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New age movement and the coming of anti christ

Thomas Kaithamangalom
Author: Thomas Kaithamangalom
Category: Popular Read
Publish Date: Apr 21, 2011
Views: 29813

Hope the readers of this article will remember the piece that I wrote few weeks ago under the title The New World Order and the coming Antichrist. In this piece of writing, I would like to draw your attention to New Age Movement and the coming Antichrist.

The origin of the movement dates back to 19th century with the theosophical teaching of Helena Blavatsky. The movement received its momentum in the 1920s with the teaching of Alice Ann Bailey. Her writings called Ageless isdom which she claimed to have been received telepathically (psychic communication) from the Master of Wisdom, influenced a lot of people in Europe, America, India and the rest of the world. Her writings were a mixture of occult teachings, psychology, astrology and philosophy.

She believed in a unified society including a global spirit of religion. The Theosophical Society, as it was called, advocated the establishment of major world religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam to promote unity in other world religions. Theosophical society asserted that their teachings were revealed by spirit (demons). They lay emphasis on the progression of a blessed, master Aryan society, and a one world (new age) religion and social order.

In 1922, Baily founded the "Lucifer Publishing Company," which printed and distributed their teachings. These teachings were extreme in their objective and purpose. Gradually they schemed the coming new age with directives for the foundation of the necessary new world order. Their symbol was a rainbow and the society talked about wide plans for religious war, forced redistribution of the worlds resources and the need of a new world order. Baily even discussed the sanctity of the new world leaders number, 666.

New Age Movement teaches the natural progression of humanism. Man is the central figure in it. He is considered as divine and progressing towards a kind of godhood. Rather than the power or influence of any superior authority from outside, they believe in the inbuilt ability of human beings in achieving perfection. It teaches that humans have evolved biologically and must now progress spiritually to build a world fit to live together in social harmony.

Many New Age Practices are designed to encourage man to go through a kind of spiritual evolution and finally to a state of godhood. Even though the early leaders of the movement did not have unified agenda or guidelines for man to go through this spiritual evolution, they suggested its followers to train their souls to have out of body experiences by contacting guides and using crystals to purify the body and minds energy systems.

Though we dont hear much about this movement today, the truth is, behind the curtain, there is a definite and organized secret leadership working day and night to reach their goal, the utopian new world kingdom. The name of the secret body is called The Planetary Initiative for the World we Choose.

On August 16 1988, over eighty million New Agers all over the world unified themselves for the largest assembly in the history for a mass meditation. Led by 144000 new age mystics the new agers joined in a period of meditation agreement for the release of spiritual forces which would bring a one world government and a one world religion on earth.

In the U.S. and Canada alone, over ten thousand organizations are identified as new age movements. Amnesty International, The Guardian Angels and hundreds of other world known organizations play a major role in this movement. The manifesto of the new age movement underlines the need of a New World Order,Universal credit card system, world food authority, world health authority, world water authority, Universal Tax, Universal military draft, abolishing of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, One world leader.

Randall Baer, a former New Age leader who became a born again Christian wrote in his bestseller, Inside The New Age Nightmare. This agenda is nothing less than the complete revolutionizing of the very foundations of not only America but the entire world. Such a plan calls for the total restructuring of planetary civilization into an enlightened One World Federation in which national boundaries and sovereignty are secondary, and planetary citizenship in the global village is the order of the day. This (conspiracy) offers a world in desperate need a grand solution to profound global problems. Apparent world peace and unprecedented opportunities ... are to be unveiled.

In his book, Mystery Mark of the New Age Texe Marrs says:

Christianity will be discredited and Christians will become accursed. They are to be branded an ignorant and inferior human species. A Planetary crisis will be precipitated by Satans human world leaders. Out of this crisis will come the opportunity for the New Age Kingdom to be realized.

A great world leader and statesman will then appear to bring order to chaos. He will be Satans hand-picked man: the Beast, or Antichrist, with the number 666.

New age leaders, especially those who control the worlds TV and radio broadcast media, will mount a tremendously powerful campaign on behalf of this World Leader, causing the entire world to believe in his perfection and infallibility.

After assuming the reins of power, the great World Leader will usher in a period of universal peace and prosperity. His magnetism and charisma will enable him to establish himself at the helm of a One World Government, One World Economy, and a one world new age religion. Consolidating all power and might, the great World Leader will finger Christians and Jews as public enemies who are a constant danger to world peace, justice, and sharing. The arrest and imprisonment of Christians will commence. The entire world will applaud their persecution. Every man, woman, and child who has not yet been initiated into the Mystery of Iniquity will take a mark and receive the Luciferic Initiation. They will then discover the awful truth, but it will be far too late. Their fate will have been sealed. All who refuse the mark and the Luciferic Initiation and who refuse to worship the image of the Beast will be put to death. The whole world will be deluged with Satans demons, which will eagerly and hungrily possess human bodies. After the whole world has been conquered, Satans final treacherous act will be to assault the very gates of heaven.


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joy chembakasseril, usa. (December 22, 2011)
interesting, informative - the new age movement. and the antichrist !!! i think the antichrist take over the new age movement ! think about this- the creator only made one world, who divided this world and for what ? who reaps the benefit of this division ? did those divisions do any good for the poor common man ? ultimately when jesus at his second coming he is going to go back to one place called heaven. so all divisions are because of men, for the benefit of the few elite group in this world and then they spend their life fighting each other ! remember the rich man can only sell arms, when there is war, so they create one !
unknown (September 7, 2011)
Please check the spelling of "comeing"
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