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{]ikvX ss{IkvXh KmbI sP. hn. ]o \nXyXbn

Evg. J.V Peter Promoted to Glory
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 19, 2012
Views: 57003

Evg. J.V Peter Promoted to Glory.
{]ikvX ss{IkvXh KmbI\pw Km\cNbnXmhpambncp Chm.sP. hn. ]o (59) \nXyXbn. tKmkv] SyqtWgvkv F ayqknIv SoaneqsS tIcfcbnse Ihj thZnIfn hmtZym]IcW D]tbmKnp kwKoX ip{iqjbvv Bcw`w Ipdnp. \qdpWn\v ss{IkvXh Km\fpsS cNbnXmhmb {_Z sP. hn. ]odns Ghpw {]ikvXamb Km\amWv Fn Fn kvXpXnphm.... FXv.

]p\eqcn \npw Xangv\mn IpSntbdnb IpSpw_n 1953 sabv 21 \v P\np hf ]o amcIamb t_mIymk tcmKnbmbncpp. ApX kuJyw e`n Ctlw a[pc G. Pn.ss__n kvIqfn ]T\w \Sn. 1971 apX ss{IkvXh Km\cwKv {]hnphcpp. . 1976 tIcfn senb {_Z ]o 1977 {]ikvX KmbI\mbncp GWv sskaWns aIfpw {]ikvX KmbnIambncp \nesb hnhmlw sNbvXp. Ign 35 hjfmbn Ccphcpw tNv tKmkv] SyqtWgvkv F kwKoX {KqneqsS BbncWn\p t PpIfn Km\ip{iqj \nlnp. Syq Zn tKmkv] Hmtdj F t{]m{KmaneqsS BbncWn\p efn ]ckytbmK \Snbnp sP. hn. ]o acWn\p apv BKv 15 \v Xmakeamb IS{]bnepw BepwXpcpnbnepw \Snb ]ckytbmKfneqsS \qdpWn\mfpItfmSv kphntijw ]nncpp. tKmkv] HmUntbm em_ns DSabmbncpp.

a \nt\m, kmn, tagvkn. acpaI: F_n. arXtlw ]cpaebnse Bip]{Xn tamdnbn knncnpp. ihkwkvImcw ]noSv.-----

Xnh: tKmkv] SqtWgvkv F a}knv SoaneqsS ss{IkvXh ssIcfnv kp]cnNnX\mb {]ikvX KmbI sP.hn. ]o Imhn \n{Z {]m]np. HmKv 19\v Rmbdmgv cm{Xn Xnhm hfhp kz`h\n hv lrZbkvXw`\w aqeamWv \ncymX\mbXv.

IqSpX hnhc ]nmse..


Displaying 18 Comments
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joy chembakasseril (September 8, 2012)
" Nee enn swanntham - Nee enn paksham - Neerum veealakalil -

Aaazhiyinn aaazhanghalil aaananthom neeyenikkeea "

was a "CLASSIC" in Malayalam Devotional Music !

We will always REMEMBER Bro J. V. PETER by this song, a song born in the furnace of his real life misery [ god healed him]!!!!!
cc abraham (August 28, 2012)

continued (4)

surprisingly, i had an encounter with this same suresh in porbandar, gujarat in 1984. on seeing me he fled the scene immediately from the house of a friend i was visiting. i understood he had very good contacts amongst the police officers and other local hooligans. i warned our people there to be away from him.

jvp as well as many singers including bhaktha valsalan etc, were cheated by this person and had amassed many costly costumes, watches, rare bibles and other valuables. these were in his collection.

since i am out of kerala/india since 1979, i had very limited contacts.
cc abraham (August 28, 2012)
Continued (3) Many of us opined of handing him over to the police but the dean was afraid of defaming the name of the institution. Suresh also begged not to hand him over to the police. Around the same time coincidentally the Dean got a phone call from a novelty shop that a person from Sharon had bought many items worth more than a thousand rupees the week before but did not pay in spite of his promise. Then we took him to the same shop. Since he did not have any cash with him the shop owner took his watch as a guarantee until the payment. (In fact the watch belonged to Bro. Bhaktha Valsalan. After a week Bro. Bhaktha Valsalan came enquiring about that watch, we understood from the shop owner that Suresh had paid the money due to the shop within a few minutes and collected the watch from the shop). Continued in (4)
cc abraham (August 28, 2012)
(2).... gratefully i accepted his offer and reached tiruvalla and woke up the dean to warn/explain him about the so-called convert. suresh came to sharon one late night with other people who returned from rev. billy graham's crusade in kottayam on 06/12/1977. somehow it escaped the attention of the dean. suresh was a fraud with fake made-up testimony. when the dean saw this stranger, he started weeping and claimed he was a hindu convert and that he was facing severe persecution from his relatives and community and sought permission to stay in the dormitory with the students until he is enrolled from the next academic year. the same morning i saw him leaving the premises in a safari suite and told me he was going to the above crusade. around 5 am the next morning, i heard knocking at the door and saw suresh standing with a dirty dhoti and banian. later in the morning when we questioned him he admitted that he was a fraud. continued in (3)
cc abraham (August 28, 2012)
he was a great man of god whom i can never forget. our heartfelt condolences to sr. nirmala and the beloved children. my relationship with him started in 1977. i remember an incident in which he saved a community from robbery and devastation by giving timely warning about a person in disguise. i had a mobile bookstall which i used to place at major crusades and conventions. in december 1977 i was at the jesus' name crusade with my books and charts. jvp and his wife were the singers at the crusade. while he was on the stage singing, he saw me at the *** end of the shamiana with my bookstall. i had plans to visit my relatives after the meeting. but immediately after the meeting, jvp came to me and asked me to return to sharon where i was studying, to warn people about one person called suresh who was staying there temporarily. as he was going to attend another function at chengannur, he asked me to accompany him so that he can drop me on the way in tiruvalla.

