Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Jun 24, 2011
Views: 13868
Jesus didn\'t come in May...Now he may come in October.
sabv amk-n Im-hp-h-cp-sav {]h-Nn hnZzms hmp-tIv kI-eXpw \jvS-s-Sp-n-b-h A\-h-[n. C\n Im- hns\ HIvtSm-_-dn {]Xn-o-mw F {]h-N\w hniz-kn-m\pw Bfp-I Fpw. hnhn[ Ime--fn Ccw I-{]-h-N-\--fp-ambn Fn-b-h [mcm-fw. Fm Ah ]d--sXmw hy-am-bn. Im-hns aS-n-h-chv Ftm kw`-hn-p-sa-mpw Adn-p-Iq-Sm. Fm hc-hns e-W-ambn Imhv ]d-Xv \mw Ctm ImWp-I-bm-Wv. temI kw`-h-, {]Ir-Xn-bn Dm-Ip hyXn-bm-\- Fmw Ahs hc-h-Spp Fp hnfnp ]d-bp-p. {]IrXn-t]mepw Hcp-n-bnpw aS-n-h-c-hns {]Xo \psS kaq-l-n\p \jvS-s-pthm Fp Rm kwi-bn-p-p. ImcWw A[hpw A\n-Xobpw Agn-a-Xnbpw {Zhym-{K-lhpw \p-sS-bn-S-bn hn-n-cn-p-p. sImp-hm aSn-bn-m--h, hnhm-l-tam-Nn-X, aZy-]m-\n-I, Xn-p-Im Cs\ Ah-cpsS \nc hn-bvp-tm s\Sp-hon-Sp-hm am{Xta km[n-p-p-q. ]n-mSp kw`hw Chn-Sps kaqlw sRtemsSbmWv tI-Xv. \psS kaq-l-n-s\-p-]n \mw Dds Nnn-t Imew AXn-{I-an-n-cn-p-p.
let me draw your attention to __ the parable of the fig tree__ when its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you should know that summer is near. so you also, when you see all these things, {meaning- signs of his second coming} know that it- is near_at the doors! the lord said- heaven and earth will pass-away, but my words will by no means pass away! 'the day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels of heaven,but the-father'. --- after having stated these narrations from the bible and assuming that all christians has taken time to read these portions, i am under an illusion--- 'aren't we ridiculing ourselves by listening to false-prophets'? i leave that matter to your conscience. the false-prophets are also a sign of his second coming. the false-prophets gain is,making some media-attention and publicity for their future endeavors. regardless of all of that--- a christian should be someone- who expedites the imminence of his second coming !