Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 10, 2012
Views: 16102
Election of John K. Mathew made invalid.
sF. ]n. kn. P\-d Iukn AwK-ambn sXc--Sp--s dh. tPm sI. amXyp-hns sXc-s-Spv ]cm-Xnsb XpSv Ce- Io-j Akm-[p-hmn. sXc-s-Spp Znhkw m\mn-I P\-d t_mUn-bn ]s-Sp--W-sa \nbaw ]men-m-Xn-cp--Xn-\m-emWv dh. tPm. sI. amXyp-hns sXc-s-Spv Akm-[p-hm-Ip-hm Imc-Ww. ]cm-Pn-X-\m-bn-cp ]m kpZi-\]nbmWv Cu hnjbw Nqn-mn sXc-s-Spp Io-j\p ]cmXn \In-b-Xv. P\d Iukn Ce--\n 2946 thmp-I-tfmsS Ctlw 7mw m\v Fn-bn-cpp. P\-d Iukn AwK--fmbn sXc-s-Sp--s ]mtgvkv _m_p G{_-lmw, tPmv Zm\n-tb Fn-h tIcfm tv Iukn-en-tepw sXc-s-Sp--s--Xn-s\-p-Sv P\-d Iukn AwKXzw Hgn-p. Cu Hgn-hn-tev ]m ]n. C. tPmv, kpZi-\-]n Fn-h P\-d Iukn AwK--fmbn amdn
thank you brother thepraize: may i wish you all a very happy new year. in my comments, i was very straight forward touching each subject, and may i remind you all that i didn't write the comments to hurt anybody. this very prolonged recession is drawing us to that
day " that at the name of jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and those on earth, and those under the earth' phil 2:10.
let us all work double hard to draw more people to jesus christ in 2013. happy new year to you all. may god bless you all.