Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jul 22, 2011
Views: 15859
Pastor V.P Philip urges the youngsters to get involved in Malabar evangelisation.
ae-pdw: ae_mdns {Kma {]tZ-i--fn kphn-ti-j-n-\p-thn t]mcm-Snb hnizmkhoc-m hnX-d-bnXv ssZhtXP-kns {]`-bm-sWpw Cns kphn-ti-jo-I-cW ZuXyw bph-P-\- Gs-Sp--W-sapw ]n. ssh.- ]n. F.kwm\ {]kn-Uv ]m hn. ]n. ^nenv Blzm\w sNbvXp.
kwm\ ]n. ssh. ]n. F. Chm--enkw t_mUns B`n-ap-Jy-n ae-_m-dn Bcw-`n Xo{h kphn-ti-jo-I-cW ]Xn DZvLm-S\w sNp-I-bm-bn-cpp At-lw. s]cn-a n. n. mm BUn-tm-dn-b-n Chm--enkw t_mUv Iho-\ ]m _ntPmbn Ipcym-tm-kns Ay--X-bn \S aonw-Kn ]m sI. F. amXyp, APn tPm, jmPn tPm, _m_p at-cn, tPmPp. sI. tP-_v, jmPn ]n.-n., emep Nmtm, {_Z A\n sI. Pn. Fn-h Biw-k-I- Adn-bnp.
ae-pdw taJ-e-bnse Ap- sk-dp-I-fn \npw {]h-I ]s-Sp-p. {SmIvp hnX-c-Whpw, ]c-ky-tbm-K-hpw, elcn hncp t_m[h-Xv-c-Whpw s]cn-a--bpsS hnhn-[-`m-K- \S-n. ASp kphn-ti-jo-I-cW Iymv BK-v 11\p ImktKm-Unse Im-m-Sn \S-pw.
today,every pastors and evangelists who work in malabar area need moral support and financial support so that they many not starve. today what big pastors do, even though they have money, they will not support the poor pastors properly. then the younger generations of these poor pastors see them starving; then come to a conclusion that "they will never become pastors", this what happening now today.
i am not against the gospel work or any good thing happening in north kerala. but i have a humble request is that don't allow the pastors to starve and give them " proper respect "
with regards