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h {]Xn-I-cWw: sXc-s-Spv kwhn[m\w Agnp ]Wn-bWw

IPC Election Process needs modifications
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Jul 23, 2011
Views: 21494

IPC Election Process needs modifications.
Ip-\mSv: Cy s]s-tmkvXp ssZh-k-`-bpsS Ghpw IqSp-X AwK--fp tIcfm tnse sXc-s-Spv kwhn-[m-\-ġv kaq-e-amb Agn-p-]Wn Bh-iy-am-sWv hym]-I-amb \ntiw. cmjv{Sob AXn-{]-k-chpw km-nI kzm[o-\-hp-ap Ctm-gs coXn-I k`bvv tZmjw-sN-p--Xm-sWpw Acw Imcy- Hgn-hm----\n-e-bn Ce- kwhn-[m\w Agn-p-]-Wn-bWw FpamWv Bh-iyw Db-cp--Xv. Am-n-c-tmfw thmam Ip-\mSv slt{_m]p-c-sn thmp-sN-p coXn-am-dp-Ibpw taJem Xe-n {]mtZ-in-I-ambn thms-sSp \S-p-Ibpw sNbvXm Ctm-gs {]iv\- ]Ip-Xn-tbm-fw Ipd-bpw. thmt-gvkns Fn\p-k-cnv Iukn AwK--fpsS Fw B\p-]m-Xn-I-ambn Hmtcm taJ-e-bvp-ambn Xncn-p-Ibpw B taJ-e-I-fn \np Iukn AwK-sf B taJ-e-bn D-hXs sXc-s-Sp-bpw sNbvXm cmjv{Sob AXn-{]-k-chpw km-nI kzm[o-\hpw Hgn-hm-p-hm Ign-bpw. Ctm ]m\ ASnm\-n Xncn-v a-cn-p--Xp-sImv thmam hyn-Isf a\-n-em-msX kzm[o-\-n\p hnt[-b-cmbn thmp \evIp coXnbvpw amw hcp-mw. DZm-l-c-W-ambn Xncp-h-\--]pcw kztZ-inbmb Hcp hnizmkn Iukn-tev a-cn-p-tm ImktKmUp \npw thmp-sN-m-s\-p hnizm-knbvv Ct-ls Adn-bp-hm km[n--W-sa-n-. Fmepw Hcp ]m\-en Ds Ct-ln\v Nne-cpsS kzm[o-\n\ph-gn hnizmknbvv thmp sNt-n-h-cp-p. Fm taJe Xncn-m, DZm-l-c-W-ambn ]-\w-Xn Pnbn \nv sXc-s-Sp--s-tS--hsc ]-\w-Xn--Pn--bn-ep hnizm-kn-I Xs sXc-s-Sp-p-tm km-nI kzm[o-\-n\pw cmjv{SobI-fnIġpa-pdw hyn-I-fpsS kz`m-h-n\pw Ign-hn\pw A\p-k-cnmbn-cnpw thmp e`n-p--Xv. Fm hnizm-kn-Ifpw Ip-\mv Fp--Xns sNehv, hnim-e-amb \nebn thms-Spv {Iao-I-c-W-ġp sNe-hv am{X-a av kap-Zm-b-Imsc shp \ne-I-fn-ep cmjv{Sob {]h\w Ch-sbmw Hgn-hm-p-hm\pw Ign-hp--hcpw Bo-b-h-cp-am-b-h t\Xr-Xz-n Fp-hm\pw Ccw Hcp amw klm-bn-pw. cmjv{Sob Ifn-I aSp hnizmkn-Ifpw ip{iq-j-Icpw Ctm-gs kwhn-[m-\-nepw t\Xm--m-cpsS Ifn-I-fnepw a\w s\mv Ign-bp-I-bm-Wv. skp-e cmjv{Sob cwKv t]mepw Cm \ne-I-fn D {]h-\-amWv Bo-b-scp \Sn-p ]ecpw Cv \S-nsmncn-p--Xv. ]m\ cq]o-I-cWhpambn _-sv t\Xm--m apssI-s-Spv \S-p clky tbmK- ]e-bn-Spw Ac-t-dn-I-gn-p. cmjv{Sob Ifn-I Xmev]-cy-an-m--Xn-\m t\Xr-m-\-s-p-hm tbmKy-cmb ]ecpw amdn \nevp-I-bm-Wv. \nba k`-bnse t]mse `c-W-]-hpw {]Xn-]-hpw F-t]mse sXc-s-Sp-n-\p-ti-jhpw s]cp-am-dp Iukn AwK- CXn-\p-ap-p Hcp sXc-s-Sp-nepw Dm-bn-n-. sXc-s-Spv Ign-bp-tm a-c-a-t\m-`m-hw Dt]-nv kl-hn-Xz-tmsS apt-dp-I-bm-bn-cpp ap ]Xn-hv. Fm Ctm-gp Iuknenepw hy-amb cp tNcn-bm-Wp--Xv. ASp sXc-s-Spv ey-amnbmWv Imcy- Ccp-Iq-cpw \op-Xpw. Cu Hcp kml-N-cy-ntev \op-hm ImcWw Ctm-g-s-sX-c-s-Spp coXn-I-fm-Wv. CXn-\mWv amw Dm-tI--Xv. ChnsS thXv {]Xn-]-hpw `c-W-]--hp-a-. k`-bpsS \-bvmbn ssItImp-]n-Snv {]m-\-tbmsS {]hn-p ey-t_m-[-ap Hcp kwL-s-bmWv. AXn-\mbn amw thWw FmWv _lp-`q-cn-]w sF. ]n. kn. AwK--fp-sSbpw B{K-lw.