mathew george carrollton (August 28, 2012)
Brother peter was a sprit filled singer and a writer.his song will last for ever.I pray may God comfort sister Nirmala and all.
touchpoint usa (August 27, 2012)
When I was in india ,I oftenly listened Bro:JVP's song "rakshayin pathrangale ningal vanniduvin". What a great song,What a great presentation.His Christian music memories & challenges for next generation live forever.

r. dominic gerad (jerry) (August 25, 2012)
We indeed miss this great musician and a great man of God. Our heartfelt condolences to his beloved wife and next of kin. His famous song, "Enni Enni Stuthikuvaan" is a great hit in Malayalam and Tamil.
stanley mathews-manak (August 24, 2012)
I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of our Brother. Our sincere condolences to Sister Nirmala and the children May God give you the peace and courage at this difficult time. May his memory be eternal.
cherivukalayil mathew (August 24, 2012)
bro j v peter songs will always be remembered..,a big loss to christian music in south india.our deepest condolences to sis nirmala n all family members.we shall meet on that beautifull shore soon..,thats our hope.
joy chembakasseril (August 24, 2012)
" nee enn swanthom- nee enn pakshom- neerum veealakalil- aazhiyinn- aazhanghalil- aaanandhom nee eenikkeea---- " the song he sang is still echo- ing in my ears ! evangelist j.v. peter will deeply be missed by all of us in the christian world. married to nirmala they both made a good singing pair. he was cured from cancer at one time and it was at that time he wrote and sang the above mentioned song, "nee enn pakshom, nee enn swanthom". this song will be in our hearts forever and ever, and so is j.v. peter. i was saddened to hear the untimely demise of bro: peter. may the good lord grant strength and fortitude to the near and dear ones of his family, especially sister nirmala. my prayer are with the family. my deepest and heartfelt condolences to bro: peter's family.
finny raju houston (August 24, 2012)
My heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family of Bro.JV Peter.
edison mathew (August 23, 2012)
Yes I met him long time ago in the USA. I love his testimony and songs it's real!

He will be missed.

Our sincere condolences to Sister Nirmala Chechy and the children.

May God give you the peace and courage at this difficult time!

a. s. mathew (August 22, 2012)
Indeed he was a blessed singer with a special voice. A great loss for the

Christian music in south India. My Heartfelt condolence and prayers for his bereaved family.
thepraize (August 21, 2012)
One of the early christian musicians who inspired millions globally thru songs, penned from real life experience. His passing away has surely shocked the gospel music followers and he will surely be missed.Our thoughts and prayers are with the family during this hour of grief and sorrow.

His memories will remain thru the compositions he presented to the gospel world.


The PraiZe
marz tv (August 21, 2012)
it's with great pain to say good night to one of my favorite musicians in malayalam devotional songs history. a man of god used his god given talents to generate musically immersed lyrics from life lessons while looking forward to a blessed future day that is promised only by christ jesus. i will see him "marukarayil..."
pr.sabu m varghese (August 20, 2012)
We are missing a godly man who contributed a lot for the Christendom, especially in the area of spiritual worship and music. His lyrics are born not of poetical intellect but emerged from the furnace of radical experience with the Lord Jesus...his words are touching thousands even today as he left for his heavenly abode..a man for gospel...we pray that the Lord may comfort bereaved family and loved ones from all walks of life... with the hope to see Evg.JVP on that day on the other shore with Jesus.....
george (August 20, 2012)
Brother Peter was a blessing to thousands in Kerala and all over the world. Some of his songs are from his own experiences. "Enni enni sthuhtikkuvan" was the favourite song of many believers and that song will last for ever. Ninakkethiray varum ayudam falikkayilla. May God comfort Sis Nirmala and others.

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