Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 8, 2011
Views: 29341
IPC South East region dissolved. Actions of Pastor K.C John becoming contoversial.
^vtfmdnU: sF. ]n. kn. kuv Cuv doPn-b ]ncn-p-hn-p. Pqsse 23 \v \S Iukn aonwKnse _l-fs XpSmWv Iukn IqSn ]ncn-p-hn-n-cn-p--Xv. \nb-{W hnt[-b-a-msX hcptm Iukn aonw-KmWv km[m-cW ]ncn-p-hn-Sp--Xv. Iukn-ens\ sam-ambn ]ncn-p-hnv {]kn-Uv am{Xw `cn-bvp--Xn ]cs FXnv hn-bvp-I-bm-Wv. Hcp ip{iq-j-Is\Xnsc Btcm-]Wapm-bm {]kv_n--dn-bn-emWv AX v N sNbvXv \S-]-Sn-bp-m-tI--Xv. `c-W-L-S-\m-\p-krXw {]hn-m-sXbpw Iukn aonwKv t\cm-whw {]nsskUv sNm-sXbpw Ccp-nv Iukn-ens\ ]ncn-p-hn-Xv ]m. sI. kn. tPmWns ]nSnp tISv ad-p-h-bvm-\m-sW-mWv ]cmXn Db-cp--Xv. tI{X-e-n \np Nne-cpsS Ifn-Iġv ]m sI. kn. tPm (^vtfmdn-U) Gdmaq-fn-bm-hp-I-bmWv Fpw Btcm-]Ww Dbp-I-gn-p. C\n hnhm-Z--fpsS \mfp-I BIpw F-Xn\v kwi-b-an-.
It is absolutely an evident of the inability of Pr. K.c. John, who can't serve as a president of any organization.I also wonder why other council members kept quite while he declare the dissolving statement.He fooled the the general body and entire region by this action.