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Ip-ISn: arK-ap-J-ap Hcp ip{iq-j-I

Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Jul 19, 2011
Views: 12372

Kallu kadi: A center pastor with the face of an animal.
CXv Hcp sk ]m-dpsS IY. B Kw`o-c-\m-Wv. {]h-N\ hnj-b--fmWv ssIImcyw sNp-X.v hnti-jm Zm\n-tbepw shfn-mSpw. AXnse arK--sf-bmWv {]`m-j-W-n IqSp-X-embpw ssIImcyw sNp--Xv. AXn\m Xs Inv am\p-jn-I-apJw Ipd-hmWv. Am a\p-jy-t\mSv Imcy-amb Icp-Wtbm kvt\ltam Hp- an-. Iqp-ip-{iq-j-I-sc-sbmw hmSm t]mSm Ft hnfn-bvp. Iqp-{]-h-I-scmw X\nbvp ASn-a-Wn sNWw F at\m-`m-hhpw Cu sk hnip--\p-v. N-bn \nv ao hmp-I, ]-dn hmpI XpS-nb ]Wn-I-sfmw sk-dnse ip{iq-j-I sN-Ww. ih-a-Sv ev hv Imip hmn-s-nepw hop-Im sk-dns hon sNv ImtW--Xp-t]mse ImWWw FmWv Aen-JnX \nb-aw. Cm-sb-n In-bpsS apJw ]no-sSm-cn-epw Cu hop-Im-cpsS apn {]Im-in-n--s{X. kwKXn Fm-bmepw hnip--m-cpsS KW-ns Ctlw ImWn-p--sXmpw Aip-n-bm-In Fm-iz-kn-mw.

ASn-p-dnv: An-v, Dc, De- Fn-s\ In-bp ]Z- ]dm B L\-im-en-bm-hn-.


Displaying 2 Comments
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jayan.k joy (July 26, 2011)
Dear Brother,

The Pastors are not on the way to learn from their mistakes until God teaches them a lesson
a. s. mathew (July 20, 2011)
if the believers are simply afraid of such "animalistic pastors", how the problem can be solved? there are a few of them in every denomination. the believers will have to sit down with them and tell them openly and kindly to change the habit. if they are not ready to listen, send them home with a prayer, and the problem can be solved very easily. i was visiting a friend in delhi and his terrible looking pastor showed up. when the pastor left the place, i told my host " he has no grace or manners, i wonder how he became a pastor? my host told me that this pastor got mad at another pastor and caught his neck with a warning " if you visit my church member's home, i will teach you a lesson". some of the pastors are not called for the ministry, but since they can't find any other job, got some theology training and got the ordination to be a pastor.
perhaps, kerala has more theological colleges and
schools than the number of high schools;
so the graduates are plentiful. <
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