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thZnbn tIXv

Heard on the stage
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 8, 2011
Views: 14768

Heard on the stage.
An A`n-tj-Ihpw An-\m-hp-ambn thZn-I-fn tim`n-p Nne Xs-bmWv Kpm-bn-k-n\pw t\XrXzw sImSp-p--sXp ImWp-tm Zp:Jap-v. Ch-cn hym]-cn-pXv Kpm A`n-tj-I-am-Wv. kzob hncp-p-Im t]meokv \S-]Sn t\cn--tm Biz-kn-n-p-hm t]mb \ ia-cym-m, Zpcp-]-tZ-i-n-s\-Xnsc {]Xn-Icnh an--s--tm {]Xn-I-cn-n-. CXv \ymb-amb Ai DWp-p. Cu ia-cym-m Xs-bt Kpm-bn-k-n\p ]nn? ]m ^nen-v. ]n. tXmakv

Xm Nv Hm^v tKmUns Hmhkn-b-dm-bn-cn-pStmfw Zpcp-]-tZi {]kw-K-Isc thZn-bn Ib-p-I-bn-. Zpcp-]-tZ-i-n-s\- Xnsc iamb \ne-]m-sS-Sp-q. ]m Fw. Ipn

\psS amk-tbm-K--sfmw hnizmk kwc-W tbmK--fm-bn- am-d-Ww. Ihj-\p-I-fn D]-tZiw ]Tn-n--Ww. ]m tXmakv ^nen-v.


Displaying 5 Comments
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joy chembakasseril, u s a. (March 29, 2011)
Pretext- Police and Goondha : Let us not turn our church and convention grounds into a market place ! The phenomenon, police and goondha and the afflictions on the goondha by the police when they do something wrong, are all usually seen in a market ! False Prophets will arise during end times ! May the Good Lord grant- peace, harmony and wisdom to all our churches and its members, Amen and Amen!
pure visham (March 9, 2011)
It's me...It's me...I am the Agni Navu guy!!
abraham (March 9, 2011)
hahaha. where in the world UR living. thats none otherthan our channel chairman.
mathew (March 9, 2011)
ahh, it could be the guy who running 'Word' and 'Vision', project without 'Power'.
george (March 8, 2011)
1. Who is this "Agni Naavu" guy??
2. Who dat? K.U Njappy saying this?
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