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IY: Hm... Pdpktew: kmw æ«n amX|

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Creatives
Publish Date: Mar 10, 2011
Views: 16700

O... Jerusalem. A story by Sam kutty Mathew.
s\Sp¼mticnbn \nìw DbÀì s]m§nb hnam\¯nse sskUv koän Nmcnbnê¶ sNdnbm¨³ D]tZinbpsS Np­pIfn ]p©ncn hnSÀì. C¯cw Hê bm{X¡v t\\XrXzw sImSpçhm³ Ignbpsa¶v hnNmcn¨XÃ. ssZhw Xsâ `àëth­n IêXp¶hgnItf! KÄ^v {SmhÂknse A¨mbsâ cq]¯nemW\" C{]mhiyw hgnXpd¶ncnç¶Xv. GXmbmepw \m審pt]sc bm{Xíp Iq«ms\m¯p. Iªnbpw, ]pgpçw Igním³ hIbnÃm¯hêsS Xeapd ]¯pw, Adp]¯©pw Bbnc§Ä hnip² \mSp ImWm³ apSç¶Xn\' Hê aSnbpanÃmXmbncnçì. Ft´m Hê ædhp t]mse ]W¡msc `cnç¶Xv `mKyw. tÌPnsems¡ tIdn P\s¯ Cf¡n adnç¶ {]kwKw \S¯n t]ê­mbXv F{X \¶mbn. ]mh§Ä sNdnbm¨msâ a\knenê¸v Adnbm¯Xv `mKyw. I«¨ndbnse ImsemSnª _©pw, Icn]nSn¨ sUkvæw, s]m«nb ¥mkpap­mbnê¶ ]gb Im¸n¡Sbn \nìw C¶s¯ hfÀ¨¡v th­n F{X ]mSps]«¶v Bsc¦nepadnbpìt­m?. FÃmw AhnSps¯ IêW! hntZi¯pw kztZi¯pw {]kwK¯në Unamâp ædbpì. ]gbXpt]mse {]kwKw H«ptaipìanÃ. P\sa§mëw Fs¶ a\knem¡ntbm Bthm! HmÀçt¼mÄ DÅw ]nSbpì. dºÀtXm«w hm§nbXnëw, amfnI ]Wnbp¶Xnësams¡ Hmtcm꯷mÀ æäw ]dbpì. Akqb F¶XÃmsX´p ]dbm³! Chcdnbpìt­m hoSp]Wn ]qÀ¯nbm¡m³ s]Sp¶ ]mSv. GXmbmepw tamfntem«p t]mætam¶dnbnà ChnsSmì kpJn¨n«p thWw t]mIm³. hoSp ]Wnç CXphsc apS¡nb XpIbdnªm {]iv\\aW\". tIm¬{SmÎÀ¡v CubmgvN ]¯pe£w sImSp¡Ww. Ct¸mÄ Xs¶ 3 tImSn ASp¡mdmbn. HmÀçt¼mÄ Xe s]êçw. H¯m a¶³ amêX\\nse tXm«w IqSn hm§Ww. aq¯hsf cmPIobambn Xs¶ Ab¨p. C¶nbpÅ \\mse®w hfÀì hêì. Fsâ ssZhta sNdnbm¨ë th­n C¯cw hgnIÄ Xpdì XìsImt­bncn¡tW!

CubnsSbmbn hnizmknIÄs¡ms¡ Ft´m AI¨bp­v. Ahscs´s¡tbm a\knem¡nbXpt]msebm kwkmcnç¶Xv. clky§Ä tNmêt¶m Fs¶mê kwibw. timim½ BtcmSpw Hìw ]dbnÃ. ssZhta \o X¶Xp X¡ XpWbmWtÃm kvtXm{Xw. AhsS anSp¡m C{Xbpw k¼mZn¡m³ F\nç t{]cWbmbvXv kvtXm{Xw. Nne ]{X¡mscms¡ sNmdnªp XpS§nbn«p­v. GXmbmepw Hê ]{Xw taSn¡m³ tXm¶nbXp _p²nbmbn. iapthens\\ kq£n¡Ww. Ah\' clky§sfm¯ncn Adnbmw. tamt\sbì hnfn¨p Hê Npw_\w sImSp¡Ww. sIm¨p ]ntÅsc hsc A¨mbm Fì hnfnç¶ Xsâ X{´w I­v timim½bpw ]nÅmêw Nncn¡q¶Xv ]XnhmbncnçIbm. Ahcdnbpt¶m sNdnbm¨³ s]Sp¶ ]mSv. AhÀç th­nbÃtbm Rm³ Cu Iã¸mSpIÄ klnç¶Xv. æªp§fpsS apJw HmÀ çt¼mÄ BsI Hê lrZyXv. GXmbmepw C{Xsbms¡ F¯n C\n kntbm³ aebnse knwlmk\¯neqsS Hm¶ncn¡Ww. Ct¸mgs¯ ]pÅn amdptam Bthm! ssZhta... Fsâ {]À°\ AhnSpì tIÄç¶ntÃ?........

