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ae_m doPnb bmYmyw Fv?

M.V Philip
Author: M.V Philip
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Feb 9, 2012
Views: 16032

IPC Malabar region - what is the reality?.
G. Pn ae_m cq]oIcWtmsS Dhn ae_m doPnb F Bhiyw sF. ]n. knbn KpcpXcamb {]iv\ġv hgnshncnpp. ae_mdnse {]h\fpsS hnPbn\v GI t]mwhgn F \nebnemWv Hcp hn`mKw Cu Bhiyhpambn aptmp hncnpXv. AXn\v DZmlcWambn G. Pn. ae_mdns hfbmWv Ah FSpp ImpXv. adphn`mKamIs tIcfm tns\ hn`PncpsXpw CtmgpXpt]mse {]tXyIamb ]XnIfpambn aptmpt]mIWsapw hmZnpp. AXn\v Ah sF. ]n. kn. `cWLS\bmWv B[mcampXv. `cWLS\ {]Imcw Hcp tn\pn asmcp doPnb A\phZnm ]mSn. AXn\v ]nXpW \Ip \nebnep \nbtam]tZiw Hcp {]apJ\nba\n \npw e`npI IqsS sNbvXnpv. tIcfm tns\ hn`Pnphm\p P\d Iuknens Xmev]cyn\p ]nn tIcfmtv NpaXemtcmSp hntZzjhpw Akqbbpw ]I t]mepamsWmWv tIcfm tv FIvknIyqohvkv ]dbpXv.

CXn\nSbn sX XncphnXmwIqdnse sF. ]n. kn. {]h\ insSpphm sX XncphnXmwIq doPnb thWsa Bhiyhpambn B taJebneph aptmp hpIgnp. C\n ssltdpImcpw XoctZimcpw IqSnsbnbm kwKXn IpimemIpw. Cu hn`P\w KpWIcamb amn\v hgnshbvptam Fv NIfneqsSbpw ]T\fneqsSbpamWv a\nemt Xv. Cybpw ]mnm\pw Xn \S hn`P\w t]mse HmWv \SpsXn AXn Fv BobXbmWpXv.

]ckv]cw t]mhnfnpw acnpw t\SnsbSpp ItkcsImv Fp KpWamWpmIpI. ae_mdnse hfbvv XSambn \n¡pXv doPnb cq]oIcnmXp am{XamtWm? ZoLhj {]hnnpw th\nebn {]h\w hnimeamImsXbncpXn\v ImcWw CXpam{XamtWm? hntZip\npw kzcq]n ]Ww ae_mdnse t\Xmm \nt]nXv kzw kmZyw hnnm\mtWm AtXm k`m hfbvpthnbmtWm? doPnb F Bhiyhpambn apn \n¡ph X t\SnbXns IWpI ipa\mntbmsS {]knoIcnphm XmdmIptam? AtXm ic IpSambn ae_mdns\ Iv AXp IqSn ssIbnphmcphm\p B{ImamtWm doPnb F Bhiyn\v tlXp?

Cu acw KpWn\. IqSpX hyn hntZzjhpw AI¨bpw hnphm am{Xta DXIp. Ipnpcs\smv NqSptNm hmcnp ]Wn sNph Hcp aSnhchn\mbn ssZh kn[nbn G¸ns. doPnb hcs. AXp \Xp Xs. Fm BcoI Dtiw \mbncnWw Fp am{Xw. ae_m doPnb m]npXns\ A adnv AXns t]cn \Sp A \mSIsfbpw cmjv{Sob IfnIsfbpamWv tPW FXnpXv. ]mhs kphntijIcpsSbpw hnizmknIfpsSbpw t]cn ssIhncen Fmhph \Sp sIm Ahkm\nWw Fp am{Xw.

Cv BobXbpsS adhn \Sp {]lk\fnsempw ssZhn\v {]kmZan. cmjv{Sob IfnI \Sp ]m te_epIm kzcmPyn\v AhIminIfmIpIbpan. ]mhw hnizmknIsfbpw ip{iqjIscbpw \nfpsS Xmev]cy kwcWn\mbn D]tbmKnmsX Ahsc shdpsX hnSpI Fsmct] am{Xw. ae_mdpw XncphnXmwIqdpw ssltdpw XoctZihpw Fmw doPnb BIs. ChnsSmw {]knUpw sk{Idnbpw {]kv_ndnbpw Iuknepsams DmIs. t\Xmmv Ccnm Ah knwlmk\sfmcps. Fm apn \ymbhn[nbpsp t_m[yw Dn hm \mbncpp. temImscm tamiamb \nebn cmjv{Sobw Ifnph ]nSp kphntijn\v Fv hnebmWv temIw \IpXv.


Displaying 3 Comments
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a. s. mathew (February 23, 2012)
contd:-positions for power and authority. See what is happening in Brazil. Beaten only by the U.S., now Brazil is the second largest Protestant country in the world. Brazil stands no 5 in the GDP in the world. Recently they found oil reserve in the ocean worth billions of barrels of oil; far greater than Saudi oil reserve. Administrative expansions are needed, but it will not bring light to any soul in the world. We all need to have a special calling and dedication in sending more missionaries from each congregation, which will bring greater blessings in our Churches in the long run.
a. s. mathew (February 23, 2012)
For every Church, they must have certain administration-zones-regions-

administrators etc. But if the administration spirit is overtaking

the real call and purpose of the Church, that will lead any Church to

more frictions and political fight which will cause greater humiliation for the ministry as a whole.

One religious reporting agency stated that Brazil

is second to the U.S. in exporting missionaries in the world. Out of the 400,000 global missionaries that were sent to foreign countries

in 2010, Brazil sent 34000 missionaries and the U.S. 127000 missionaries. According Dana Roberts, the author of "Christian

Mission" about two third of the Christians in the world came from

those countries where missionaries went years back to preach the

gospel. It is high time for all the Christian denominations to slow

down in the administrative expansions to put more people in

different positions of no soul winning, but
sam mathew (February 9, 2012)
ente deivame yesu chrusthu raktham chinthi sthaapicha aviduthe sabhayilekku angayude parisuddhathmaavu kootticherkkunnavare bhayappeduthi pizhinju kudichu chandikalaakki pisaachinu ittukodukkunnna kasmalanmaaraya nethakkanmaare othukkuvaan aviduthe mekha prathyakshathakku munpu oru praavasyam koodi angu varumo; illenkil oru Nehemiah vine yenkilum ayakkumo!aalayathinde arayil kayariyirikkunna Tobiah maareyum ashdod bhaasha samsaarikkunnavareyum adichu purathaakki aalayathe onnu suddheekarikkuvaan ?
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