Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 23, 2013
Views: 21152
Editorial : Media viewed as enemies?.
Hcp kaq-l-n am[y-a--fpsS {]m[m-\yhpw ]pw Fm-sWv {]tXy-Inpw hnh-cn-t Imcy-an-. Hcp kaq-ls icn-bmb Zni-bn-tep \bn-p-hm\pw sXp-I-sf Nqn ImWn-p-hm\pw Agn-aXn ]pd-p-sIm-p-h-cp-hm\pw am[y-a- hln-p ]v F{Xtbm hep-Xm-Wv. {]tXy-Inv Hcp P\m-[n-]Xy cmPy-n am[y-a-ġv henb Npa-X-e-bmWv hln-p-hm-\p--Xv.- hn-`n coXn-bn-ep am[y-a-{]-h-\--fp-v. `c-W-Im-sf A\p-Iq-enpw Ah-v kvXpXn ]mSnbpw Agn-a-Xn-I-sfbpw sXmb \o--sf-bp-samw Inpw I-Spw `c-W-Im--fn \nv km-nI t\-ap-m-p Hcp hn`m-Kw. Fm FXnp-I-sftbm \jvS--sftbm hI-h-bvmsX kXy-n-\p-thn \oXn-t_m-[-tmsS \ntbmKw t]mse {]hn-p asmcp hn`m-Kw. `oj-Wn-s-Sp-nbpw mv sabn-enwKv \S-nbpw [\-k-mZ\w \S-p--hcpw Dv Fp-Xv kXyw Xs. Fm icn-bmb ey-t_m-[-tmsS kaq-l-ns \-bvmbn \nkzm-ambn \ntbmKw t]mse ]{X-{]-h\s ImWp--hv \ tIn hcp-Xv henb hne-bm-Wv. CXn-\n-S-bn Poh t]mepw _en-bn-tn hcp F{Xtbm ]{X-{]-h-I-cp-v. CXv skp-e cwKs Imcyw.
{InkvXob am[y-a-{]-h\w Ipd-p-IqSn hyXy-kvX-amWv. \ncp-]-{Z-h--fmb teJ-\-fpw Nc-a-hm-Ifpw k`m hm-Ifpw sImv t]Pp-I \nd-v \S-p--XmWv bYm {InkvXob am[ya {]h\w FmWv Nne [cnp hn-cn-p-Xpw ]Tn-n-p--Xpw. sXp-Iġv t\sc hnc Nqp--h-scbpw hnain-p--h-scbpw Dsm-p-hmt\m kln-jvW-X Imp-hmt\m ]e-tmgpw s]-tmkvXv t\Xr-Xz-n\v Ign-bp-n-. hnain-p-Xv ]m]-amWv Fp t]mepw [cnp hn-cn-p--h-cmWv \psS t\Xm--fn ]e-cpw. ]mw mpw KpkvXnbpw Ign-v ^o Un Cd-n-b-h h _nkn-\-p-Imsc tXm n-p \ne-bn tImSo-iz-c-m-cmbn amdn-b-Xns clkyw am[y-a- ]pd-p-sIm-p-h-cp-tm Ah-tcmSv Fs\ kln-jvWX Impw. Zpcp-]-tZ-i-s-Xn-scbpw Agn-a-Xn-s-Xn-scbpw sXmb \ne-]m-Sp-Is-Xn-scbpw \S-p t]mcm--fn ssZhoI \ntbm-K-an-söv ]d-bp-hm BmWv Ign-bp--Xv.
thZ-]p-kvXIw ]Tn-p-tm Ghpw henb hnai-I tbip-{In-kvXp-hm-bn-cp-p-shv ImWp-hm Ign-bpw. Xm t]mcm-Sn-bXv As aXkaq-l-tmSpw, aX-ta-em-f-m-tcmSpw cmjv{Sob t\Xr-Xz-tmSpw Bbn-cp-p. Xt-S-tmsS Xs \ne-]m-Sp-I-sfbpw t_m[y--sfbpw {]kvXm-hn tbip-{In-kvXp-hm-bn-cpp Ghpw henb hnai-I. cmPm-hns\ Ipdp--s\pw aX-ta-em-f-msc sh-tX ih---d-I-sfpw hnfn-m Xm aSn-n-. tZhm-e-bs hmWn-`-im-e-bm-nb I]-S-`--mp t\sc Nm-hm-sd-Sp-Xpw Ncn-{X-bm-Ymyw. AXn\v Xm sImSp hne {Iqim-bn-cp-p. Fm kXyw Dbs-gp-t pI Xs sNbvXp. B kXy-ns hym]\w XS-bp-hm Hcp inpw km[y-am-bn-.
Cv s]-tmkvXv t\Xm--mcpw CtX am\-kn-Im-h--bn-em-Wv. ]{X-m i{Xp--fm-sW aphn-[n-tbm-sS-bmWv ]ecpw am[y-a-{]-h-Isc ImWp--Xv. hnain-p--hsc ASn-am\pw `oj-Wn-s-Spn hmb-S-n-p-hm\pw hrYm {ian-p-I-bm-Wv. hnai-\-nse s]mcp Xncn--dnv Ime-ns Nph-sc-gp-p-hm-bn-v `c-W-]m-fn--I Hgn-hmn aptmp t]mIp--XmWv bYm t\Xm-hns Ign-hv. Hcp s]-tmkvXv t\Xmhv am[y-a-s-Xnsc tIkp-sIm-Sp-p-hm\pw `oj-Wn-s-Sp-p-hm\pw AWn-Isf t{]cn-n-p--Xp ImWp-tm kl-Xm]w AmsX Hpw tXmp-n. am[y-a- sNp-Xv kaq-l-ns \-bvm-bp henb ZuXy-am-Wv. AXns\ XS-bn-Sp-hm-\p {ia- hn^eamsWv Xncn--dn-bp-hm-\p kmam-\y-_pn {]m]n-p-I. ImcWw am[y-a- kaq-l-ns i{Xp--f-.
brother joy chembakaseri; thank you so much for writing that comment. my repeated request to the former commentators like you is with the sole intention to expose such past events of the men and women of god, which is quite unknown to this generation. it is terribly sad that this generation is caught up in the religious-political fight. when rev. oral roberts came to tvm, we saw a small advertisement in manorama at the top left corner; myself and my father went there. i was in the degree course in the college at that time. bus load of believers came from andhra and tamil nadu, the crowd was very surprising and the stadium was filled hours before the meeting was started. even though the assembly of god church was mainly leading the function, all the pentecostal denominations were united, even other denominations were actively participated from behind in that crusade, which was perhaps the largest gathering in the history of trivandrum until that day. thank you.