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Discern the schemes in the trip to the holy land by Samkutty Mathew (Editorial)
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Mar 7, 2011
Views: 19115

Discern the schemes in the trip to the holy land by Samkutty Mathew (Editorial).
Fmw I-h-S-am-p Cu Ime-L--ns `mK-amb Bob I-hS kwkvImcw s]-tm-kvXnepw Ac-p-X-Ip-p. Hcp Imev Fbpw Xqhm-e-bp-sams I-hS hkvXp-hm-n-b-h B[p-\nI apJw \In AXns\ al-Xz-h-Xv-cn-p-I-bm-Wv. ]pXnb X{--fp-ambn cwK-s- n-b-h thZ-]p-kvX-I-ns ]Tn-n--ep-I-sf-t]mepw _en-I-gn-p-I-bmWv. Cu `qan-bn hnip--\mSv Fsm-n-. Fm hnip--\mSv bm{X-sb t]cn bm{X-I kwL-Sn-n-p Ch amXm-hns P--ew, amXm-hns InW-dv, amXm-hns Id Cs\ \ap-p-\y-amb ]Z-fpw {]tbm-K-fpw Ch-cpsS ]c-ky--fn D]-tbm-Kn-p-p. Dn- tbiphns tZhm-e-b-n-tev \S-p bm{Xv t\XrXzw sImSp-p-tXm Nv Hm^v tKmUnse Hcp D-X-\pw. Ihj tPp-I-fn XI-Snp {]kw-Kn-p Ct-l-ns Xntbm-fPn FmWv? Zpcp-]-tZ-i-ns t]cn 8 t]p hnep Iev]n Nv Hm^v tKmUv t\XrXzw Cmcy-n Fp \ne- ]m-sSSppw. s]s-tm-kvXns ]mc--cys Dbn--d-bp t\XrXzw hy-ambn D]-tZi hncp--amb Imcy-n-tes Cu hynsb hne- ptam?

]pWy e--sfbpw ]pWy-hm-f-scbpw ]pWy hkvXp--sfbpw hnv Cd-nb s]s-tm-kvXns ]Tn-n--ep-Iġv Xpcw shbvp Cu {]-h-WX apf-bnse \pWw. hN-\-hn-cp--amb Ccw {]hy-n-I-fn-epsS sXmb ktiw P\--fn-se-n-p Cuq--scbpw hne-p-hm t\XrXzw Xm-dm-I-Ww. ]T-\-bm{Xsb-t]-cn C{km-tb-en-tep \S--s-Sp bm{Xm ]cn-]m-Sn-I sX-. Fm hnip--\m-n-sep bm{X Bob t\Xr-Xz-n Fp ]d-bp-tm A-Xew amdp-I-bm-Wv. bcp-itew bm{X ]Xn-hm-nb Nne sshZn-I Ah-cpsS k`mw-K-sf BIjn-phm D]-tbm-Kn-p ]Z- ISw sIm s]s-tmkvXp]tZin B[p-\nI bqZbmWv. ap-Xp-sh-n-m-in\v Acp-a-\m-Ys\ Hn-sm-Sp bqZbpsS B[p-\nI ]Xnv. D]-tZiw kan-t-Xv ssans apn-e-. C-c-ms-Xnsc \S-]-Sn-sb-Sp-p-sIm-m-IWw. Fn am{Xta D]-tZi kaYIsc P\w hniz-kn-q.


