Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Nov 13, 2012
Views: 18568
Finally Obama won.
Idp h-m-c\mb BZy {]kn-Umbn 2008 Ncn-{X-sa-gp-Xnb s_dmIv lpssk H_ma hy-amb `qcn-]--tmsS hopw sshv lukn Fn-bn-cn-p-p. temIw Dp-t\m-nb t]mcm---n-s\m-Sp-hn-emWv _dmIv H_m-a-bpsS Dze hnP-bw. ISp km-nI {]Xn-k-n-bn-eqsS IS-p-t]m-Ip-p-sh-nepw Cpw Ata-cn-bvv temI-nse AP in F ]Z-hnbvv amw hn-n-. Ata-cn--bpsS \ne-]m-Sp-I Cpw temIs kzm[o-\n-p-Xp Xs-bm-Wv. Fm F{X \m IqSn CXpmIpw Fv ]d-bp-hm km[y-a-. ImcWw ]p temI-i-n-I Dbs-gp-tp Ign-p. Ata-cn- {]kn-Uv sXc-s-Sp-n H_m-a-bpsS aX hnizmkw Cpdn tNmZyw sN-s-n-cp-p. ]mc-cy hmZn-I ]ecpw H_m-asb kwib ZyjvSn-tbmsS hon-n-cp-p F-XmWv bmYmyw. H_m-a-bpsS FXn-cm-fn-bm-bn-cp anv tdmav\nsb AXp-sImp Xs ]nXp-W--h-cn [mcmfw {InkvXym-\n-I-fpap-v. Fm ISp Zpcp-]-tZi {]m-\-amb tamtam k`-m-c-\mb anv tdmav\nsb ]nXp-W-bvp-hm Xp\n _nn-{Klmw Chm--en-nIv Atm-kn-tb-j t]mse-bp kphn-tij hnln-X-cpsS \ne-]m-Sp-Ifpw H_m-a-bpsS FXn-cm-fnsb klm-bn-n-. C\n bp-ns \mfp-I Ignp F {]kvXm-h-\-tbmsS temI-n\v ]pXnb {]Xo \In-sm-mWv H_ma Xs cmw hnPbw BtLm-jn--Xv. C\n hcp-hm-\p-Xv \ \mfp-I Bbn-cn-p-sav {]kvXm-h-\-bpw Ata-cn- P\-Xsb {]Xo--bpsS tXcn Gn--gn-p. Fm ssZh-h-N\-ns ASn-m-\-n Cu {]kvXm-h\ F{X-tmfw bmYmy-amIpw Fv I-dn-tb-n-bn-cn-p-p.-A-h kam-[m\w kam-[m-\-sap ]d-bp-tm K`n-Wnbvv {]kh thZ\ hcp--Xp-tmse Ah-cpsS \miw thK-n DmIpw Fm-Wtm hN\w. GXm-bmepw km-nI sRcp--n \nv Ata-cn D-cn--s-Sp-hm {]Xo--tbmsS Imn--cn-p--hv Dt-P-\-ambn amdn H_m-a-bpsS {]kvXm-h-\. temI-nse ap-Wn-cm-Py-s \bn-p-hm H_m-abvv Hc-h-kcw IqSn e`n-n-cn-p-p. Xs aX hnizmkw Zpcq-lX DWp-XmWv Fv ]ecpw Bi--s-Sp-p. AXn\p ImcWw Xs apKm-an-Ifpw IpSpw_ ]mc--cy-hp-am-Wv. acn--hp-thn kv\m\w G¡p-Ibpw thZ-]p-kvX-I-ns ASn-m\ D]-tZ-i--sf-X-s amn adn-bvp-Ibpw sNp tamtam F Zpcp-]-tZi {]m-\-ns A\p-bmbn Bb anv tdmav\n-sb-m t`Zw H_ma Xs Fv hniz-kn-p-hm-\mWv teJ-I\v CjvSw. C\n temI-n\v `hn-p-hm t]mIp-Xv Fm-sWv Bi--s-tS Imcy-an-. ImcWw Cu Ime-s-p-dnv hnip thZ-]p-kvXIw hy-ambn tcJ-s-Sp-n-bn-p-v. C\n Imew hne-bn-cp-s.
(FUntmdnb: cmP Bcyn)
bro a s mathew- your compliments are noted,hereby.your preaching is a waist if there is no audience.if there is no-audience,then who are we preaching to- bare-walls? preaching like teaching is an art,which requires a certain skill.its not what you preach(only right preaching),but how you preach.if you can create "eagerness and anxiety" among the audience,your preaching will be worth-while.
self-denial and suffering is good in prayers and meditation,its a means of honoring god, the almighty.those gospel are not for the beginners and that's why you don't get an audience there!
the creator expect his creation to prosper,so there is nothing wrong in preaching about prosperity.the creator wants us the creation to prosper in peace, wealth and happiness.then again its not "the prosperity" that's the problem,but how you prosper.if you prosper by the right means,then its alright before god,if you prosper by the wrong means,then its unholy to god.we the 'ones' has to make the choice