kp{]`mXw Biwkns¨¯nb kpµcnbmb FbÀ tlmÌkv \o«nb Im¸n æSnçt¼mÄ A½m\nse¯m³ AcaWn¡qÀ IqSnsb¶ A\u¬kvsaâpbêì. \må¯nb©p t]sc In«nb hIbn \mece£hpw Hmkns\mê bm{Xbpw H¯p. ssZhta ASp¯XhW apX CXv Adp]Xp t]scbm¡n¯ctW! amk¯nsemê bm{Xsbm¯nêt¶Â Cu ]mhs¸« Zmksâ _p²nap«pIÄ amdntbt\.

""bm{X¡mêsS ASnb´c {i²ív....'' Dbê¶ Adnbn¸n\\mbn sNdnbm¨³ ImtXmÀ¯p.""{]t£m`ImcnIÄ hnam\¯mhfw ssItbdnbXpsIm­v emâv" sN¿phm³ km[n¡m¯Xn\m hnam\w XncnsI hnSpIbmW\'. bm{X¡mÀ¡v t\cn« AkuIcy¯n tJZnçì.''

s\Sp¼mticnbn emâv sNbvX hnam\¯n XfÀ¶nê¶ sNdnbm¨sâ Igp¯në t\sc \o­p h¶ sXm®qd\" Ic§ÄI­v sNdnbm¨\edn hnfn¨p. I®pIÄ apdpsIbS¨p.

apJt¯çhnW shůpÅnIÄ sNdnbm¨sâ CaIsf Xpdì. I®p\otcmsS Xsâ Npäpw ]I¨ncnç¶ timim½bpw æªp§fpw F´mW\' kw`hn¨sX¶dnbmsX sNdnbm¨³ I®pangp¨t¸mÄ timim½ ]dªXn§s\ ""Fs´mceÀ¨bmbnêì, F´m kz]v\w I­p t]Snt¨m?"". Xm³ I­Xv ]mgvIn\mhmsWìw ]gvkvt\Pnse InS¡bnemsWìapÅ Xncn¨dnhn sNdnbm¨³ s\änbnse hnbÀ¸p IW§Ä H¸ns¡m­v ]dªXn§s\

""Hm........ Pdpktew''


Displaying 9 Comments
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sam (April 3, 2011)
Good Story..Now the tour to Jerusalem has grown to a great business..
gkg (March 22, 2011)
Good Story!!!:)
+3 (March 21, 2011)
Samkutty/Reji... Good humour but I remember the old proverbial story about the sour grapes.
mathews (March 18, 2011)
I enjoyed the story, good imagination .........As many said, there will always be some 'fallen angels', but we cant ignore the goodness in the rest of them...lets remember Rev 22:11 Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy."
joy chembakasseril, u s a (March 10, 2011)
i totaly agree with varghese mappila, we should be sympathetic to pastor's and the difficulties confronting them, especially financial difficulties. some might have fallen from grace for a while, but they should be able to correct themselves and i am pretty optimistic they will.i am of the opinion that we shouldn't be jubilating on somebody else's short coming. nobody is a perfect being, we all make mistakes, but we don't acknowledge that in public, ain't it? we should be able to see the goodness is other's not just the negativity! i think the goodness outnumbers the negativity! all we need is a goodness in us to see it and acknowledge it !
shibu kumbanad (March 10, 2011)
we know one pastor same like this charactor in this story. god bless you samkutty.
koshy tvla (March 10, 2011)
super story.thanx.
c samuel (March 10, 2011)
p c chaya kollamallo. "church growth"mathiyaakkiyo? maargathinu jyothi labhikkunnille?enthinaa ee puthiya paripaati?
varghese mappilla, india (March 10, 2011)
Oohho hoohoo, jhanum onnu ooori chirichhoottae - Makane --- oopadeshi maroodu ethra kaadinnyam veenoo!Jeevitha Barram--- 'chakkara kudathil kayyittal varathavar arrr'!Makanne ninakkum oru chance kittiyal arrrum ariyathe ammukkillae!Suvisheshaveellayannu sammathichhu, jhanghallum alleppom jhangahdae kunjjughal kayi oondakkikottae!Makanne jhanghadae prayasammonnum ninkkariyilla--- Vishannu vayaru kriyumbool--- kunjughal munnillirunnu aahharatthinaayi karayumbool--- alppom jhanghalloodu kannivu kannikkanne--- 'kadhayille phalitham manissilayee' Daveedu Puthra najghalloodu shamekkanneeea
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