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tPW A`n{]mb kt... sF.] 2012

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 9, 2011
Views: 48900

Journal Opinion Poll - IPC Election 2012.
Journal Opinion Poll - IPC Election 2012
_neothgvkv tPW \Sp A`n{]mb ktv hym]Iamb {]XnIcWamW" e`npsImncnXv. \nw A`n{]mbw Adnbnmw. sk]vw_ 20 hsc e`n A`n{]mb am{Xta kzoIcnIbpp.

1. Ctmgs sXcsSpp coXnsb AwKoIcnthm?
2. Ctmgp `cW kanXnbpsS {]h\fn Xr]vX\mtWm?
3. ]pXnb `cW kanXnbntev \n Bsc XncsSp. {]knUv", sshkv {]knUv', sk{Idn, tPm. sk{Idn, {Sjdm?
(Hmtcm m\tpw apnsep aq t]sS hoXw ]nI Ana thmnwKn\mbn R hmb\mv kanw.)

tPWens tNmZyġv \n adp]Sn ]dbmw. \nfpsS A`n{]mb Cusabn, Fkv.Fw.Fkv, X]m amfn, sh_vssknse Iav" sk Fnhbn Adnbnmw.

Cusabn: s_tP Av Posabn.tImw,
Fkv.Fw.Fkv.: 9020461909.
A{Ukv: ]n.Hm. t_mIvkv 31,
amSn ]n.Hm, Xnhm, tIcf 698105
Email: SMS: 9020461909 Address: PO Box 31, Manjadi PO, Thiruvalla, Kerala - 698 105


Displaying 72 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
chacko (March 30, 2012)
Ningal ellavarum swarfathil pokan noku. Bhumiyilullathu, onnum venda ennu prasagikunnavara election nilkinnae.
chacko (March 30, 2012)
Pastors mainly election candidates ethanol ningadae suvishesha Vela. Enn
a. s. mathew (February 16, 2012)
brother ajith: thank you. i am praying to god to write on a regular

basis, not to counteracting the comments, but with a different ankle

and format to draw the attention of the readers to bring them into

real purpose and vision of spiritual life. as you have stated,

i was thinking the same about the regular commentators; and i am sure

that they will be writing soon.
thomas vemmelil (February 16, 2012)
Oh! Sorry dear, I was just making a comment for nothing. I didn't mean it. Of course, this forum seems very helpful and informative.
a church of god believer (February 16, 2012)
I don't think expressing the views in this open forum is for fighting. But it is the need of the time to discuss different views which will help those who watch this to have more information.
thomas vemmelil (February 15, 2012)
Ajith:- What you want to enjoy watching us fighting???
ajith (February 15, 2012)
where is our a s mathew,joy,sam thomas, thomas etc?.what happened?.come on everybody.
a. s. mathew (February 12, 2012)
SISTER ANITA: God can use you greatly through your pains to expose

certain hidden dark room dramas in the Christian world. Most of the

believers are afraid to expose even if these so called Ministers

are trapped in the love of money and other sins. The Church has the

moral responsibility to expose these issues, and if these issues are

brushed under the mat, the situation will get far worse. When we say

"let God deal with them", that is a dagerous attitude.

The Tulsa World and Tribune had the news of Richard Roberts (son of

Oral Roberts) for driving at 93 miles speed while under the influence

of alchohol. His first wife Patty Roberts wrote in her book " From

Ashes to Gold", that Richard Roberts had the habit of

drinking beer. He might have over used the same item now. I am not

juding him, but this was not for the first time, he was in that habit

earlier. An internationally known Minister caused
a. s. mathew (February 12, 2012)
brother sam thomas: thank you so much for your respone to my comment.

one thing which will boil my blood is the exploitation of other people using tricks, especially using god's name in vain to make easy money.

