Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 11, 2012
Views: 16479
Elections over, New we need changes.
sF. ]n. kn. Ce--\nse Hcp \nco--I F \ne-bn Hcp Imcyw ]d-b-s. Ctm \S-p coXn C\nbpw ]np-Sm AXv Ghpw tami-amb \ne-bn-tev Imcy-sf Fnpw F-Xn kwibw th. at-izcw apX Ifn-bn-m-hn-f-h-sc-bp hnizm-kn-I Ip-\mv thmp sNm-s\-p coXnp amw htc-n-bn-cn-p-p. \qdp-I-Wn\p hml-\-fpw Bbn-c--W-n\p hnizm-kn-Ifpw Ip-\mv Fp-Ibpw \qdp-I-W-n-\m-fp-I thmn-\mbn Ahsc s]mXn-bp-Ibpw sNp ImgvN Atcm-NIw Xs. slt{_m]pc-n\p shfn-bn Hcp Zn\w \o KXm-K-X-p-cppw tImuv hnv tdmUn-tepw \o {]N-c-Whpw s]mXp P\-n\p apn s]s-tm-kvXns asmcp Nn{Xw hcp Imn.
cmjv{So-bm-[n-{]-k-c-n\pw ]W-ns kzm[o-\-n-\p-samw AdpXn hcp-p-hm taJ-em-Sn-m-\-n thmp sNp-hm-\p kwhn-[m-\-amWv Bh-iyw. taJe Xncnv sXc-s-Spv \S-n-bm saw ]e-Xm-Wv. AXXp taJ-e-bn \np--h am{Xw a-cn-p-XpsImv thmamv ]cn-N-b-aphcm-bn-cnpw m\mn-I. AXp-sImp Xs tbmKy-X-bp--hsc Xncn--dnv thmp sNp-hm hnizm-kn-Iġp km[npw. Ctm-gp kwhn-[m-\-n bmsXmcp tbmKy-X-bp-an-m--h Nm\-ep-I-fpsS ad-hn cwK-s-p-I-bm-Wv. {]h-\-an-Ihpw Ignhpw ]cn-N-b-k--p-ap--h IqSp-X-embn Iukn-en-se-p--XmWv k`bvpw {]tbm-P-\-I-cw. Ip-\m-tv thmamsc Fn-m Ccp-]m-\-ep-Im apS-n-bXpw kz-hm-l-\-n h-h apS-n-b-Xp-samw Iqn-bm 25 30 ew cq]-bn-e-[n-I-amIpw. Fm taJ-em-Sn-m-\-n sXc-s-Spp \S-n-bm Cu ]mgv sNehv Hgn-hm-mw.
Pbnp hcp Iukn AwK--fn \nv FIvkn-Iyq-ohv m\n-I-sf-IqSn sXc-s-Sp-p-I-bm-sW-n Ctm-gp Cu cmjv{So-b--fn-Iġv hncm-a-am-Ipw. ]c-kv]cw sNfn-hm-cn-sb-dn-pw, Xmgvn-s-n-bp-ap {]N-c-W-fpw. _ln-jvI-cW `oj-Wnbpw Ipn-bn-cnpw Fmw Hgn-hm-m Cu amw AXym-m-t]-n-X-am-Wv. k`-bpsS \nb-am-h-en-b-\p-k-cnv \S--XmWv Ctm \S sXc-s-Spv Fv ]d-bm hm nXn-hn-ti-j-am-Wp--Xv. m Xm¸-cy-ġmbn \nb-as hymJym-\nv sNm¸-Snp \np Cu kml-Ncyw amd-Ww. ImcWw s]mXp P\-ns apn-se-nepw Hcp \ Nn{Xw sF. ]n. knsb-p-dn-p-m-I-s.
contd; 2: the crystal cathedral went under bankruptcy in 2010, it was in $ 50 million debt. even some mega churches in the u.s. are shaking financially. jim wallis, one bible scholar said " we found thousands of verses in the bible on the poor and god's response to injstice. one in every 16 verses in the n.t. is about the poor or the subject of money". the first book written in the new testament, the book of james very emphatically drawing our attention to take care of the widows and orphans james 1:27. those preachers constantly preaching "press down and give to me, god is going to bless you abundantly" is exactly not from god. how many of them are interested to get that abundant blessings through any "press down giving"? we are all faced with a very highly critical economic crisis we have never seen recently and god is giving us a great opportunity to obey what he taught us to do " to take care of the orphans and widows in front of us".