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HdnPn-\ GXv? Uyqn-tv GXv?

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 24, 2012
Views: 17569

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Hcn- Hcp k`-bnsenb kmcn D]-tZin Hcp A imkv{Xob kwKoXw Be-]n-p. \ ]Zm-h-en. ASppw Nn-bp-ap ss{IkvX-h-Km\w. ]t k`-bn-empw Adn-p-Iq-Sm. ]mSn-b-tijw D]-tZ-in-bpsS tNmZyw Cu Km\w Bsc-nepw tIn-p-tm. tIn-p--h Bcp-an-. D]-tZin ]d--Xn-s\ ""\n Fs\ tIġpw CXv Rm Ign BgvN-bn Fgp-Xn-b-Xm-Wv''. Fm-hpw ktm-jw. Nnes-nepw kwi-bw. HSp-hn sI. hn. sska kmdns Km\-k-am-lm-c-n-epsS Itm-Sn-p-tm AXm InS-pp kmc D]-tZ-in-bpsS kzw ]mv. Cs\ ap--h-cpsS ]mv ASn-p-amn kz-am-p hncp-X-m ChnsS hne-kp-I-bm-Wv. C{X-tmfw btlmh klm-bnp F{]kn Km\-n\v Ah-Im-in-I [mcmfw {]kn--amb ]e Km\--fp-sSbpw cN-\. \S-n-sbhIm-i-s-Sp apw-Ko-hKokns Km\-ġv bYm-h-Im-in-I ap ]e-cp-am-sW ]pd-p-h-n-cn-p-p. Nne Ah-Im-i-s-Sp-Xv Km\-ns hcn-I am{X-a SypWpw ssZhw t\cnv X-Xm-sW-mWv. At\z-jnp sNp-tm-gmWv ]gb lnn, Xangv, sXepv, kn\nam ]mns "SyqWm-sWv' shfn-s-Sp--Xv. Ch-cpsS Ah-Im-i-hmZw AwKo-I-cn-m ssZhw BZyw Syq tamjvSn-nv ]noSv Chp ssIam-dn-b-Xm-sWp hcpw. tPW DS Bcw-`n-pp ""Km\-tam-j-W-nse tUmIvS-td-p-Im'' Ccw Imcy- \nġ-dn-bm-hp-Xv Rsf Adn-bn-p-I.

t^m: 9447368795


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2nd'thotz (February 3, 2012)
please re-read the caption of my previous segment as -------- " the unsung heroes ". .............. that's what i meant, i don't know if anybody tried to correct me with their super-english !
2nd'thotz (February 3, 2012)
"the sung heroes"--- kudumbom pularrtthaan kazhiyaatheea arrrddha pattineeyil aaneekom sahoodharanghal- evarkku aakeappadheea ariyakunna kala ezhutthanue. now here comes the ' rich n affluent ' from space and with no real talent but only a passion for music- walkin around in circles, with money in their pockets,anticipating to be a "vayalar" of tomorrow, now you all tell me what happens next.the singing part, there is no real talent in it, so that's the reason to make an attempt at being a lyric, being a composer is even more difficult. but money works in most places."kara kaanaa kadalinu meetheea mooha kuruvi parannu ooouuuuu"
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