Sunday, January 19, 2025 |

Rain Rain Come Again Another Day!

Dr. Leena Johns
Author: Dr. Leena Johns
Category: Creatives
Publish Date: Dec 25, 2010
Views: 25022

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Darcy silently cussed under his breath. His new iPhone was acting up! Circuit failure it blinked on the rectangle screen. Since when did phones have circuits.. or did they? His mind started wondering to the circuit diagrams of some long forgotten physics class. Neither the place nor the time for this day dreaming trip, he chided himself - trying to focus on what he was to deal with that day- possibly the biggest day of his career.

Being an immigrant to the US, after marrying someone who called herself a native American of Indian origin had its share of surprises, no doubt, but then doing a job that was quite different from what he had spent long hard years of study, was an altogether different thing. But then everything about him was different since he moved to America. Land of dreams and opportunities his to be father-in-law had told him then. That was a long 10 years ago. But that land, in the process of making his dreams come true had conspired to take her his wife.. slowly away from him too.

Now he was Darcy - from the Dency that he was. Dency that ought to be the daftest name I have ever heard his then to-be-wife had sniggered in her characteristic Texan drawl, the first time they had met. She had not lost any of that Texan flavor despite them being in New York the last of the 5 years that they had been married. And so pretty soon Dency became Darcy - not that that was a common name but then anything from Dency was a relief she had exclaimed. He had felt plundered then when he filed the papers for his name change. Plundered was also how he started to feel when their attendance at their local Malayalee church started dwindling. The fights at home on Sunday mornings, had increasingly become a routine making sure that neither of them could make it to Church.

Rain? Darcy shook himself from the monologue in his head. He could feel sweat beads on his forehead. When was the last time he felt rain in this city? He could not even remember. Monsoons were so much fun in Kerala -he whimsically thought. All that muck his shoes used to bring on to the newly swept floor -- used to drive his Ammu wild. Ammu - his heart cringed at the thought of his beloved old mother. He hadnt seen her in 10 years.

Darcy looked at his watch. There was still an hour to go for Court to resume and instead of getting his head down to the case in hand - here he was all sentimental about mansoons and his previous daft name. He shook his head as if that would derail his thoughts from the track they were on. A strong filter coffee would have stood him in good stead just like his Ammu would make for would be strong but just the right way - not the way his American expresso was tasting. Darcy looked at his cup. He needed the caffeine.

Perhaps I should have just stuck with automobile engineering Darcy thought. His degree was looked down by his registered nurse mother in law. She thought of it as something car mechanics in India required to learn to look under ambassador car hoods. And thats pretty much how Darcy found himself adopting a new career path - what with all the other things he found himself forcefully adopting to please his new family. Darcy found himself, after committing to more years of study- an attorney of the law with Krenshaw and Lake-New York's upcoming law firm.

The giant face of the clock above the courthouse- chimed the hour, its mammoth face undiscerning to the frenzy of thoughts running in his head. There was something not right in his marriage. Heck! Who was he kidding! There was nothing going right with his marriage.

Darcy pressed his temples- he felt it throbbing. Damn! It was uncharacteristically hot for this time of the year and he hoped it would rain. His hair felt dry and snappy- what he wouldnt do now for some rain on his face.

Ammu used to run after him with an old tattered thorthu (Indian linen towel) afraid he would catch a cold! What he wouldnt do to go back to those days..... He looked at his iPhone....searching for the weather in Kerala. It was raining - it said.

He always wanted to hold his wifes hand and run in the rain.. Your wife is so uptight - his ammu used to say- because she has never run barefoot in the rain, felt the pebbles under her feet, slept under the stars without her ACsend her to me, monaye and I will make her a real wife..she used to say. But his wife had never spoken to his mom in ages as neither could understand each others language and Darcy could not convince his wife to visit his mom or Kerala even once in all their years together.

