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æ¼\mSv kwKaw ]nIv\n¡v ^vtfmdnUmbn

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Nov 6, 2013
Views: 12159

Kumbanadu Sangamam Picnic to be held in Florida.
^vtfmdnU: æ¼\mSv kwKaw kwLSn¸nç¶ ]nIv\n¡v \hw_À 16 \v i\nbmgv¨ cmhnse 9 aWn apX sshIn«v 5 aWn hsc ^vtfmdnUmbn _mÀt«mbnepÅ tacn tlmf­v ]mÀ¡n (]henb³ þ 16) h¨v \Sç¶Xmé'. æ¼\m«pw ]cnkc {]tZi§fn \nìambn Atacn¡bnepw, Im\Umbnepw Bbn æSntbdn ]mÀç¶ FÃmhÀ¡qw Cu ]nIv\n¡n ]s¦Sp¡mhp¶XmWì" {]knUâv' Nmt¡m Ìo^³ Adnbn¨p. bphP\§Ä¡mbn {]tXyI ImbnI ]cn]mSnIÄ {IaoIcn¨n«p­v.

æ¼\mSns\çdn¨pw, ]gbIme Aë`h§sfçdn¨pw Abhndç¶Xnëw, kvt\l_Ôw ]pXpç¶Xnëw, ]cnPbs¸Sp¶Xnëw Cu Ahkcw {]tbmN\s¸Sp¶XmW¶v kwLmSIÀ Adnbn¨p.
IqSpX hnhc§Ä¡v: Nmt¡m Ìo^³ 863þ619þ7817, tP¡_v hÅnbn 813þ249þ6277, tam³kn amX| 407þ694þ8173, cmPp tP¡_v 321þ536þ3595, tPm¬k¬ kn. tPm¬ 863þ698þ908, cmP³ Bcy¸Ån 678þ571þ6398, tdmbn sImSp´d 863þ667þ6773, X¼n hÅnbn 954þ464þ4652 F¶nhêambn s_Ôs¸Smhp¶Xmé".


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a. s. mathew (November 7, 2013)
contd:3 " he that dwelleth...." the king said " stop", cried the czar. asked the chaplain " did galitizin tell you to read this? he answered "certainly not" " i asked god to direct me. from that time onwards, alexander 1 read the bible secretly every day. " what time i am afraid, i will trust in thee". psalms 56:3.
a. s. mathew (November 7, 2013)
Contd:2 Napolean Bonaparte invaded Russia, the masses of St. Petersburg was getting ready either to fight or leave the city. Alexander 1 paid a visit to Prince Galitzin, and he was quite surprised to watch the calm and peaceful demeanor of Prince Galitzin. His answer was " The Lord is my defense, sire". Then he showed his Bible to Alexander 1, which was the first Bible he has ever seen. Prince Galitzin opened Psalms 91 and read to King Alexander " He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty". King Alexander was greatly impressed, went to the Cathedral to worship. The Priest read the same verse. The King asked him ' did Galitzin tell you to read this? The Priest replied, "No, I prayed the Lord to be guided in my choice". The Czar went a day's march with his army. In the evening, under great stress and anxiety, the king asked the chaplain to read something from the Bible. The chaplain read contd:3
a. s. mathew (November 7, 2013)
In the Bible, Psalms 23 is the most read chapter, and chapter 91 will take the second lead. During the early part of the reign of Alexander 1 in Russia, the Bible reading and devotions were held in contempt by the aristocratic society. Recently my hometown friend called me to tell about a person of Orthodox faith, who was senior to me in college.

That smiling humble person used to carry the Bible while going to attend their prayer meetings. I have seen only a few Pentecostal and Brethren young people carrying the Bible openly in those days. Now this unnoticed young Orthodox person is greatly blessed. Even carrying the Bible openly as a witness has its reward greatly one day. Alexander 1 appointed Prince Galitzin to be an official in charge of the portfolio of religion. Prince never saw the Bible, so being the person in charge of religion, he got a Bible and read Psalms 91. There is a dispute among the theologians that Psalms 91 was written by David and some by Moses. co
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