" for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and

pierced themselves through with many sorrows" 1 tim 6:10. the number

of people landing in rich countries like the u.s. holding a bible and

some old sermons and other tricks, are rapidly increasing. i had

some personal experience with a few of them, and when i met some

of them unexpectedly both in india and the u.s., i really felt sorry

for myself due to my blind trust. we will have to double check with

every person who is trying to enter our homes showing the bible and

telling praise the lord. these people are simply to make as much money they can while doing hardly anything for the
anita (February 11, 2012)
thanks brothers sam, mathew & thomas for empathizing with me. please know that by my god's grace and the support of my family and friends and of course, with the guidance of some great pastors whom i adore,i eventually got over the lowest ebbs of my life.i'm so thankful to god that he himself revealed everything to me. my former husband took pictures of his ****** acts with the mistress and god kept it for me to see. i bet, he would never have fathomed in the wildest of his dreams that i would ever get to see them. but my god thought otherwise. if i didn't see them i wouldn't ever have suspected him and may be he would have killed me one day. but, my life is more precious to my god. c'mon,how god's name be glorified if still holding on to these wretched & deceitful experiences?? i have moved on and right now, my mission is to bring awareness in those innocent people/ innocent girls who don't have a clue on the double standards of these self proclaimed saints.
thomas vemmelil (February 11, 2012)
Anita:-Indeed it is the groaning of your spirit. Let God be your peace.The fellowship with God in prayer is that we enjoy the peace of God. The peace of God is actually God as peace infused into us through our fellowship with Him by prayer, as the counterpoise to troubles and the antidote to anxiety."Born and brought up" in Pentecostalism does not qualify anyone to anything. It is absolutely a matter of being "born of God" and nothingelse.Regeneration is not self-improvement or better behavior. It is a rebirth which brings in a new life. It is absolutely a matter of life, not a matter of doing."Can the Cushite change his skin,Or the leopard his spots?" Cushite gives birth to a Cushite and a leopard gives birth to a leopard. Who can change their skin and spots??Only the one who is born of God is the child of God. Pentecostalism has now become one among all the other "isms" full of darkness likening to a grave yard covered with all "white tombs", but all stinking inside.
sam thomas (February 11, 2012)
@ a.s.m - very clear and apt comments. mathaviswasikalaaya manushyar jyothishakkaarude aduthu pokunnathupole viswaasikal pravaachakanmaarude pinnale nadakkumpole avarude deiva viswaasamillaymayaanu velippedunnathu. Ithu devil muthalaakkum. Israel janathinu deivavumaayulla bandham illathaakumpolayirunnu pravaachakanamaar ayakkappettirunnathu.pravaachakanmaar ayakkappedendi varumbolaanu vyaaja pravaachakanmaarkkum avassaram labhikkunnathu. deivavumaayulla bandhathil nilaninnaal vyaja pravaachakanmaaral vanchikkappedukayilla.
a. s. mathew (February 10, 2012)
If we are very generous in giving to the Lord's work, the devil will attack our finances. When we are confused with certain problems, the devil will send somebody as God's annointed servants but they are "soothsayers". Watch for the money-making prophets arriving from many corners of India; they are devil's tools to destroy us. If the prophecy won't turn true, then he is a false prophet. Every prophecy must be confirmed with an identical prophecy from a total stranger of the prophet(two witness). In the Old Testament, GOD appointed HIS prophets and their prophecies were absolutely true. Watch for all these self-made prophets!
babu varghese (February 10, 2012)
The devil has been speaking, and we as God's children understands him, the devil is always restless and paranoid too, scaring people, sometimes he appears as the most adrent believer! We should be aware of devils traps!
sam thomas (February 10, 2012)
Devil is cunning and most of his attempts is among the Pentecostals. Trapping them is his main target to demoralise the Pentecostal groups which is his real enemy. So when any body including Pentecostals interacting with Pentecostals are advised to double check his/ her/ their identity. DON'T BE DECEIVED by devil. Laughing with all his/her teeth exposed, showing high respect etc.etc. are the main visible identity of most of the crooked. Devil chila manushyaril koodi velicha dhoothanaayi varunnathu thirichariyuvaan kazhinjillenkil ethu midukkaneyum avan veezhthikkalayum.We remember Sr. Anita stands as a painful example for the trap. Deivathaal niyuktharaakunna dhassanmaarkku vannupokunna veezhchakalkkulla saapam vannu veezhunnathu makkalude mel aaayirikkum ennu Noahayude makanaaya Ham cheitha thettinu saapam kittiyathu makan kanaaninu aayirunnu(Gen.9:22-25) enna vasthutha velippeduthunnu.Athukondu sushrushakanmaar valare sookshikkanam.
a. s. mathew (February 10, 2012)
Cond;- call for the missionary work in India can be appointed and

let that person visit many missionary fields in India. That person

must be a cross-bearer, because he may be forced to live in a

condition of 50 years back as we lived in Kerala, while visiting some

places of north India.

a. s. mathew (February 10, 2012)
Cond: told me that their Bishop of certain diocese didn't visit one

poor congregation in four years but had been to the U.S. atleast twice a year for various conferences-marriages etc. These shining

leaders of various denominations, when landing here will say about

the blessings of this country, but some of them will portray the U.S. as the

modern Sodom, the sin city of the world in their sermons in India,

but love to kiss that green dollar!

