Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 1, 2013
Views: 26627
Mariamma John promoted to glory.
N\mticn: ]scXcmb ]m sI.Fw. Nmsm (` nb), A ZXnIfpsS aIfpw tImapdn It `h\n ]m sI.Fw.tPmWns (sF.] tIcfm tv ap {]knUvv) `mcybpamb adnbm tPm (79) Unkw_ 29--mw XnbXn i\nbmgv cmhnse \ncymXbmbn. Phcn 4mw XnbXn shnbmgvN tImapdn Imta `h\n s]mXpZi\hpw, 5mw XnbXn i\nbmgvN \mSv slt{_m Nnse ip{iqjI tijw sshInv 2 aWnv sF.] hfshw skantcnbn kwkvIcnXmWv.
a: tPm Imta (cmPp), ]m tP_v tPm (kn), hk tImc, kuan hnf. aa: eoem, t__n, tUm hnf (Fmhw bp.Fkv.F.)
This Ammachie was my mother`s close friend. When Pastor K.M.Chacko(Bhakthan Kuttiyachen), Ammachie`s father,came to minister in Kallissery,my mother and her siblings were grew together and close friends with Pastor Chacko`s children.On behalf of my family I express our deepest condoleence to the bereaved family.