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Atacn hntijw : ham\Ime tIcfhpw Fs _meyIme HmIfpw

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: May 26, 2012
Views: 20672

Present Kerala and my childhood memories.
Fs bu\Imev hfsc _lpam\tmsS Rm Incp ssZhZmk\mWv Iym]v imapth. Ip\mSv Ihj\nse Xs {]kwKw Fpw Bthiambncpp. bn{kmtb a ImfIpnsb msSpXpambn _sSpn B[p\nI k`bnse t\Xmmpw AhcpsS {SpIsXnscbpw Ip\mSv Ihj\n Xm \Snb {]kwKhpw AsX XpSpmb kw`hhnImkfpw HmbneqsS ISpt]mIpp. Xs ssN\mbm{XIfpw anjWdn {]h\fpw Hs BthitmsSbmWv tIncpXv. Xs \ncymWhm tItm CsXmsbmWv Fs HmIfneqsS ISpt]mbXv. n. ]n. N{tiJc F cmjv{Sob t\Xmhns \njvTqc sIme]mXIw Hsmcp sRtemsSbmWv {ihnXpw Sn.hnbn IXpw. 51 shpI hnIrXamnb apJw tIcfspdnv hnthIm\ ]dXv icnbmsWv Hmannp. tIcfw Hcp {`mmebw XsbmWv. hobXbpsSbpw PmXnbpsSbpw cmjv{Sobnsbpw t]cn Xe XnIodp A`ykvX hnZycpsS \mSv. ssZhns kzw \mnse IpnsNIpmm ImnIqp ImSw Iv sRntmIpp. \psS \mSn\v Fp]n? Hcp adp\mS aebmfnbpsS kzImcy s\mcambn Dv AdnbmsX hnpp. aebmf \mnse Fs a[pcap _meyIme HmIfpambn tbmPnm ham\ Ime A\p`h Fs\ atfmSv hniZoIcnp sImSppw. Hcp ]p\ hnNn\n\mbn aebmfn Hcpnbncpsn. Cu B{Klw Hcp ]IIn\mhmbn am{Xw tijn pw F AdnthmsS Cu Ipdnv Ahkm\nnpp.


Displaying 2 Comments
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a. s. mathew (May 26, 2012)
Good article. As you have stated, it is very scary to visit Kerala after reading these

brain-blowing terrorizing news of bloodshed in the land popularly known as "God's country". Kerala is the most leading state in the Union for suicide-liquor consumption-corruption etc. These heart-wrenching news items are putting a big question mark towards the Christian community about our delinquency of the sins of omission

in proclaiming the plain gospel to the masses of Kerala.
jvalliyil (May 26, 2012)
Your editorials are excellent and language is envious. God has been using you in many meritorious way.

Very proud of you.
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