The money we give away for all these leaders, we will have to

channelize through the proper way. Every denomination in the

U.S. has so many departments and their administrators like directors-

coordinators-associates-assistants- etc. It is an absolute necessity

that each congregation may form an " INDIAN MISSIONARY" committee

or department. Somebody in the congregation who is having a real
a. s. mathew (February 10, 2012)
anita: it was very shocking to read your personal pain, we will be praying for you and god is a miracle working god.

jesus said that anybody who is following him must deny himself, take up the cross and follow him. now, there is no self-denial at all. (mark 8:34.). nobody can say that america or india is mine, god created the earth for human habitation and we are all living in many parts of the world. but the flow of ministers to the u.s. like going to daily work from the village to the town in kerala, they are flocking here without any control. if they are working hard for the kingdom of god, and coming here once in two years to raise money to pay their personal bills, from their friends-relatives and churches; we can understand that situation and we must support the honest workers of his kingdom. but contrary to that, the flow is like

a business. my friend who belongs to a non-pentecostal denomination

sam (February 10, 2012)

I am kind of shocked and sorry for your state. You are right, there is nothing wrong in exposing the folks that are betraying the common belivers. In on sense we are glad that you are doing the right duty as to tell the truth and let the world know whats going on.
anita (February 10, 2012)
thanks bros. sam & mathew for your responses. i think i wouldn't waste my time praying for these false servants of god. it hurts really bad when it happens in your own life. i got married to a person "born & brought up" as a pentecostal ( sounds great???), his dad an ipc pastor for 50 plus years, brother, not only an ipc pastor, but also enjoying a powerful status in ipc admin, brother - in - law a pastor. but i was shocked to see what's going on inside a pastoral family. adultery, witch craft, greed for money and what not. i have never ever seen / heard any indian has gone to this extent in united states that he brought his negro girl friend to my house and had *** on my bed in my absence! and later found out,he had another mistress! i kinda confused and wonder, after serving the lord for 50 odd years, if you couldn't raise good men of god, what kind of ministry you're doing? i honestly pray god to expose these white tombs so that no more innocent people be betrayed.
a. s. mathew (February 9, 2012)
BROTHER SAM: Who can shut us down? Millions of dollars have gone to India from the U.S, especially to Kerala into the hands of various ministries, and only GOD knows, how it was spent. If a business person is making money doing business, that is his or her merit, but using GOD's name and bluffing innocent believers and hoarding wealth for them-their children and grand children is a business using GOD's name. Speaking out that truth without any fear is our duty, and we are not specially mentioning anybody's name.
sam (February 9, 2012)
@ A.S Mathew

The truth is that there are very few like those that are just and truthfull. Most of them are influenced by money/power/fame etc.

So folks like us get shut down when we speak. I am not here representing any denomination but for the truth/facts. If people dont like me, so be it. God knows my heart.
a. s. mathew (February 9, 2012)
brother sam: thank you for your comment. i am not a pastor, simply a believer in jesus christ. though i have been pressed by many of my relatives belong to different christian denominations to be a minister (ordained as a priest or pastor) at the early part of life, but i have declined it due to the fact that i don't have the calling to be in that special ministry category. i regret greatly that i couldn't spend my life in full time ministry, somewhere in the poor villages of india as a humble servant of god to share the love of christ. please keep on writing against the business tricks strongly penetrated to the religious world. i do respect god's servants who are genuine in all the denominations, but quite frustrated with those who are using christ's name to make easy money and enjoying life through repeating great biblical subjects and brainwashing the innocent believers to exploit them financially.
sam (February 9, 2012)
@A.S Mathew

