Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 23, 2011
Views: 18820
Number of people in the poverty line increasing. A new year filled with hope..
Ata-cn--bn ]n-m-cpsS Fw 16% IqSn. Fp ]d-m apXp ew t]IqSn B ]n-I-bn Fn-bn-cn-p-p. sk]vw-_-dn 4.62 tImSn ]n-Wn-m Dm-bn-cp-Xv Cv 4.91 tImSn-bm-bn-cn-p-p. Nne amk-ġp-apv \S A`n-{]mb ktbn Ata-cn--bnse P\--fn 56% t] H_ma C\n XpS-c-cpXv Fv B{K-ln-p-tm 34% Bfp-I H_m-asb A\p-Iq-en-p-p. 10% t] Hcp A`n-{]m-bhpw ]d-bp-n-. P\-n\v H_m-a-bn-ep hnizmkw \jvS-sp FmWv B kt-I ]d-bp--Xv. Zmcn-{Zy-n \npw km-o-I-am-y-n \npw cmPys Ic-Ib-p--Xn H_ma ]cm-P-b-sp FmWv \nco-I aXw. {]Xobvv a G¸n 2011 hnS-]-d-bp-tm {]Xo--I AkvX-an-p-n-. P\w Imn-cn-p-I-bm-Wv. Xġv \-I-fp-ambn Fpw F {]Xo--bp-ambn 2012.
Fm am\y-hm-b-\-mpw A\p-{K-l-n-sbpw \-bp-sSbpw ]pXp-h--cm-i-wkI
real religion " Pure and undefiled religion....": James 1:27.
The Ministers should not live in poverty, they must have comfortable
place to etc. If the Minister is living
in a posh 5 bed room house, and if the Church member is living in a two bed
room home with basic facilities of life, then the Pastor must show
generosity to the believer. The Church has a moral and spiritual
obligation to take care of the needy and poor believers in the
Church, also our next door neighbours of any religion who are really
struggling to survive. JESUS has repeatedly emphasized that we
should be generous and compassionate towards the poor, and at the
judgment seat, He will ask the final question in the indirect speech
"what you have done to the least of my brethren have all done unto me".