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Ip-ISn: ]mphpw tImhm-e\pw

Category: Creatives
Publish Date: Jun 10, 2011
Views: 16758

Kallu kadi: Pachuvum kovalanum.
CXv ]gb cp IYm-]m-{X-. Fm Cu Imepw Ccw cp IYm-]m-{X-fpv. Cy s]s-tmkvXp k`-bpsS tIc-f-nse D-X-\mWv Hcm. at-bm kzbw D-X-s\p Icp-Xp--bm-fpw. tImh-e ]mp-hns\ Npn-p-I-bm-sW--dn-bmsX ]mhw ]mp Fm-n\pw \np sImSp-p-p. Xs A\p-Iq-en--h-scmw FXn tNcn-bn tNt-dp-Xv ]mp Adn-bp-n ]mhw. tns A[n-Imcnbmb ]mp-hn-s\mcp taml-ap-Zn-p. (tIm-hm-e DZn-n taml-am-sW-mWv ]nm-pd kwkm-cw) Fd-Wm-Ip-fp \nv ASqv amd-Ww. AhnsS sk ]m-dm-I-Ww. AXn-s\p sNpw. tImhm-e ]mp-hn-s\-Iqn k`-Ifpw hoSp-Ifpw Ib-dn-b-d-n. Ipdp t]sc ]- m-n. Fp ]d-m ASq-cp-Imsc `nn-n-s-w. `n-Xbpw CSbpw hcp-p--h kzbw Iv Igp-n sIn IS-en NmSWw F `mKw In hmbn-n-n FXv ASq-cp-Im-cp-sSbpw sF. ]n. knm-cp-sSbpw `mKy-tZm-jw. Cu am-ns ]nn-ep-ap-smcp _pn. ASq-sc-n-bm `mhn-bn sImm-c-c taJ-e-bpsS {]kn-UmImw Hw ASp hjw hcmt]m-Ip sXc-s-Sp-n ]g-b-_w shv Fd-Wm-Ip-fs thmpw ]pXnb _-n-eqsS sImm-c-c taJ-e-bnse 700thmpw Inpw. m\w Dd-n-mw. ]t Ifn-amdn \s-p--h DS-n. \spw Imepw ASn-sm-Snbvpw Fp-hsc ]nt ]m p-hn-t\mSp ]d--s{X. GXm-bmepw ]Xn-hp-t]m se tImhm-e cwK-p-\nv apn. tImS-Xn-bn t]mbmepw ASq thW-sa ]mp-hns \n_--n\p {]kv_n-dn hg-n. ASqsc Z{`m-k-\m-[n-]-\m-bn. D]-tZi kwc-Ww Fv tIġp-tm tIma-bn sImp ]mp-hnsbpw tImhm-e-sbpw X\n-\ndw P\w Adn-p. D]-tZ-in-bpsS aI-s\ kn\nabvsXnsc B-Sn tImhme Imip-In-n-b-tm AtX ]ckyw Bhnnv D]-tZiw kwc-n-p. hnip--\mSv bm{X tlmsk-bn-em-bn. GsSp v \Sn A-s\bpw D]-tZi kwc--W-n\pw sXmb {]h-W-X-bvp-sa-Xnsc {]Xn-I-cn-p tImhm-e Dbp-Xv kz-n se [z\n Xstbm Fm-Wn-tm ]ecpw tNmZn-bvp--Xv. Hcp Imcyw Ddv Cs\ t]mbm tImhmes _pn sImv ]mp ASp Ce--\n Ggp \ne-bn s]mpw. Xo.

ASn-p-dnv: Adn-bm ]n sNmdn-bp-tm Adn-bpw. Imn-cpp ImWmw.


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pr. fredy luies (June 15, 2011)
the named paachu is really a spiritual criminal. iam one of pastor in ipc adoor east district and my church is fully against pachu and kovalan. now pachu is purposly making issues against me and my church... i can give the real face of this pachu and kovalan. please call me at 9961086910. our church address is ipc salem nedumon p.o kalleth.
pacu (June 11, 2011)
jeevichu pottaddai!!!!!!!!!!Mr.kovsLSSS...pulivsllu agumo???
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