Displaying 24 Comments
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john thiruvalla (March 15, 2011)
sathyam savakasham nadakkumbol kallam athivegam odum. moonnam dinam sathyam velippedum. dear editor we salute you and your team
jose abraham, ny (March 15, 2011)
It does not matter who is perfect. Nobody can judge some one else. Eveyone has their own issue. But media does their job to bring their openion and suggestion. Good job Pr. Samkutty. Keep up the good work. We are behind you. I hope you don't give up.Jesus born and crucified at Jerusalem that not means Jerusalem known as Holy land.
antappan (March 15, 2011)
@george and @James: Don't shoot the messenger. Do you say the same thing about the author of a news article in the news paper you read everyday? Don't think too much about the author. News papers bring the news and that's what they are supposed to be doing. It's up to you to read it or discard it if you don't like the author.
rojin (March 15, 2011)
sathyam. parayunnavane krooshikkunna lokamanithu marakkaruth. go ahead
henry kuwait (March 15, 2011)
jamesum georgeum oru aal thanne.rep of that pastor who conducting the holy land tour. dear editor god will give blessing upon you and your team.thank you.
kurien (March 15, 2011)
Why everyone balmes the Editor and news paper? This the common problem of pentecost. When media reveals things, try to know it. If it is false, ignore it. But as far as I udnerstand what is in this editorial is 100% true. Why people are promoting idiotic fake pastors? Come on wake up and give a break...
james (March 15, 2011)
i am always reading your paper. but i cnt understand what happend to you. shall i ask a question? Do You perfect in all?.. think yourself....... and write
george (March 15, 2011)
***** comment is removed **********
monai anthyokya (March 14, 2011)
ithu than editorial
henry (March 14, 2011)
what a super editorial.god bless all journal team.
anna mathai, thiruvalla (March 11, 2011)
let me ask you all one simple common sense question--- do you all think that a pastor from a pentacostal denomination would encourage others to go to see the deity 'mathavu' and onni yesu ? those things happened to be there established by some other denominations, our job is to establish the fact that, thats no truly biblical !!!let us try to understand things in the correct prespective and don't misquote facts !!!
samuel ranny (March 10, 2011)
njangalkellam ee pastore ariyam.kamannu veenal kal panam. his god is money.thanks for the editorial
c samuel (March 10, 2011)
@antappan,Ohh..pidi kitti.Cherry cream!
eldhose joy (March 10, 2011)
Dear brother,your effot is appreciable because it will help people to understand the manipulation of the spiritual leaders and also help to encourage youths to protest this course.I am promise my support the movements against the SPIRITUAL SELLERS.
antappan (March 10, 2011)
@C Samuel: Oru clue tharam. His initials can be "Police Constable" or "Personal Computer" or "Porotta n Curry" etc...The rest is for you to guess. ......... mmmm...ennittum pidikittiyilla? Oru clue koodi tharam. A fruit's name which we use in ice-creams etc, is hidden in his name. .... Ennittum pudi kittiyilla?? Go ask Dr. Kora then.
joy chembakasseril, u s a (March 10, 2011)
samkutty mathew__with all due respects i beg to diagree with the author.there are no reason's for me to think that the organizer's are amassing huge wealth by conducting these holy land tours.they might make a small profit, which again is the remuneration for their labor conducting is unethical for us to think that the "labor"[worker] shouldn't be fact the bible clearly states that one should enjoy the fruits of his labor!the deity "mathavu" is there set up by somebody'else, who belongs to a different denomination. the saint's of god who touring those place with others can always correct others, by explaining them who is real god and who is not, their "suvishaesha" veela starts right there !as for a true disciple of jesus we don't have to believe all that we see, at the same time we can correct others too!the place got its name "holy land" only because jesus was born there, that doesn't mean that the place is an embodyment of purity !the phenomenon money is needed for ev
c samuel (March 10, 2011)
Who is this Church of God pastor? Be bold to disclose the name please.
abu (March 10, 2011)
I strongly disagreed with your opinion, because if you believe in the bible you didn’t write like that. Because Jesus born and crucified at Jerusalem so Jerusalem known as Holy land.
sunny, ca ,usa (March 9, 2011)
Dear Pastor I strongly agree with you.
thomas vemmelil (March 8, 2011)
No doubt the Pentecostalism going towards Babylon the Great!! Where is the Church the Body of Christ???"Awake! Awake! O Zion;Put on Your strength, Put on your beautiful garments,for the uncircumcised and the unclean will no longer come into you" Isaiah 52:1
a.s.mathew (March 8, 2011)
"Money" is the main topic of every
convention. Years back, while our
forefathers were poor, the main topics
were holiness and the second coming of
Christ. The word "money" was never
mentioned, but "love offering" was
mentioned. Pastors and evangelists
lived by faith, but now their main topic
is " how to get rich ". Nobody is
concerned with holiness or the second
coming of Christ, but they are all
being engaged in creating "heaven on
earth". So, why do we need to hear
about heaven and the second coming of
Christ? What a sad spiritual predicament?
sunny john (March 8, 2011)
Thank you Pastor Samkutty.Very good. I strongly support this editorial.
anu (March 8, 2011)
Ellam Kachavadam. Kooli Panikkaaren Katti Pani Cheyunnum, chila pastors deham anagathu jeevikkunnu.
james (March 8, 2011)
Dear brother, Thank you for pointing this matter. Now a days, Merchandised activities can be seen in pentecost. Keep it up. In IPC , two jokers is doing the same thing. People like you are the sound against this immoral people.
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