Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 7, 2013
Views: 19843
Pastor Sunny Philip receives pastor of the year award..
\|tbmv: sk]vw_ 1\v RmbdmgvN sshInv \|tbmn At{kmdnb thUv am\dn shp \S ]m A{]nkntbj Undn ]m kn ^nens\ ]m Hm^v Zn Cb ]Zhn \evIn BZcnp. \|tbmv tv KhW B{q tImtam \evInb hnfw_cw ]m Cmth Bsbn \nw ]m kn ^nenv Gp hmn.
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hnhn[ hwimcmb 300 A[nIw ]mdpamw AYnXnIfpw {]kvXpX aonwKn ]sSpp. Aw_sSckv t^m ss{Iv C\mjW Huv doNv an\nkv{Sn BWv Cu aonwKv {IaoIcnXv.
H Idp hKmc ktlmZc BWv ]m kn ^nenns\ dnp hnhc kw`cnp A[nImcnI \evIn Cu hnin AwKoImcn hgnI ]m AdnbmsX HnbXv.
Brother Alex Jacob: It is indeed a warning reminder to all. King David was very delighted to be a door keeper in GOD's house, didn't look for the top chair at the holy sanctuary! One day, we all need to give due account before GOD in our delinquency of not telling about our Saviour to the darkened word. Millions have not yet heard that name even once. We think that everybody has heard it but when we start talking about the simple way of salvation, we will be surprised to hear that many of them are hearing that for the first time.