Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 16, 2011
Views: 16369
Monther of Samkutty Mathew, thankamma Varghese went to be with the Lord.
ame-c: \ohn-fmIw t]c-bn ]tc-X-\mb ho-kns `mcybpw Ipdn-n-apw tXhn-tcv IpSpw-_mw-K-hp-amb X hokv (75) \ncym-X-bm-bn. ih-kw-kvImcw BKv 20 \v cmhnse 9 aWnbvv Bcw`nv 12 aWnbvv Ipdn-n-apw ssZh-k-`-bpsS Npa-X-e-bn ame-c ssZh-k` skan-t-cn-bn \S-pw. a: tam\n hokv (tZm-l), s_n hokv (Avemm, bp. Fkv. F), _nPn (dm-n) acp-a-: t{Kkv sFth-en Xncp-h-\--]pcw (tZm-l), enkn IWn-Ip-fv tXmn-bm-ae (A-vemm), ]m kmwIpn amXyp tIm-bn-p-dv, a-a-cpXn (No^v FUn- _neo-thgvkv tPW)