Well said Pastor Mathew. I am with you 100%

a. s. mathew (February 9, 2012)
cond:- expensive car, on the other hand, if the donor is living in a small home and driving an inferior quality car, that believer should't give money to the rich pator to get blessings. the donor must find out somebody poorer than him or her to give the gift to increase the faith! from where this theology came from?

sam: when benny hinn was in bangalore crusade, he was staying in

leela hotel, perhaps the most expensive hotels in bangalore (i was in a missionry trip in india at that time). the

press questioned him about the million dollar ring. this modern

day business through religion is totally misleading many innocent

and gullible believers. while thousands of believers and ministers

in india and in many parts of the world are struggling to have enough

food-a basic bicycle transportation, some ministers are fighting

each other to have the biggest house and the most expensive cars

to display to the whole world " we are b
a. s. mathew (February 9, 2012)
anita and sam: please speak it up loudly. i was hitting those

points for a long time, but you all must speak out againt this modern day religious

rip off. jesus or the apostles never preached about faith or any

subject to get their money, but inspired them to exercise their

faith by giving to the poor. if i preach a sermon or write an article about faith, and if

somebody is trying to send me money, i will tell them to give the money to somebody

who has a desperate need of money-may be a neighbour or another

believer in the church. as anita has clearly stated, these so called

servants of god will take a subject of faith or abundant blessings

from heaven, and indirectly briainwash the audience to give them

money. they will put the money is expensive cars, big mansions, real

estate for the children .....and this show is going on for ever.

if the pastor is living in a four bed room mansion and driving an
sam (February 9, 2012)
@Anita. It is called Western Influence. Remember how Benny Hinn used to travel during his crusade? In a fleet of folks travelling in private jet. Stayed only in 5 Star hotel or better. Look what happened to him? Devil is attacking man of God much more intensely.

