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Ip-ISn: tamjWw ]e- hn[w

Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Creatives
Publish Date: Jun 24, 2011
Views: 17501

Kallu kadi: Different types of stealing.
am[y-a-cw-Kpw tamjvSm--fp-v. hm-I apX teJ-\- hsc tamjvSn-p--h-cpv \p-sS-bn-S-bn. Hcp teJ\w Xs Fm ]{X-ġpw Abp sImSp-p hncp-X-m-cp-v. Htc teJ\w Hn-e-[nIw ]{X--fn A-Sn-p-h-cp-- [y-a-cw-Kpw tamjvSm--fp-v. Xn ckn-bvp hncp-X-m. Imew Ipsd-bm-Ip-tm {K Im-hns t]cp-amn kzw t]cn Cd-p ""am\y'' {K Im--fp-apv Cu Iq-n. Acw Hcp alm CubnsS Hmsse ]{X-n h teJ\w ASn-p-amn kzw t]cn asmcp sImp-]-{X-n-e-Sn-p. ]t Ifhp ssItbmsS ]nSn--Xn-\m In BsI \mdn-bXp anw. hen-sbmcp bph-P\ {]m-\-ns apWn {]h-I-\mb Ct-l-n\v ]n-kn-n-tbm-SmWv hen-b-Xm¸-cyw. GsX-nepw sk-dn bph-P-\- ao-nw-Kn\v Inbvv Biw-k-]-d-bm Ah-kcw Inn-bm F-s\bpw t^mtm-sb-Spv {][m\ {]kw-K-I-s\v ]{X--fn ]Shpw hmbpw sImSp-pXpw ncw tlm_n-bm-W-s{X. ]n-knn Iho-\ Fp ]d-bp-tm CsXmw AXns `mK-am-bn-cn-pw.

ASn-p-dnv: \mb \Sp--S-en sNmepw \ntb IpSnbvp


Displaying 2 Comments
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aby (July 18, 2011)
Well said Mr.Mathew. Its really hard to find preachers who spent time to pray hours/days before they preach.
a. s. mathew (June 29, 2011)
"Plagiarism" is now spreading like a
wild fire among the writers. To
deliver an effective sermon to touch
the souls; the preachers must spend
hours in prayer and must be led by the
holy spirit. There is nothing wrong with reading books written by great men
and women of God in the preparation of
the sermon. Instead of telling simple
glory-amen-blood of Christ-praise the
Lord etc repeatedly; it is better to have greater
knowledge while preaching the sermon.
But in the current internet age, thousands of sermons are available,
and many educated preachers are simply
repeating somebody's sermon. The
sermon can be excellent for the ears,
but it won't touch the heart. When we
try to get fame in any manner through
stealing the sermons or articles, it is
an act of foolish pride, which will
force us to be humiliated by God one day
without any prior warning.
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