Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: May 26, 2012
Views: 20846
Present Kerala and my childhood memories.
Fs bu\Imev hfsc _lpam\tmsS Rm Incp ssZhZmk\mWv Iym]v imapth. Ip\mSv Ihj\nse Xs {]kwKw Fpw Bthiambncpp. bn{kmtb a ImfIpnsb msSpXpambn _sSpn B[p\nI k`bnse t\Xmmpw AhcpsS {SpIsXnscbpw Ip\mSv Ihj\n Xm \Snb {]kwKhpw AsX XpSpmb kw`hhnImkfpw HmbneqsS ISpt]mIpp. Xs ssN\mbm{XIfpw anjWdn {]h\fpw Hs BthitmsSbmWv tIncpXv. Xs \ncymWhm tItm CsXmsbmWv Fs HmIfneqsS ISpt]mbXv. n. ]n. N{tiJc F cmjv{Sob t\Xmhns \njvTqc sIme]mXIw Hsmcp sRtemsSbmWv {ihnXpw Sn.hnbn IXpw. 51 shpI hnIrXamnb apJw tIcfspdnv hnthIm\ ]dXv icnbmsWv Hmannp. tIcfw Hcp {`mmebw XsbmWv. hobXbpsSbpw PmXnbpsSbpw cmjv{Sobnsbpw t]cn Xe XnIodp A`ykvX hnZycpsS \mSv. ssZhns kzw \mnse IpnsNIpmm ImnIqp ImSw Iv sRntmIpp. \psS \mSn\v Fp]n? Hcp adp\mS aebmfnbpsS kzImcy s\mcambn Dv AdnbmsX hnpp. aebmf \mnse Fs a[pcap _meyIme HmIfpambn tbmPnm ham\ Ime A\p`h Fs\ atfmSv hniZoIcnp sImSppw. Hcp ]p\ hnNn\n\mbn aebmfn Hcpnbncpsn. Cu B{Klw Hcp ]IIn\mhmbn am{Xw tijn pw F AdnthmsS Cu Ipdnv Ahkm\nnpp.
Good article. As you have stated, it is very scary to visit Kerala after reading these
brain-blowing terrorizing news of bloodshed in the land popularly known as "God's country". Kerala is the most leading state in the Union for suicide-liquor consumption-corruption etc. These heart-wrenching news items are putting a big question mark towards the Christian community about our delinquency of the sins of omission
in proclaiming the plain gospel to the masses of Kerala.