Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Oct 23, 2012
Views: 23336
PCNAK Prayer line started.
2013 Pqsse amkw 47 hsc t{K \yqtbmn hp \S-p 31m-aXv ae-bmfn s]s-tmkvXp kwK-a-ns A\p-{K-l-n-\mbn s{]b sse Bcw-`n--Xmbn \mj-W s{]b tImUn-t\- ]m tPmv kmwIpn Adn-bn-p. Fm Rmb-dm-gvNbpw sshInv 9 aWnv (s-Ivkmkv ka-bw) Bcw-`n-p s{]b sse\n {]th-in-t t^m \ 312 340 6650 Ub sNbvX tijw 8228808 F BIvkkv tImUv D]-tbm-Kn-p-I.
{]hmkn s]s-tmkvXp kaq-l-ns sFIy-X-bpsS A`n-am-\-ambn \ne-sIm-p ]nkn-\mv tIm^-dkns ASp kt-f\w Ghpw A\p-{K-l-I-c-ambn \S-p-hm A`yqZb-Imw-n-I-fmb Fm-hcpw {]m\m kl-Im-cn-I-fm-bn-o-c-W-sav ]m tPmv kmwIpn A`yn-p.
31m-aXv s]s-tmkvXv tIm^-dkns Hcp-- ]ptcm-K-an-ppshpw XS--sf AXn-Po-hnv apt-dp-hm hnhn[ CS--fn \npw e`n-p-sIm-n-cn-p ]npW Bim-h-l-am-sWpw `mc-hm-ln-I Adn-bn-p.
]m _n\p-tPm, aoUnb tImUn-t\-
I don't know why good comments get disliked on a website called Believers Journal. Seems like a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing are running around here. (Probably why there is profanity checker.) Prayer is what we need not gunda leaders and parents promoting politics and children going astray into sin that our forefathers would find unimaginable. Both generations need to repent and seek to please God instead of their unholy desires.