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31maXv ] tUm. ]mv tdm_vk apJy{]`mjI

Dr. Pat Robertson to be the main speaker for PCNAK 2013
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 6, 2013
Views: 19345

Dr. Pat Robertson to be the main speaker for PCNAK 2013.
\|tbmv: s{Kbn \|tbmn lmv t^mUv IWnv Ihj skdn shv 2103 Pqsse 4 apX 7 hsc \S t\mv Atacn aebmfn s]tmkvXpImsS sFIy th[nbmb 31maXv ] tIm^d\nknte {]kwKIsS h \nc Xmdmbn. temInse Ghpw {]ikvXcmb s]tmkvXv t\Xmmcnsemcmfmb tUm. ]mv tdm_vk 2013se ]nkn\mnse apJy {]kwKI\mbncnw.

200 hjġpdw AtacnbpsS \obahmenbn Hn s_an lmcnks ]n Xeapdmcw, hnkvS Nnens AI _phpw Bb ]m tdm_k\v tImtfPv hnZym`ymknw anendn tkh\nw tijw _m]vSnkv k`bnse HUnt\j FSpp. ]noSv s]tmkvXp hnizmkn h. Xs ]nXmhv 34 hj Atacn ]mesav AwKambn. cm{ob ]mew D Spw_n \nw h ]m tdm_k 1988se Atacn {]knUv m\tv cwKsnbnp ]nmdnb hynbmWv.

1961 {]t]Ww Bcw`n kn._n.F. temIns Ghpw XpSam\ambn {]t]Ww sNp {InkvXy t{]m{Kmw BWv. temInse Ggp]Xp `mjIfnembn 200 A[nIw cmPyfn Cu t{]m{Kmw e`yamWv. ]Xn\p ]pkvXI Xm {]kn[oIcnnpv.

Atacnbnse Ghpw {]knamb {InkvXob bqWnthknnIfn Hmmb doPnbv bqWnthknn tUm. ]mv tdm_vk Bcw`nXmWv. AhnsS \nw aebmfnI ]ew ssZh imkv{Xnepw, eoUjnnepw _nZm\c _nZhpw tUmtdpw t\Snbnpv.

]m sN Zpssc (sNss), sF.] P\d sk{Idn ]m, kp{]kn tdUntbm {]`mjI\mb ]m kmIv ]p, ]m B. G{_lmw, ]m t\m_n ]n. tXmakv, ]m amX| s_v, ]m tm_n s_tKmadn, kn ] apXenbm Fnhsc IqSmsX Cybn \nw ap hntZi cmPyfn \nw, Atacnbnse aebmfn s]tmkvXv k`Ifnse Adnbs {]kwKIw AXnYnIfmbn Fpsav Iho\ tUm. kn ]nenv Adnbnp. tIm^dkn ]sSpWsa B{Klnhw, Xmak kuIcyw Ihj skdn Xs Bhiyw Dhw CXphsc cPn sNbvXnnsbn F{Xbpw s]v cPn sNbvXv \nfpsS cPntdj DdmWsav sk{Idn cmP Bcyn Adnbnp. tUm. kn ]nenv (Iho\), cmP Bcyn (\mj\ sk{Idn), tPmbnkv ]n. amXqkv (\jW {Sjd), Bjnjv tP_v (\mjW bqv tImUnt\) XpSnbhcmWv Cu alm ktf\n\v t\{XXzw \Xv.

hm AbXv t_mhkv Nmtm (tem aoUnbm sk{Idn)


Displaying 5 Comments
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renny john (March 9, 2013)
sp (March 9, 2013)
let us earnestly pray for the speakers. May the Holy Spirit lead them to speak against adultry, bribe, and thirst for power and lust.
a pastor from ny (March 8, 2013)
i am glad pcnak 2013 is bringing top speakers. this will definetely bring some good crowd in. i am planning to come with my family and ask my chruch members to do the same. praise god!
george oommen, ny (March 7, 2013)
yes it is good to have great speakers in the conference. good job pcnak 2013 leaders. god bless you all. i belive it is going to be a blessed confrene in the 31st pcnak. i will be there and you can count on me and my church support for the upcoming pcank 2013.
pr. john thomas (March 7, 2013)
It is good to have great servants of God coming to minister. God bless

pcnak conference.
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