It looks shocking but it happening all over the globe.And Money is one of the primary weapon that Devil is using to influnce pedel into our lives. Please pray for them so that they stand firm in faith and not falter and tarnish our community.
anita (February 9, 2012)
it's up to you to agree or disagree with me. unfortunately i've known a couple of the "leaders" who are the members of ipc's current administration, precisely the youth department and the council members. it's ridiculous that they preach "faith" at lengths and beg for money (yes, to me!!!) to acquire nice cars and flashy lives and say that they are "blessed" by god. i feel so sorry for the naive and innocent christians who listen to these hypocrites who hold on to their bible and preach "gospel" with their lungs out and make a way for their living as they are simply not qualified enough to make a decent living otherwise, while indulging in adultery even not having the fear of god!!! yes, i respect and support a lot of god's anointed ones who have a call to serve god and his people, but not these hypocrites who hoodwink christians with their double standards. i wish someone investigate thoroughly before even considering these people to "serve" god.
thomas-cochi (November 14, 2011)
Very very shamefull this kind of election and all in a pentecostal IPC.First of all, selecte few key spiritual leaders for General Countil and State council..avaoid voting system..and appoint direct.
john david (October 7, 2011)
ipc needs visionaries and spiritual leaders, committed for the church and gospel. not for personal growth and own ministry. a leader with charisma and mission spirit to vision for next 25 years. i strongly recommend pas. k. m joseph for i.p.c general president. church need to come out from the political gain and appoint true spiritual leadership.
the praize (September 29, 2011)
ipc needs a visionary with a missionary zeal to expand the horizons of ministry. ipc needs young blood eloquent ,mulitlinguistic,theologically educated,with some experience in church ministry to lead the current generation to greater spiritual hieghts. finance is an issue which needs to be addressed separately and not mixed with spiritual leadership and as always i do not encourage intermingling spiritual activities and financial activities cuz historically,it has always ended up in creating furore and criticism.blessings !!!
abraham.p, dallas. (September 28, 2011)
I think IPC Kerala State doesn't need a President, Secretary or Joint Secretary. They are all in the U.S. making and collecting money for the next election. When they finish their tour, the remaining leaders will come here to collect their expenses for election. Hope Jesus comes soon. Amen.
mathew varghese, texas. (September 28, 2011)
ipc needs a reformation, at least a change in leadership. i strongly believe we need to elect leaders: 1. possessing the qualities of a leader according to the word of god. 2. no allegation about moral life. 3. committed or willing to handle all te finances through ipc account and not in their personal or trust fund. 4. who will not misuse their position. 5. able to mov the church spiritually and properly. 6. who never use ipc to raise funds for their trust using almost the same name as ipc. 7. will not commercialise ipc in their websites or magazines. 8. ready to serve the people. ipc needs young talented and vibrant selfless leaders. hope that will happen in the coming election.
joseph (September 27, 2011)
I want to thank Believer's journal for the survey. My suggestion is to appoint some quality leaders in the coming election like: 1. Persons with credibility and charisma. 2. Leadership quality and ministry.. 3. People who are loyal to IPC and their ministry. 4. People who uphold the values and doctrines of Bible and not the prosperity theology. 5. People who are giving priority to soul winning, church planting etc. 6. Good examples in caring, loving, listening and sharing. 7. Not money lovers but soul lovers. 8. People who will stand of truth and just. 9. People who will please God and not men. We have Br.K.T.Varghese who is very strong in Administration, clean image, man of integrity and honest. Our Executives are afraid of him. They know that once he becomes Treasure, all the accounts of General council or Kerala state he will disclose. They don’t want person like him to come to Treasure post .They want people like who say “Yes sir” Ok sir.
babu george. (September 26, 2011)
i want to ask a question to all pentecostal believers especially ipc. my finding is most of and almost all of the present pentecostal leaders are keeping these positions for their advantage and not for christ jesus who designed the church. also these so called churches are just an organisation and not the body of christ. these so called leaders are the richest people in our community.the leaders who are holding chairs are like the old testment priest eli, who was blind and inactive. no vision from god and the word of the lord was rare under his rule. still this man wanted to hold his chair. he also encouraged his children to get the fatty meat of the sacrifice ( money in our language.) the peole brought to the alter before it was burnt and pleased by god. they created enough opportunities for their children to do sexual activities and immoralities with the ladies. then the holy god departed from among them and the glory departed, the ark of the lord was captured and innocent thousands
binil (September 25, 2011)
must appoint mr. anna hassare to supervise the ipc election
thomas mathew, dallas. (September 23, 2011)
I want to thank Believer's journal for the survey. My suggestion is to appoint some quality leaders in the coming election like:
1. Persons with credibility and charisma.
2. Leadership quality and ministry.
3. No trust or any organisation in their names.
4. Not even a member of any other trust or organisation.
5. People who are loyal to IPC and their ministry.
6. People who uphold the values and doctrines of Bible and not the prosperity theology.
7. People who are giving priority to soul winning, church planting etc and not their own trust builders.
