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Ip-ISn: ]{X-sf ssIbnshv imkn-Ww

Category: Creatives
Publish Date: Jul 22, 2011
Views: 15661

Kallu kadi: Rebuke Christian News papers.
CXp-hsc Bcpw ]co-n-n-n-m ]pXnb Hcp X{w ]{X-s-Xnsc {]tbm-Kn-p-hm t]mIp-p. CXns D]-m-Xmhv sF. ]n. kn. tIcfm tv Iukn-ense Hcp AwK-am-Wv. At-ls {]tIm-]n-n-Xv _neo-thgvkv tPW-ense sF. ]n. kn. Ce-s hm-bm-Wv. Ccw ]{X-sf HXp-m ]{Xw ssIn Inn-bm DSs\ ssIn-se-Spv {]mnv imkn-Ww FmWv At-l-ns Ip-]n-Sp-w. Xncp-h-m-m CtX coXn-bn Ct-ls imkn-n-cp-s-n s]mSn-t]mepw tijn--bn-m-bn-cp-p. Xncp-h-m-bnepw ]cn-k-cpw GsX-nepw K^p-Im-ct\m Ata-cn--Im-ct\m Fn-sb--dn-m GXv k`-bm-bmepw C\n ASp-p sF. ]n. kn. k`-bnse Xs AwK-am-bmepw `mcym-k-ta-X-\mbn henb Nmp-ambn Fn Xn sImp-t]m-Ip Xc-n-ep kphn-tij the sNbvXv hnP-bn Cu am\ys\ BSp-Isf \jvS-s D]-tZ-in-am Fmw IqSn imkn-n-cp-s-n Cu am\y- tZ-l-ns Ah Fm-bn-cp-t-s\. ]nSbpsS Nc-Sns \nb-{-W-n k` `cn-bvp Ccw ]qh-msc hnizm-kn-I-sf-mw- IqSn imkn-n-cp-s-n s]mSn-t]mepw tijnp-am-bn-cp-n-. am{X-a ASp hjw \S-p-hm t]mIp sXc-s-Sp-n am\y-amb Hcp Itkcbvmbn Icp- \on Xm-dm-sS-Sp-n-cn-p Cu "Bob\v' kXyw ]d-bp ]{X--tfmSv Fm-Wmthm Hcp `bw.

ASn-p-dnv: tImgnsb I-hs Xe-bnte Xqh ImWp-I-bp-q.


Displaying 6 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
mathew,tvla (July 28, 2011)
r p k is the right answer.
jayan. k joy (July 26, 2011)
Kunchan Nambiar Said" Light house is wonderful, Even I need Money" no one is dare enough to say what they have to
rpk (July 25, 2011)
Looks like R.... P....k...a
mejo (July 25, 2011)
chaver vision partner ano?
antappan (July 23, 2011)
Please give us some clues to identify this pashtor.
a. s. mathew (July 23, 2011)
Even centuries back, before Abraham Lincoln defined democracy, it was
practiced at the selection of the
disciple to fill the seat of Judas Iscariot. Someway, in the Church
leadership of Kerala of all the
denominations, the Hindu influence
became a very predominant factor.
The Royalty and the Hindu Priestly class
Brahamins were addressed by the lower
class Hindus " thirumeni". The mainline
Episcopal Churches of Kerala blindly
adopted it and the Bishops are addressed
down through the years " thirumeni".
Jesus Christ was the shephered, not
addressed as " sacred body ". Even today, the highly educated believers
are afraid to question this old tradition. Likewise, among the non-
Episcopal Churches, the Pastors brainwashed the believers " we are
God's appointed saints and the believers
have no right to question our spiritual
authority". The believers shouldn't
take an a
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