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sabv amk-n hn C\n HIvtSm-_-dn ht-mw

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Jun 24, 2011
Views: 13868

Jesus didn\'t come in May...Now he may come in October.
sabv amk-n Im-hp-h-cp-sav {]h-Nn hnZzms hmp-tIv kI-eXpw \jvS-s-Sp-n-b-h A\-h-[n. C\n Im- hns\ HIvtSm-_-dn {]Xn-o-mw F {]h-N\w hniz-kn-m\pw Bfp-I Fpw. hnhn[ Ime--fn Ccw I-{]-h-N-\--fp-ambn Fn-b-h [mcm-fw. Fm Ah ]d--sXmw hy-am-bn. Im-hns aS-n-h-chv Ftm kw`-hn-p-sa-mpw Adn-p-Iq-Sm. Fm hc-hns e-W-ambn Imhv ]d-Xv \mw Ctm ImWp-I-bm-Wv. temI kw`-h-, {]Ir-Xn-bn Dm-Ip hyXn-bm-\- Fmw Ahs hc-h-Spp Fp hnfnp ]d-bp-p. {]IrXn-t]mepw Hcp-n-bnpw aS-n-h-c-hns {]Xo \psS kaq-l-n\p \jvS-s-pthm Fp Rm kwi-bn-p-p. ImcWw A[hpw A\n-Xobpw Agn-a-Xnbpw {Zhym-{K-lhpw \p-sS-bn-S-bn hn-n-cn-p-p. sImp-hm aSn-bn-m--h, hnhm-l-tam-Nn-X, aZy-]m-\n-I, Xn-p-Im Cs\ Ah-cpsS \nc hn-bvp-tm s\Sp-hon-Sp-hm am{Xta km[n-p-p-q. ]n-mSp kw`hw Chn-Sps kaqlw sRtemsSbmWv tI-Xv. \psS kaq-l-n-s\-p-]n \mw Dds Nnn-t Imew AXn-{I-an-n-cn-p-p.


Displaying 3 Comments
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joy chembakasseril, usa. (June 30, 2011)
let me draw your attention to __ the parable of the fig tree__ when its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you should know that summer is near. so you also, when you see all these things, {meaning- signs of his second coming} know that it- is near_at the doors! the lord said- heaven and earth will pass-away, but my words will by no means pass away! 'the day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels of heaven,but the-father'. --- after having stated these narrations from the bible and assuming that all christians has taken time to read these portions, i am under an illusion--- 'aren't we ridiculing ourselves by listening to false-prophets'? i leave that matter to your conscience. the false-prophets are also a sign of his second coming. the false-prophets gain is,making some media-attention and publicity for their future endeavors. regardless of all of that--- a christian should be someone- who expedites the imminence of his second coming !
a.s.matehw (June 26, 2011)
In my younger days, I have repeatedly
heard from great preachers of the gospel from various denominations about
the second coming of Jesus Christ.

But that message is very hard to hear
now, because the preachers have taken
very attractive messages of enlightment
and excitement. When we hear about the
second coming of Jesus, it will create
some pricking of conscience because
the majority of the listeners are not
prepared to meet the Lord, so they will
make atleast some restitutition.
Today the messages are indirectly telling the listeners that they are
in heaven, if they are materially
blessed. The richest country (U.S.A.)
is faced with a deadly economic meltdown and it is getting worse every
day without any hope in sight. About 33
million people were in food stamp in
2009, now it is over 45 million. About
25% of the school children are hungry.
God is now
ps. george koshy (June 25, 2011)
A Christian is a person who expedites the Second Coming of Jesus. Nobody can deceive a real Christian in the matter of Second Coming because Jesus has given us an unmistakable sign of His Coming. Look up Matt.24: 29-31. Please also read Matt.24:9 to make sure that it is meant for Christians and not for Jews. If we stop teaching 'imminency' no one will be deceived regarding Second Coming.
A person who has spiritual relationship with Jesus will be in the Rapture whether he /she is in the body or out of the body.
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