Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Feb 22, 2011
Views: 18646
Pentecostal conference of North American Keralites (PCNAK) doing charity works in Kerala for the needy.
]m ]n. Fkv. ^nenv {]kw-Kn-p-p. ]mtgvkv F.-Fw ho-kv, tXmakv ^nen-v, sI. Fw. tPmk-^v, ^nen-v. ]n. tXma-kv, hn.-Fw. G{_lmw XpS-n-b-h thZn-bn
Xncp-h: 28m-aXv ]n. kn. F. F. sI.bpsS Npa-X-e-bn Poh-Im-cpWy hnX-cWw \S-n. lq-Wn \S kt- f-\-n e`n hcp-am-\-ns anw XpI-bn \nmWv `h-\-\nmW klm-bw, hnhml klm-bw, anj klmbw Fnh \In-b-Xv. Xncp-h--bn ]m sI. Fw. tPmk-^ns Ay--X-bn \S kt-f-\-n ]m hn. Fw. G{_-lmw, ^nen-v. ]n. tXma-kv Fn-h klmbw hnX-cWw \n-ln-p. ]m n. Pn. tImin, ]n. Fkv. ^nenv ]m tXmakv ^nen-v, ]m Cu sNdn-bm, ]m F. Fw. hokv, kn. hn. amXyp Fn-h {]kw-Kn-p. ]msP.tPmk^v, kmwIpn amXyp XpS-n-b-h Biw-k-I Adn-bn-p. ]m hn. Fw.G{_lmw (Iho-\), sPbv sI. amXyp (sk- {I--dn), tUhnUv Ipcp-hnf ({S-j-dm), t_m_n. ]n. tXmakv (bqv tIm-HmUn-t\-) Fn-h kt-f-\-n\v t\XrXzw \In.
The revolutionary Apostle James has vividly defined what is real religion in the book of James 1:27 "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit the orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world", but that calling was exclusively undertaken mainly by the Catholic Church, Salvation Army ect. The Kerala Pentecostal believers are more blessed than believers of other denominations, and it is great that the pentecostal believers have taken a new step in serving the needy in our society. Our Lord was always concerned with the physical needs of His followers as He met the spiritual needs. Keep up the good work for the glory of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.