Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 10, 2011
Views: 13262
Promising administration.
tIc-f-n `c-W-n-te-dnb ]pXnb km-cns Bth-i-ap-Wp XpS-w Chn-sSbpw N-bm-bn-cn-p-p. P\-{]ob Xocp-am-\--se-Sp-pXnse thKhpw \qdp-Zn\ I ]-Xn-I {]Jym-]n--Xp-samw Hcp ]p {]Xo--bmWv P\-n\p \In-b-cn-p--Xv. kpXm-cy-am-bn-cnpw `c-W-sa-Xpw kzp-sh-fn-s-Sp-m-\p Xocp-am-\hpw DNmn km-cns Xnfw hn-n-n-cn-pp Fv ]d-bm-sX-h-. Hcp `c-Wm-[n-Imcn Ftmgpw Pt\m-]-Imcn Bbn-cn--Ww. \mSns \sb ey-amn `cn-p `c-Wm-[n-Imcn B cmPys A`n-hy-n-bn-tep \bn-bvp-I-bm-Wv. ]mm-Xy-\m-Sp-I-fpsS hnI-k-\-ns ASn-m\w \mSns `mhn apn Iv `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-I \Snb am--fm-Wv. Fm \psS \mSv Agn-aXnbpsS Iq-cv BIp-p-sh-Xv F{Xtbm Zp:JI-cw. 2 Pn kvs]Iv{Sw Agn-a-Xnbpw apw GsXmcp hyn-sbbpw sRn-m-Xn-cn-n-. F. cmPbpw I\n-sam-gnbpw Pbn-en-em-bXv Agn-a-Xn-msmcp ap-dn-bn-m-Wv. GXm-bmepw D Nmn km-cns Bcw`w tIa-am-bn-cn-pp. CXv Ah-km\w hsc \ne-\n¡pw Fv {]Xno-mw.
" mukkya-manthri, puthupalli kunjujhinum, koottaarrrkum, anumoodhanaghal " ! 'vandhea maatharam' the beginning is excellent and i hope the end would be excellent too ! but i still don't understand some of the smart guys in kerala politics were left out from the cabinet - like v m sudheeran, k achuthan, to name a few. they could have made k. muraleedharan a minister too, to prevent further problems in future, if they were smart. i hope the dirty face of factional politics will not lift up anymore in future . achhumamma ____ laal salaam- sorry porri go to the lorry-- eni 'ambili-ammaavanea' kandhoonteu veettil erikkaamalloo-- azhimathiyum sthreepeedanavum pookaan para nnuu ! laal salaam !