Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 7, 2013
Views: 33148
Pastor Sam George to be the Joint Secretary.
sF.] IWmSI tv {]knUv ]m kmw tPmv P\d sk{Idn m\tv FXncnmsX sXcsSpsp. asm m\fntew acw \Stm tPmbnv sk{Idn m\tv acw HgnhmbXv dh. kmw tPmns ip{iqjw {]h\anIhnap AwKoImcambn. 150 k`Ifn \nw 500e[nIw k`I F \nebntev IWmSI sF.]n.knsb aq hjw sImsnIbpw tImSnWn cq] sNehgnIbpw sNbvXv {itbambn. ap t\Xmmcn \nw hyXykvXambn bXv\nXns AwKoImcw IqSnbmWv CXv. sF.]n.knbnse ko\nb ip{iqjI\mb ]m tPmns aI\mWv ]m kw tPmv. `mcy tamfn sImSpd Ds sImpaIfpw Bcyn Spw_mwKhpamWv.
Congratulations, Pastor Sam George on this pleasant occasion, I’m very much glad to hear this news. You have followed the Lord’s direction in the past years and stepping out by faith to “reach for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” With his sincere determination and serious efforts with the same spirit and zeal population of IPC churches in Karnataka grown from 150 to 450 in span of 3-4 years, his leadership, efforts & contribution are the main reasons for this achievement. The Lord has richly blessed, anointed, and rewarded you for seeking his will. Our congratulations also extend to your dear wife who labored beside you all these years to make this day possible. May the Lord continue to bless your ministry there as long as He tarries in His coming.