Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 23, 2011
Views: 17440
Kallukadi: Elections are near and the earthworms are lifting their heads up now.
Nne ka-b--fn ]d-n-eqsS \S-p-tm Xe-bp-bn BSp Pohnsb Iv Nne `b-tm-Sm-dp-v. Fm ss[cy-im-en-I kqnp t\mp-tm-gmWv Xe-bp-bn BSp-Xv aqJ-\ adnv shdpw RmRq-e-m-sWv Xncn-dn-bp--Xv. I-S-am-Ip-tm RmRq-en\pw hnjw shbvpw FmWv ]d-bm-dv. Cu Imev CXv Cs\ ammw. Ce- Imew ASp-p-tm RmRq-ep-Ifpw Xe-s]m-pw. Al-X-bn-m--hcpw Atbm-Kycpw Hs hyYm kz]v\w ImWp Ime-am-WnXv. Ipdp ]Ww Fhn-sS-\n-s-nepw Dmnbnv AXns _e-n m\-am-\- t\Sn-sb-Spmw Fv Nnnv t\Xm--msc Nmnv ]m\-en Ib-dn-n Iuk-en Fm-\p Nne-cpsS {iaw ImgvN-m-cn Df-hm-p-Xv Hcp Xcw Ad-m-Wv. Hcp amXncn Imn IyjvW-]n--bpsS apw `mh-hp-ap Nne s]mm. Ch-cpsS \S-p-I-m tXmp-Xv Ch-cpsS \S-ns L\w sImm-Wv sshZypXn Dev]m-Z\w \S-p--sXv. C-c-m Iukn-en Ib-dn-nbm ]ns Ah ]d--dn-bn-t--Xn-.
ASn-p-dnv: Ac hntcm-[n-bm-sW-nepw ]{X-msc hnS Nncnbpambn kzoI-cn-p--hsc ImWp-tm Dd-n-p-sImI Abm Hcp m\mn-bm-Wv.
To Mr Jacob:- ........And our calling is to be His slaves!! and not to be the so called "Ministers". It is absolutely a kind of SLAVERY to our God and Master, and not the so called "Ministry"and "Ministers". Jesus asked Peter to shepherd and feed His flock and later Peter in his epistle says " Shepherd the flock of God among you.....not by seeking gain through base means but eagerly; nor as LORDING over your allotments but by becoming patterns of your flock." Among the believers, besides Christ there should be no other Lord; all should be servants, even slaves.