Author: Pr. Chuck Morley
Category: Popular Read
Publish Date: Jul 28, 2011
Views: 33253
Another Gospel Are Wealth and Riches Promised To Every Believer
A terrible thing has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own ability, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?" (Jeremiah 5:30, 31 NIV)
Our family enjoys Christian television. The cable TV company in our area provides us with 4 evangelical Christian stations. A fifth one buys time slots from two of these stations as well as from several secular markets. So, there is no time, day or night, that we can not hear the Gospel.
However, "A terrible thing has happened in the land:" Twice a year several of the stations raise funds through telethons. There is nothing wrong with telethons. Believers should help support the preaching of the Gospel. But during these fund-raisers I was hearing promises of rewards for giving, that did not ring true with scripture.
"The prophets prophesy lies..." These are a few of the promises the host pastors and evangelists were making to prospective donors during some of the recent telethons.
It's time for your increase. God's going to give you a double portion (money, temporal goods). The devil is going to return seven times what he's stolen from you. You're going to receive miraculous debt cancellation. Miracle money is on the way.
It is amazing how far we have deliberately misrepresented the truth of God's Word to make believers think that His ltimate desire for them is to become rich. I believe the underlying purpose for this is nothing less than to seduce the viewers into giving. It is frightening to hear supposedly men and women of God proclaim, "God wants you to have the best. Poverty is a curse. To be poor is a sin, etc." Even more troubling is when these clichs are used for no other purpose then to fill their own coffers through the greed and spiritual I mmaturity of their followers.
"...and my people love it this way." Their audiences respond to these empty promises with thunderous applause and praises. Unknowingly, or maybe even refusing to believe that scripture, in its context, does not support such teachings. However, it does describe many of those who preach it. "And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you..." (2 Peter 2:3)
My purpose in this book isn't to attack any individual teacher or follower of the prosperity gospel. As I quote them, I won't reveal their identity, because that's not the issue. Instead, I want you to look at the scriptures used in its propagation and try to put them back into the context that the Holy Spirit originally intended.
It is a fact that every false teaching introduced to the church within the last two thousand years has never gone without some type of scriptural reference. Although most of the time twisted and stretched into unbelievable contortions, all heresy must utilize scripture in an attempt to prove its validity. We must also examine our own motives to see what attracts us to such teachings. Does it draw me closer to the heart of Jesus? Does it work in me a hunger for righteousness and holiness? Does it break the power of continued dis obedience and sin in my life? Or does it pander to my flesh; my greed, my lust for things? Does God really want to make me wealthy so that I can become a great philanthropist for His Kingdom? I think not! In fact, for the most part, the opposite is true.
In order to better understand why these scriptures must be twisted and contorted by its teachers, it is important to know the teaching's origins, and its long term harmful effect on its followers.
Religious Mind Science
This false gospel is molded after success formulas promulgated by such people as Napoleon Hill, who has presented his theory in such books as Think to Grow Rich and The Power of Positive Mental Attitude. However, Napoleon Hill tells us that he was into the occult, and that this information was given to him by disembodied spirits and that the system operates under the principle of mind over matter. Hill and his religious imitators in the pulpit claim that we can visualize our desires, and that what our mind can visualize we can achieve in real life. Our act of visualization becomes a substitute for true faith in God. The Christian prosperity preacher says that because we are the children of God, He desires the best for us. They ask, "What father would not give his children the best he can provide? How much more will our heavenly
Father give us out of what He has to give!" Then they roll out a few dozen "success" stories and the checkbooks come out across the congregation. The strategy seems to be molded after some of the multilevel marketing programs that have also captivated many people. These programs offer great wealth, power, prestige, and honors. Every meeting has its buoyant leaders, its testimonials of great success - and also its silent victims.
Yes, a few of the people do make fortunes, but the greatest numbers buy into the program (usually with money they cannot afford), run at full pace trying to duplicate the miracles they heard about at the last meeting, draw in a few friends or acquaintances, end up broke, discouraged, and with a garage full of soap or vitamins. (Fast Facts on False Teachings; Ron Carlson/Ed Becker,Harvest House, pg. 198,199)
The gospel of prosperity is not the Gospel of the New Testament. It is a composite of the many heretical teachings of the metaphysical cults, such as New Thought, Christian Science and Science of Mind. It targets those who are spiritually immature and scripturally unlearned. It is peppered with out of context scriptures promising a life of bliss, wealth and temporal comfort. But in reality it is as the apostle Peter warns.
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privately shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift
destruction. (2 Peter 2:1)
please don't misunderstand
my open comments. the gospel of christ, for it is the "power of god' unto salvation, rom 1:16. see the
difference of bihar and kerala, then we can see the
power of the gospel. it will change our hearts, also will change the society for a better standard of living. even in kerala, where the gospel was reached earlier through the english missionaries, later on through the brethren and pentecostal missionaries, we can see a vast difference in the standard of living. the central kerala is different than the north and south. jesus's last command before his
ascension was "go and preach the gospel"
we all must preach it daily to somebody.
friends will use us through "friendship". relatives through "blood relation" and the christian ministers
through "jesus christ". don't believe
every spirit coming across us using
jesus's name. pray and
be guided by the holy spirit.
god will bles