Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 2, 2013
Views: 18588
Rahelamma Mathew (94) promoted to glory.
dmtle½ amX|hnsâ kwkvImcw ssehmbn ImWmw
hymgmgv¨ (sabv 9, 2013) cmhnse 10:00 aWn¡v
sh_vsskäv: U»|.U»p.U»p. hokvIzbÀäohn.tImw.
IqSpX hnhc§Ä¡v:
]mÌÀ k®n ^nen¸v
Ch. sdPn ^nen¸v: 011þ91þ469þ277þ4086
\}tbmÀ¡v: dm¶n {]tZi§fnse BZyIme s]´t¡mkvXp hnizmknIfnsemcmfpw ZoÀLIme t{]jnX {]hÀ¯Ibpambnê¶ td¨Â amX| (dmtle½) 94þas¯ hbÊn Xm³ {]obw h¨ IÀ¯mhnt\mSp tNÀ¶q. 14þmas¯ hbÊn ]qÀ®kab kphntij {]hÀ¯\§Äç thn hnhml PohnXw thsì h¨ Xsâ {]mÀ°\bpsSbpw D]hmk¯nsâbpw {]hÀ¯\§fpsSbpw ^eambn At\I hyànIfpw æSpw_§fpw {InkvXphns\ c£nXmhmbn kzoIcn¨v kXymcm[\¡mbn apt¼m«p hcnIbpw Ahcn ]eêw sF.] dm¶n shÌv Unkv{SnIv«v DÄs¸« sImä\mSv, s]꼫n, shÅnbd, ]qƽe s\Ãn¡a¬ k`IfpsS `mKambn¯oêIbpw sNbvXp.
X\nç ]n¶mse kzæSpw_¯n \nìw hnizmk¯nteç h¶ Xsâ Cfb ktlmZcnbpsS `h\ambnêì kphntij {]hÀ¯\§fpsS CSthfbnse hn{iaØew. Ignª aqì ZimЧfnse kz`h\w t]mse Xm³ Xwkn¨nê¶ sImä\mSv apçgn¡epÅ {]kvXpX `h\¯n h¨v sabv 2þmw XnbXn cmhnse 5:30 \v Bbnêì Xsâ A´yw. ta{]¯v ISnbw æ¶n æSpw_mwKamWv ]tcX. 14 hÀj§Äç ap¼pmb hogv¨aqew Xsâ {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡v hnL\w hìsh¦nepw InS¡bn InSìÅ D]hmkhpw {]mÀ°\bpw aqew At\Iw æSpw_§Ä hnizmk¯nte¡v hcnIbpw ]eêw kphntij {]hÀ¯Icmbn¯oêIbpw sNbvXp.
]tcXcmb Fw.Fw. tXmakv, Fw.Fw. G{_lmw, Fw.Fw. amX| F¶nhÀ ktlmZc·mêw adnbm½ sska¬ aq¯ ktlmZcnbpamWv. Xsâ Cfb ktlmZcn Genbm½ ^nen¸v aI³ sdPn ^nen¸nt\mSpw æSpw_t¯mSpw H¸w ^vtfmdnUbn Xmaknçì. \|tbmÀ¡nepÅ sKbnävth thÄUv {InkvXy³ skâdnsâ ko\nbÀ ]mÌdpw 31þmwXv s]´t¡mkvXv tIm¬^d³knsâ I¬ ho\dpw, sF.] a²y{]tZiv kwØm\ {]knUpamb ]mÌÀ k®n ^nen¸v, kphmÀ¯m ^pÄ tKmkv] NÀ¨v sNbÀam³ ]mÌÀ NmÀfn amX|, ]mÌÀ tXmakv amX| þ kphmÀ¯m C½mëth NÀ¨v t`m¸mÂ, Ch. dPn ^nen¸v þ sF.] a²y{]tZiv sU]}«n anj³ UbdÎÀ F¶nhÀ æSpw_mwK§fmWv.
ihkwkvImc ip{iqjIÄ sabv 9þmw XnbXn hymgmgvN cmhnse 10 aWn¡v sImä\mSv apçgn¡epÅ hkXnbn Bcw`nç¶Xpw arXtZlw sF.] shÅnbd k`m skant¯cnbn AS¡w sN¿p¶XpamWv.
contd: 2 my faith in a living god was strengthened as a young boy, by keenly observing the faith life of some of the old time men and women of god in various denominations, especially in the pentecostal denominations. they were strictly living by faith alone. now the religious leaders have plenty of money in the bank, and there is no need of faith for meeting the need of food-clothing-shelter etc. the word "money" was rarely heard in the worship services in those days in any denomination or in the relgious conventions; but god and his faithfullness was repeatedly mentioned. now, when we count the number of times "money" is mentioned, we are greatly surprised. in this world, we can't do anything without money, but if the ministers of the christian churches are constantly clamoring about money like the u.s. electronic propsperity preachers, then what asaph said in psalms 73:9 is a warning sign!