Displaying 7 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
benjamin thomas, mesquite. (September 19, 2011)
ipc has a lot of highly potential leaders and ministers. we need to differentiate leaders from ministers. we need to elect leaders with vision and passion in our coming election. . it is good to have ministry along with leadership. my suggestion to all ipc believers to select and elect who are qualified for that position, not because they are the traditional leaders. we need a change in ipc leadership. find some young leaders who are capable of leading ipc with a passion to fellow people and a mission to win souls. get rid of all traditional leaders. ask the present ipc leaders to step out and continue their personal ministry and trust. leave ipc alone-------------- let true leaders lead our church. we need change let people like martin luther rise up for a reformation. we need pentecostalism in pentecost. wake up ipc. find people with moral and ethical standards. find people whose hands are clean. hope this election will prove the dis approval of the present leaders.
prasad .m.cherian (August 28, 2011)
i.p.c. yudea electione njan chttavarumayi varum
joy chembakasseril, usa. (August 3, 2011)
" azhicchu paniyukayalla policchu paniyukayaanu veendathu/ pakshea puucchakkaaru monny kettum ? " first--the election process in the churches has to be revamped to a better level. the church executive body has to elect and empower an election commission,to conduct elections, just like the federal or state election process. this election commission of few elected members should be empowered with supreme authority in conducting the elections.secondly --- the church has to create a electoral guide line [perumatta chattam] during election period and the churches elected election commission should be authorized with it-- towards the application of it for the fair conduct of the elections ! how about that ??? " pakshea pinneayum ee cchhoodyam avasheeshikkunnu-- puucchaa kkaaru monny kettum ?
a. s. mathew (July 31, 2011)
It very true that the elections in all the Christian demominations have totally changed to the political format. Money and social influence have replaced the spiritual voice in the Church elections. If there is a Pastor who is living with all the humility and compassion of Christ, that person will never reach anywhere in the Church hierarchy, but those people with a little bit spirit of spiritual rowdyism may reach at the top. Even though Jesus taught His disciples to be servants to become masters, now the show is going just in the totally opposite direction. Jesus washed the feet of the disciples while teaching this great spiritual lesson, but now there is no leg washing but "leg pulling" to reach the top chair in the religious empire. It is very sad but totally true.
sabin mathew (July 29, 2011)
oralkku oru thavana matharam!! athu nallathanu, divathaaal kazhivu prapichavar kadannu varatte, enna alude makan ayathu ano, ipc general akanullooo yogydhaa...

randa vakku speech chyathal pinne geranal akuvaan pattumo? athinulla life koodi venam!
bibin (July 29, 2011)
ellaaaam kallanmar thanne!! enthu azhichu paninjaalum chavar visionum koottaraum panavum mattathum erakkee jayeekkum!!!
bibin (July 29, 2011)
ethu ethaa kallu shappile election pole undalloooo.......
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