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sFIy-X-tbmsS aptdmw: {_Z cmP Bcy--n, sNbam

go ahead with unity
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 1, 2016
Views: 7675

go ahead with unity.
Cybnse Ghpw henb {]m-\-amb sF. ]n. kn.bpsS tIcfm tv Ce- ^ew h-tm. {]Xo-n--Xn \npw henb hnP-b-tmsS ]m sI. kn. tXmakv t\XrXzw \Inb ]m\ hnPbw hcn-p. ^nenv ]n. tXmakv ]-n\v C{Xbpw I\ ]cm-Pbw Bcpw {]Xo-n-n-cp-n. i-amb P\m-[n-]Xy kwhn-[m\w \ne-\n-¡p sF. ]n. \S Cu sXc-s-Spv {im-]q-amWv Fm-hcpw hon-n-cp--Xv. Fpw \ne-]m-Sp-I-fpsS t]cn i-amb a-c-amWv ChnsS \S--p-h-cm-dp--Xv. ]pXnb sXc-s-Spv ]cn-jvI-c-W-ns `mK-ambn \ntbm-PI aWvUew Xncnv \S-nb BZy sXc-s-Sp-p-Iq-Sn-bm-bn-cp-tm CXv. Cu ]cn-jvI-cWw hnP-am-bn-cp-p F-Xn\v kwibw th. tIc-f-ns sXp-ap-X hS-p-h-sc-bp ip{iq-j-Icpw k`m-{]-Xn-\n-[n-Ifpw slt{_m]p-cv thmnw-Kn-\mbn Fp-tm Dm-Ip Aku-I-cy-fpw Xncpw Hgn-hm-p-hm Cu ]cn-jvI-cW-n-eqsS km[np FXv FSpp ]d-tb hkvXp-X-bm-Wv. am{X-a ImktImUv \np m\mnsb ]cn-N-b-an-s-nepw Ifn-bn--hn-f-bn \ns-p thm ]m\-ens t]cn thmv \Ip coXn CtXmsS amdn. AXmXv Pn-I-fn t]cpw kmyhpw Cm--hv ]nSn-p-\n¡p-hm Ign-bn-. AXp-sImv Xs Ignhpw {]m]vXnbpw D-h Iukn-en Fp-hm Imc-W-am-Ipw. Ime-L--n-\-\p-kr-X-amb ]cn-jvIm-c- C\nbpw k`m sXcs-Spn hcp-t--Xp-v. k`-bpsS s]mXp \ emmn {]hn-p-hm Iukn-en\v Ign-bWw. AhnsS hn`m-Ko-b-Xbpw kzP-\-]--]m-X-hp-sams shSnv {]hn-p-hm t\Xm--m Xm-dm-I-Ww.
\ne-]m-Sp-I-fpsS t]cn ]w Xncnv t]mcm-Sn-sb-nepw C\nbpw k`-bpsS A`n-hr-n-mbn Hnp \nv {]hn-p-hm Ccp-]-hpw Xm-dm-I-Ww. h `qcn-]w e`np F-Xp-sImv am{Xw FXn]-s Xn--f-b-cp-Xv. Fm--h-scbpw Dsmpw AwKo-I-cnpw k`-bpsS A`n-hr-n-mbpw {]hn--Ww.
`mc-X-nse amdn-h-cp cmv{Sob kmap-Zm-bnI kmN-cy--fn Cym s]s-tmkvXv ssZh-k-`bvv henb D-c-hm-ZnXzw Dv FXv ad--cp-Xv. kphn-ti-jo-I-c-W-n\pw k`m-m-]-\-n-\p-ambn Dv {]hn-t Ime-am-Wn-Xv. ]-s-tmse \smcp Imew ssZhw \psS k`-I-fn \Ip-hm \mw {]mn-t-Ww. ]cn-ip-m \ndhpw Ir]m-hc ip{iq-j-Ifpw i-amb D]-tZ-ihpw k`-bn Hcp-t]mse \S--Ww. B-i-n-bm tZiv hnSp-X kw`-hn--Ww. P\w am\-km-c A\p-`-h-n-tev hc-Ww. AXp-sImv Xs Bob ip{iq-j-Iġv {]m[m\yw sImSp-p-Ibpw ssZh-h-N-\-n\v ASn-m\w Cv aptmv t]mIp-Ibpw thWw. ]Ibpw `n-Xbpw Ass\-Iyhpw Fmw shSnv {InkvXp-hns hb-en tXm-tfmSv tXm tNv {]hn-p-hm \apv Ign-b-Ww.
\ne-]m-Sp-I-fnepw A`n-{]m-b--fnepw hyXy-kvXX Dm-Imw. Fm A`n-{]m-b-nse hyXy-kvX-Xbpw \ne-]m-Sp-Ifpw hyn-_-s _m[n-p-Itbm sFIy-Xbvv `wKw hcp-hm ImcWw BIp-Itbm Acp-Xv.
m\-am\ e`n--h ap--h-cpsS \-bvmbn AXv D]-tbm-Kn--Ww. k-`sb sFIy-X-bpsS Nc-Sn tImn-Wn i-ambn \bn-p-hm Ign-bp t\Xr-Xz-amWv Cns Bh-iyw. Cy--bnse s]s-tmkvXv {]m-\-ġv \mb-IXzw hln-p-hm\pw Znim-t_m[w \Ip-hm\pw Ign-b- \ne-bn {]m-\s hfn-sb-Sp-p-hm t\Xr-Xz-n\v Ign-b-Ww. ]pXnb `c-W-k-an-Xnv Fm-hn-[-amb Biw-k-Ifpw t\cp-p.


Displaying 2 Comments
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sahayatri (June 8, 2016)
@ concerned person : suvisesham,suvisesham, nerroddu nadukunna avarkke thaangalude ee prabhashanam aavashyam illa,injal ulla thallipoli upadeshi maarkuvendi prarthichhitu kaaryavum illa - waste of time - modi varum ellam shari aagum
concerned person (June 7, 2016)
When the church imitates the world, it is a sign of the end times. Jesus himself said in the end times will you be able to even find faith. The church of God not the denomination but the church that was bought by the blood of Jesus does not have elections. Instead the Holy Spirit anoints the next person who should be in leadership. Let us pray for the Pentecostal movement as a whole. This past election is not something you should be proud of instead with a heavy heart go to your knees in prayer.
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