8. Good examples in caring, loving, listening and sharing.
9. Not money lovers but soul lovers.
10. People who will stand of truth and just.
11. Peo[ple who will please God and not men.
sinoj -ernakulam (September 22, 2011)
1. Not agree with current Election model 2. Not satisfied with current Officials 3. My suggestion for Genaral President Pastor K.M. Joseph,Vice President Pastor Baby Varghese, secretary Pastor Sunny Kurian, Joint Secreatary Pastor Sam George, Treasurer K.T.Varghese.(We want person like K.T.Varghese should come forward and clean up the administration. Kerala State President Pastor K.C. Thomas, Vice President M.V. Georgekutty, secretray Pastor Raju Poovakala, Joint Secretary Pastor Varghese Mathai, Treasure Bro. Sunny Mulamoottil.
zachariah john (September 22, 2011)
we need spiritual leadership. pastor k.m joseph should come forward to take ipc general president post.
my suggestions:
ipc general council president. pas. k. m joseph, vice president. pastor valson abraham, secretary. pastor k.c john, joint secretary. pastor sam george treasurer bro. kurian joseph.
kerala state president pastor k.c. thomas, vice president m.v. georgekutty, secretary pastor sunny kurian, joint secretary pastor raju poovakala, treasurer bro. p. m philip.
young generation (September 21, 2011)
general council:presedint pr. kc thomsa,secretary pr. valson abraham, vice president pr. km joseph
state coucil: prsident kc john, secretary br. sunny kurian, vice president:pr. k joy
a. s. mathew (September 16, 2011)
brother koruth dallas: you spoke the truth loudly. now, the
cabinet ministers of india must disclose their personal wealth. but,
when it comes to the church official of
higher status, nobody has the right o
question them. how much wealth these
leaders are keeping in secret? do they show much charity to the suffering
brothers and sisters they meet, atleast in their own congregations? they may pray a long prayer, but their hands won't go down to touch the billfold to pull it out and open it to share some
money! i read the story of an old
man who used to pray every night for the next door hungry poor widow. one night, his grandson grabbed the granddaddys's money bag and took some
money and went in a hurry to the widow's
house. he told the granddaddy "finally, the lord answered the prayer". most of these leaders have a lot of money, and the innocent
believers are making them more rich but they are in a hurry to go
koruth dallas (September 16, 2011)
@ george houston., you think the candidates you suggested are not corruptive. please check about their testinony from the people in their communities and other sources, then you know who they really are. bro. they all are finding these positions to make money and save for their kids. do they ever help any needy in their circle? for example one of the candidates you mention comes here almost every year from india. his children are in us. hard working innocent believers gave him their money. this great man of god gave all that money to his son to buy a paid off house. think about it bro. geore. you live in houston. these millionnares, most of the name you mention dont even deserve to be in these positions. you don't know them. please find out who they really are, not in pulpit. thanks
joy bombay (September 15, 2011)
I think the possible elected pastors will be General Counci. President Pr.Valson Abraham, Vice President Pr.K.M.Joseph, Secretary Pr.K.C.John, Joint Secreatry Pr.Sam George, Treasurer Bro.P.M.Philip. Kerala State President Pr.K.C.Thomas, Vice President Pr.M.P.George Kutty, Secretary Pr.Philip P Thomas, Joint Secretary Pr.Varghese Mathai and Treasurer Bro.Kurian Joseph.
george, houston. (September 15, 2011)
Please avoid corrupted Leaders from the I.P.C Positions.
Gen. President:Pr. K.M.Joseph, Gen. V.President: Pr. Thomas.V.Koshy, Gen. Secretary: Pr. K.C.Thomas, Gen.J.Secretary: Pr.K. Joy, Gen. Treasurer: Bro.P.M.Philip.
Kerala State President: Pr. Sunny Kurien, V.President: Pr. N.P. Georgekutty, Secretary: Pr. Shibu Neduveli, J.Secretary: Pr.Varghese Mathai & Bro. Kurien Joseph, Treasurer: Bro. Sunny Mulamoottil.
a. s. mathew (September 15, 2011)
Pastor Sam, Melbourne: You have opened a big religious trade secret which was
being practiced for a very long time.
Even though the believers of various
denominations in Kerala are living in all parts of the globe, their actual participation with the Church administration is simply entertaining
the politically elected denominational leaders at the center of operation in Kerala. This modus operandi is quite applicable with all the denominations. The leaders at the center will groom some of their closest friends and relatives, and the show is going on for ever. The believers living in many parts of the world are
basically used as the economic resources
of the Churches, but they are not properly represented in any cardinal
decision making at the center.
manu (September 15, 2011)
pazhaya council motham maranam.ente abiprayam randu panalukalum mari oru samavayam roopapeduthanam.general councilil walsan prsident k m joseph vice p. k c john secre.babu cheriyan joint secre. kuriyan joseph treasurer. kerala stat- k c thomas pras.t c koshy vais.m p george kutty secre. shibu neduvelil join secre. eppen thomas join roy treasu
pr. sam, melbourne (September 15, 2011)
Since IPC is an international organisation covering Asia, europe, Africa, America, and Australia. Then why don't we elect or select exc. rep from all copntinents., Such as for example, Pres. from India, Vice pres. from Eorope, Sec. from America, Trs. from Australia ????. Instead of electing or selecting through panels the currupted such leaders time after time ???
sam, victoria, australia (September 15, 2011)
@ bibin melbourne,
c i cherian? what a joke. i don't think even his father in law or brothers in laws(all are ipc pastors!!) etc can agree to this suggestion.
this is ipc!. most of the pastors don't like each other.
recently some one told me about kumbanad council meetings . wonder whether all these people really born again!

