Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 24, 2012
Views: 25723
Pentecostal cottage meetings need permission from the office of the Collector.
Fd-Wm-Ipfw: s]s-tmkvXv hn`m-K-n s]-h-cpsS hoSp-I-fn Iqmbva \S-p-hm Pnm-I-f-IvS-dpsS ap Iqn-bp A\p-aXn t\SWsav ssltm-SXn D-c-hn-p. ]-fw ]qgn-mSv Nv Hm^v tKmUv k`mw-K-amb _n\p t__nsb ]fw kn Ckvs]IvS Abhm-knsb ]cm-Xnsb XpSv tj-\n hnfn-p-h-cpn {]m\ If-IvS-dpsS A\p-hm-Z-an-msX \S--cp-sXv \nt-in-n-cp-p. CXn-s\-Xnsc _n\p-t_-_nbpw apw ssltm-SXnbn \Inb ln-bn-emWv Cu hn[n hn-cn-p--Xv. s]mXp-P-\--fp-sSbpw Abhm-kn-I-fp-sSbpw ]cm-Xn-sb-Xp-Sv kw`-h-s-p-dn-v At\z-jn-p-sh-mWv ]fw t]meokv ssltm-S-Xnsb Adn-bn-n-cn-p--Xv. Ccw {]m-\-Iġv Pnm-I-f-IvS-dpsS A\p-aXn Bh-iy-am-sW km D-c-hp-sv ln-msc Adn-bn--Xmbpw t]meokv ]d-bp-p. lZ-n-msc t]meokv tj-\n-tev hnfn-nv If-IvS-dpsS A\p-aXn t\Sn-bn-cn--W-sav t]meokv \nt-in--Xv. ieyambn IW-m-m Bhn-söv ssltm-SXn ]d-p. If-IvS-dn \nv A\p-aXn hmn-b-tijw {]m\ \S-m Cu hn[n XS--am-In-söpw ssltmSXn hy-am-n. tIc-f-nse Bbn-c--W-n\v s]s-tmkvXp k`-I-fpsS `h\ {]m-\-I Fm BgvN-bnepw Hmtcm `h-\--fn-embn \S-p-p-v. ]Xn-m-p-I-fmbn \S-p-h-cp Cu {]m\ Iq-smw If-IvS-dpsS A\p-aXn hmpI FXv {]mtbm-Kn-I-a-m-sbv Ghpw Adn-bmw. Xġp aX-]-c-amb kzmX-{ys l\n-p Cu \o-n tIc-f-nse s]s-tmkvXv hn`m-K- Bi--bn-em-Wv. XpS \S-]-Sn-I ssIsm-p-hm s]s-tmkvXv k`m hn`m-K--fp-sSbpw kwL-S-\-I-fpsSbpw t\Xy-Xz-n Btem-N\ ]ptcm-K-an-p-p.
we are also suffering , .There is a Church located on “ The Pentecostal Mission “ – Prayer Hall “ Ward No. VII – AngadiP.O. Ranni. PTA dist 689 674 . ( Opposite to Koyickal Saw Mill,Ranni Angadi Town).,right in the midst of residential colony above operating for the last 2 years polluting the area with noise emanating from blaring loud speakers .t is unbearable to get disturbed by noisy, shouting prayers using loud speakers at no respect to time, day or night and more so on any day be it Sunday to Saturday.The said open hall has been following this practice over the years not withstanding the requests made by the population only reduced to flock of sheep with none to turn for help to save them from this perennial noise pollution. Please help us to save our lives from this traumatic noise.