Author: Dr. Jason Varghese
Category: Popular Read
Publish Date: Nov 25, 2010
Views: 34881
As children of God, the one thing that we all want and need is joy. We want joy in every aspect of our lives. Sometimes we go through tough times and question what Gods plan is for us. However, we must hold onto the faith that God will give us Joy in the midst of the storm. In order to attain something of value like joy, we must first know what JOY truly is. What is JOY? The J stands for Just believe in Him, the O stands for Optimism, and the Y stands for Yearn to praise Him.
The first aspect of JOY is the statement that we must just believe in Him. This means that we have to believe wholeheartedly in the power of His Mighty Hand in our lives. 1 Peters 1:8 states, and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy. Here, we see that we, the believers, have joy overflowing by believing in Him. This means believing in Him in the good and bad times of our lives. In Philippians 1:25-26, we see Paul state with strong belief that , I know that I will remain and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me. It is easy to believe in God when everything in life is going great, but it takes true faith to believe in Him when things are going wrong or not according to your plan. When it seems like all roads are closed in your life, just believe in Him and God will open a new way just for you.
The next aspect of JOY is having the attitude of optimism. The actual definition of optimism is the doctrine that everything is ordered for the best. This means always looking for the best in every situation. The Bible says that we are more than conquerors. Therefore, we should have the mentality of winners. A winner is happy and looks at challenges as opportunities to become better. Life may throw many obstacles at you, but the way you approach them determines if you will succeed or not. When troubles come your way, do not be angry at God. Look for the message and lesson that God is revealing to you. Apostle Paul as optimistic even when he was chained in jail and he said, because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the Word of God more courageously and fearlessly (Philippians 1:14). Here, we see that Paul was positive about his current situation and saw it as a model of being courageous for God. God is building you up and strengthening you to become strong for Him. After every huge storm in your life, look for the rainbow as it comes out after the storm. Only through being optimistic can one see the silver lining.
The last aspect of JOY is the fact that we must yearn to praise Him. Habakkuk 3:18 says, Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Saviour. As Christians, we should have the inner desire to praise God continuously for saving us by dying on the cross for our sins. We have eternal life because of Gods unselfish compassion for His children. All the comforts of life that we enjoy are because of Gods grace and mercy in our lives. The education, wealth, and health that we all have are granted only through Gods grace. The times that we need to hold onto the garments of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ are the times that are the toughest to understand the question Why? We are human so we will question why God let something so terrible happen to us. God wants us to be like Apostle Paul when he was facing death and he said boldly, For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21). Here, we see a wonderful example of the indestructible joy of the children of God. Even when your earthly bodies die, our joy continues in heaven with our Lord.
Now that we know what JOY is, we as believers in Christ need to know what a STORM really is. What is a STORM? A STORM is S- something T- to Overcome R- revealing M-mine & your joy!! We need to have the mind-set that when a storm comes into our lives, we need to hold our ground and overcome that obstacle to reveal that special anointing or joy that God has in store for us.
Our ultimate joy is to be re-united with our bridegroom Jesus Christ. This fact is eloquently stated in John 16:22 and it says, but I will see you again and you will rejoice and no one will take away your joy. We, the believers, need to just believe in Him, be optimistic, and yearn to praise Him; then, we shall receive abundant JOY. The children of God can also weather any STORM because it is just something to overcome revealing mine and your joy. In conclusion, hold onto to our ultimate joy of seeing our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ regardless of the journey your life might take.
Thank you for blessing me and encouraging me through my storm. It really help me to face my day.