babu george, dallas (September 14, 2011)
general president Valson, vice president K. M. Joseph, secretary K. C. John, joint secretary Sam George and treasurer P. M. Philip. Kerala K. C. Thomas, M. P. George kitty Philip. P. Thomas Varghese Mathai and Kurian Joseph
shaji (September 14, 2011)
i dont agree with the current election system.
not at all satisfied with current council
new people should com to the leadership
general council
prez : k. m. joseph
vice prez : k joy
sec : k c john
jt sec : sunny kurien
treasurer : p m philip

sate council
prez : k c thomas
vice prez : philip p. thomas
sec : m. p. georgekutty
jt sec : raju poovakala
jt sec : samkutty chacko
treasurer : kurien joseph
joy mathew (September 13, 2011)
thank you for the believers journal, caught my attention about the ipc election. i am an ipc member but i don't like their election method. if you have money you are a winner.but even if you are qualified and no money you have no is not fair & just. my sugestion is that if any candidate print a notice or do any kind of campaign or paneling to influence the people to win the election, he must be disqualified. sincerely, p.m.mathew(joy)a member of ipc hebron houston(born & brought up in kunbanad)
a, s. mathew (September 12, 2011)
Brother JOHN: " Jesus has only one Church-the body of Christ-the born again from all tribes, languages and nations". When the believers are going to get that mindset and wider vision
as you have clearly proclaimed?
The leadership of various denominations are playing pure politics to keep their
leadership game plan to work for ever, but the innocent believrs are still blindfolded even today!
bibin melbourne (September 12, 2011)
The current system is not acceptable. I will show better clean leader ship. Gen. President. Pr. C.I. Cherian (the most senior pr. bible school teacher from 1962 in various bible schools). Pr. Thomas V. Koshy, well respected pr. rep. from USA., grandson of one of the founders of iPC, late Pr. TG Oomme. and son of late Pr. V.T. Koshy. Sec. Pr.K.K. Cherian. a clean image, well equiped uncurreptable leader. Joint Sec. Pr. Sam George. Son Of Pr. E.C. George.Tres. Br. Joshua. State leaders.Pres. Pr. George Oommen. a excellent servent of God, son of late Pr. T.G. Oommen. Vice pres. Pr. Benjamin Varghese. Sec.Pr. Varghese Mathai. Tres. Adv. Johnson K. Samuel.
monai florida (September 12, 2011)
what about ipc south east reagion ex-president pastor k.c. john for ipc genaral president. if he does not like like any one else beside kumbanad lobby he can dissolve the council. i suggest k.c. john (flordia) for president and sec. for pastor john samuel. good matchup.
adipoli, san diego (September 12, 2011)
ipc election is politicsnakal kashtam.the best way of saying ipc is indian political church.electionil kumbanattil poyal ariyam...
adipolia, uganda (September 12, 2011)
I would say if anyone elected as an excutive in IPC they should not hold any other post like trust,foundation,company or anyother personally controlled ministry.
cherian c s (September 12, 2011)
select(please not through ballot) and let pastors babu cherian, k joy, p t thomas lead the ipc.
john (September 11, 2011)
is there any honest servant of god in ipc today?if you can find one individual(i challenge everyone) elect him or else stop talking nonsense here. in my openion ipc/ag/cog or any other are not church but only organization. in that case any illegitimate can become the general president or secretary of that rotten goverment. jesus has only one church- the body of christ- born again from all tribes, languages,nations. jesus is the head of the body and he is the lord of church. praise god , he redeemed me by his blood.he is my president and king. let him rule over me all the days. i sincerely urge all ipc fellows, please accept jesus christ as your lord and saviour and reject all other things.
saju melbourne (September 11, 2011)
Pr. K.c. John and Pr. K.c. Thomas, Pr. K.M. Joseph should not contest the election atall as they have nothing more to contribute to tjhe IPC leader ship.They have already discharged their duties for the enlargement of the organaisation. The result everybody can see publicaly. The organisation IPC should be served by selfless, ungready, trustworthy, servents of god, then only the Lords kingdom can be established, enlarged and edified in this world. All currpt leaders should abstain themself from the upcoming election if they have any decency at all. do a faver to everybody please. we are sick by seeing this current uncivilized behaviour of such leaders.
tom, dubai (September 11, 2011)
i disagree with current system, also i wish we get new officials for genaral and kerala state. kumbanad people thinks they own the ipc. no need valsan abraham, k.c.john, philip p.thomas. we need some young people like same george, varghese mathai, raju poovakala. etc.
sam, kuwait (September 11, 2011)
Genaral President K.M. Joseph, VP Baby Varghese, Sec. K.C. John, Joint Sec. Sam George. Treasurere P.M. Philip. Kerala State President K.C. Thomas, VP K.K. Cherian, Sec. Shibu Neduvallil, Joint Sec. Varghese Mathai, Trasurere Sunny Mulamoottil
a. s. mathew (September 11, 2011)
brother george oomman jeddah, is opening some serious set backs associated with the current election format, which is purely another version of the dirty political system. i do agree with that. even the smartest u.s. president can't be elected straight for more than two times. if the church leaders can't step out voluntarily after five or six years maximum, then how the next generation can come up with leadership qualities through practical experience? it is the deep rooted selfishness of the leaders to hold on to their positions because they can get high and colorful seats in every religious show. now money and politics play the key role in all the religious election procedure which is terribly sad and pathetic.
jose melbourne (September 11, 2011)
I diagree with the cuuent system.
General president Pr. George Oommen
Vice President Benjamin Varghese SEc. Pr. Valson Abraham. Joint Sec. Pr. Sam George. Tres. KT Joshua.
State. President. Pr. C.I. Cherian. Vice Pr. K.M. Joseph. Sec. Pr. Philip P. Thomas. Joint Sec. Pr. K.K. Cherian. Tres. Bro. P.M. Philip.
thomas oomma, jeddah (September 11, 2011)
it is high time that the sincere believers rise and raise their voice against the worst and unholy practice of nepotism and bribery in ipc election. all those in power at present including kc john should not be allowed to contest again.

