Sunday, February 23, 2025 |

hopw Hcp km-nI amyw

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Aug 24, 2011
Views: 14110

Financial collapse again?.
am[y-a--fn t]mb-hm-c-n \ndp \nXv Ata-cn hopw Hcp km-nI XI-bn-te-mWv F hm-bm-bn-cp-p. Ata-cn- km-nI cwK-ns hnizm-ko-bX Xs tNmZyw sNp \ne-bn tdbv-nw-Kn Dmb XIbpw IqsS-bm-b-tm ]cn-{`mn hn-p. km-nI cwKv Ata-cn- \ne-]m-Sp-Isf tNmZyw sNbvXp-sImv ssN\ cwK-{]-thiw sNbvXXpw Ifw sImgn-n-p. tUmf-dn-\p-]-Icw temIw samw GI- \m-Wbw F Bi-b-n ssN\ \Ip {]N-cWhpw Ata-cn-bvv tZmj-amtWm Fv hcpw Zn\--fn Adn-bmw. GXm-bmepw km-nI cwKv IpXn-p-b-cp ssN\-bpsS ta[m-hnXzw hcpw \mfp-I-fn temI-sapw hym]npw Fp Xs-bmWv km-nI hnZKvZ-cpsS IW-p-Iq-. Hw \h km-nI in-bmbv Db-cp Cybpw temI-ns {im tI{-am-bn-cn-p-p. Hcp km-nI XI DS Dm-Ip-sav Hcp Iqw km-nI hnZ-KvZ {]h-Nn-p-tm asmcp Iq B hm-Zs Xn--f-bp-I-bmWv. Fm-bmepw P\w ]cn-{`m-n-bn-em-Wv.


Displaying 2 Comments
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a. s. mathew (August 25, 2011)
China-India-Brazil revival is an eye-opening miracle. The vast majority of the Indian community has voted for Obama without actually knowing his true religious conviction. While he cancelled the national day of prayer, he was very happy to have Ramadan and Deepavali, also another Sikh prayer meeting in the whitehouse for the first time. One friend told me that Mrs. Obama took an idol of " ganapathy " when they went to India for visit. God has sent punishment to the people of Isreal, His own people, when they turned to idol worship. More than 17 trillion dollar is gone from the wealth of the Americans. 25% of the children are hungry. More than 45 million people are in food stamp (it was 33 million in 2009). Unemployment is getting worse, and the thousands of college and high school graduates are not listed in the unemployment role. This is a very fearful situation without any hope, but we need to only to trust in the LIVING GOD for provision and help.
a.s.mathew (August 24, 2011)
In Gross Domestic products (GDP)
U.S.-China-Japan-India and Brazil.
The U.S. with her 5% of the world population consume 25% of the energy
produced in the world. The only one
currency in the world with the inscription
"in God we trust" was in more demand around the world than gold.

Mr. Obama got a weak economy from
President Bush. Instead of calling upon
God for special blessings and mercy to
change the economy, he deliberately
cancelled the national day of prayer in
2008 for the first time since it was
started in 1952. One man with God is a majority, and God always used one special person to do miracles. China had only 5 million Christians when Mao
took control of China in 1948. The Church went underground, now there are
over 130 million Christians, and by the
year 2050, it is prjected to be 600
million. While The U.S., Japan and Europe have brushed God out,
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