] cnioennpXn\mbn PpWn Bcw`np kvIp Hm^v tPWenkw, sk]vw_ 5, 6 XobXnIfn Xncphbn \Sp inev]ime XpSnbhbmWv {][m\ ]XnI IqSmsX ssZhk`bnse FgppIm, {] kwKI, k`m `mchmlnI XpSnbhsc DsSpn lmUv _pv {] knoIcnpI, s^temjnns HutmKnI \mhmb tKmkv] Ftmkv s^temjnns C\mjW Inbpambn tNv aqv amknsemcn {]knoIcnpI, FgppImtcbpw {]km[Itcbpw BZcnpI, \ ]pkvXI ASnv ]pdndpI XpSnbhbpw s^temjnns ]pXnb ]XnIfnepsSpw.


Displaying 5 Comments
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joy chembakasseril, usa. (April 11, 2011)
Evg: P.I. Abraham is a 'blessed man of God', who sincerely devotes his time for the furtherance of gospel! 'Kaanam Achen' as he is popularly known has been remarkable in his efforts at spreading the gospel! May the Lord Almighty use him more and more in the days to come!
joseph (April 1, 2011)
The proposed honour to be given to Kanam Achen has come quite late. He should have been honoured much earlier, not just by the Church of God, but all the Pentecostal Churches of Kerala. He is one of the very few Kerala Pentecostal preachers who have truly followed the Lord and stood for the Biblical ideals. One could only wish that the Lord would raise up leaders and preachers like Kanam Achen in our generation who would not seek for positions and power, but will truly serve the Lord and the Church.
a.s.mathew (March 8, 2011)
I am not a member of any Kerala Pentecostal Church, but I am very familiar with all the Kerala Pentecostal leaders. More than forty years back, three Priests came to the Pentecostal faith. Two from the Orthodox Church (Thengathil Achen and Kaanam Achen, but Thengathil Achen returned to the Orthodox Church) and one Pathanapuram Maruthathu Achen from the Evangelical Church, joined the I.P.C. Kannam Achen, as a young person, without any hesitation put his new outfit of regular pants and shirt, while the other two had to take some time to change the priestly garments. Kannam Achen, ever after four decades, is the same with the same purpose and focus in preaching the gospel. He didn't jump into the recent screwed-up revolution of the "prosperity gospel" which has turned as an easy bait to attract the onlookers to join the mass march of easy cross bearing. Achen, you are greatly honorned for your firm faith and solid stand in your divine calling. And we love and respect you.
joy (March 8, 2011)
Honour God first for his mercy and grace. Kaanam Achen is a good servant of God, let God honours him. Please do not mislead achen, now he is doing the best out of all other jokers in church of god and IPC.
kunjachan (March 7, 2011)
Aadharikkunnathum Prasamsikkunnathum nallathu thanneyanu. Swantham kazhivukal kondanu aadharaneeyarayathenkil! Krupayanu karanamenkil, aadharikkappeduvan irunnukoduthal veenu pokum ennathu theercha. Veezhthuvan nadakkunnavande keniyil pedathe nokkiyal nallathu.
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