it would be a good idea to conduct a secret survey amongst each ipc individual believers and take a decision. money power should not be allowed to prevail. so let us pray and fight against all kind of corruption, nepotism and unholy practices of our 'greedy leaders'. otherwise, ipc will be rotten and will be even worse than other traditional churches.

thank you reji and team for the courage in publishing this.
raju, dallas (September 10, 2011)
Genral President Pastor K.M. Joseph, VP Pastor Baby Varghese, Sec: Pastor K.C.John, Joint Sec: Pastor Sam George, Treasurere P.M. Philip State Pres. K.C. Thomas, VP: N.P. Georgekutty, Sec. Shibu Neduvelil, jt.sec: Varghese Mathai, Treasurer Sunny Mulamoottil.
vtech (September 10, 2011)
Philip P. Thomas?? give me a break!!
george (September 10, 2011)
President: Km Joseph. Vp: valson Abraham, sec: kc John, jt.sec. Raju poovakala, treasurer: pm Philip.

State press: kc Thomas , vp: George oommen, sec: Philip p Thomas ,jt.sec: shibu neduvelil, kurian Joseph, treasurer: kt joshua
sam, adoor (September 10, 2011)
Koshy I can agreed with most name suggestions that you have made except Pastor Philip P. Thomas. Last time he spend lots of money and still won by 70 votes. Also he is playing the double rol with big time politics. I hope he is not going to make it this time
koshy (September 9, 2011)
Do not agree with current election system.
State president - K.C John, Vice President - Raju Poovakala, Secretary - Philip P. Thomas, Joint Secretary - Shibu Neduveli.
General President - Valson Abraham, Joint Secretary - N.P Georgekutty, Secretary - K.C Thomas
john, kumbanad (September 9, 2011)
Sunil what you have said these condidates are 3-)o munnani? thiruthalvadhi munnani for the IPC council? That means you said Pastor K.C. John and Pastor Valsan Abraham need to step out. Give me a break. I do not think that happend in IPC...
othalanga (September 9, 2011)
I suggest Mr. Mathanga for the state secretary.
sunil, kottayam (September 9, 2011)
1. Not agreed with current Election model 2. Not satisfied with current Officials 3. My suggestion for Genaral President Pastor K.M. Joseph,Vice President Pastor Baby Varghese, secretary Pastor Sunny Kurian, Joint Secreatary Pastor Sam George, Treasurer P.M. Philip. Kerala State President Pastor K.C. Thomas, Vice President M.V. Georgekutty, secretray Pastor Shibu Neduvalil, Jont Secretary Pastor Varghese Mathai, Treasure Bro. Sunny Mulamoottil.
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