Darcy forced his attention back on the case again. Rain- it had rained on that fateful day when the murder had taken place but he could not do much to pin the case because the rain had wiped most of the evidence away. The finger prints, the blood splattering, the shoe prints in short, all that the forensic team depend on, to work on the modus operandi and nail the guilty, had but all washed away with the rain. It didnt help either that the victims body was found many weeks later in a patch of marshland far away from the scene of the murder.

Darcy strained to see Chavez- the man currently in trial for the murder. He was still seated in court, talking over his cell phone- laughing away at some joke. He was stomping his foot- not able to contain his obvious pleasure at what was being said on the other line. Darcy looked away - the man was guilty as hell. Of that he had no doubt in his head but he knew he could not make the case stick. Darcy heard the foot stomp again.

And then it suddenly hit Darcy - like a bolt of thunder before the rains!

He got his iPhone out hoping that a circuitry failure message would not flash now. It wasnt. Good. He first rang Ken Abraham- his friend at the forensic Unit and the Youth Pastor at the Malayalee Church. Ken and Darcy had continued to remain friends, despite Darcys infrequent attendance at Church, partially because their work involved interacting with one another and recently their friendship had taken a stronger turn when Darcy confided in his friend his problems and Ken had prayed over him seeking Gods blessings and mercies to rain over the couple again.

Ken, .. I mean oh, I dont know how to ask this but can rain water seep into a boot. Well, it depends, Ken replied...and why you talking about shoes - Dude dont you have a case in court today? Precisely. I do and this is just a haunch but I need you to run some more tests on Chavez's shoes The soles have been examined Ken said, picking on the enthusiasm his friend was showing but at the same time putting a caution where it was due. Remember we couldnt match the footprints at the site because the rain had washed all of it away and the shoe was devoid of any mud underfoot too. I know that Ken, Darcy retorted impatiently - his adrenaline was on an overdrive and it was making him stammer and struggle to find the right words. But did you examine the inside of the shoes? The rain was heavy that day and it could have seeped into his shoes. If we could place the same mud or..I dont know..something in the area where we found the body somewhere inside his shoes - we cud have a chance at circumstantially placing Chavez at the scene of the crime. We all have been focusing on his soles and the print of the shoes but what about the inside of the shoe?.

Right on it Darcy, Ken said, instantly understanding what Darcy was trying to tell him, scuttling around to get the necessary permissions to retrieve the objects already examined in relation to the crime. The shoes were examined for blood and mud and it had come out squeaky clean. But Ken decided to go along with is friend.

Excitement was building up within Darcy. On a whim he called up his wife. She was in the middle of her class. I am outside the courthouse on the biggest case of my career. I know we have been having our problems and we seem to only tell each other a legacy of our shortcomings but I just want to ask you of this before we call it the shots on us - if I do win this case today could I ask of you one wish. Promise you will say yes.

Darcys wife listened intently to her husband. There was some manic excitement in his voice. She didnt know what she was committing to but something inside her wanted to give them another chance. She heard herself say yes. And before she could change her mind, he hung up.

Court was back in session. But Darcys mind was anywhere but on the proceedings.

Ken Abraham the iphone screen flashed, alerting to an incoming call. Darcy jumped at the phone - "U r right bro - the grassy marshland at the scene of the body recovery had some spores that we are able to detect inside the insoles of the shoes. These spores are unique to this particular area of land. It probably got driven into the shoe after being mixed with the water. The water would have dried but the spores remained in. I think we have our murderer!"

2 days later - Darcy was on a flight to Kerala..with his wife. A wet city greeted him. He walked into the rain holding his wife's hand. Her dark eye kohl began to run. He shushed her protests with a finger to her mouth and told her to close her eyes and face the rain. All her dark kohl washed away.- her face slowly relaxed under the stream of water. Darcy felt his hair - it was wet and smooth. It didnt feel snappy anymore.

Rain. The clouds had opened and God had sent the promised rain..on them.

Darcy walked into his house holding his wifes hand. His old ammu, unaware that her only son was home, was reading from the Bible. "When the heavens are shut up and there is no rain because your people have sinned against you, and when they pray toward this place and confess your name and turn from their sin because you have afflicted them, then hear from heaven and forgive the sin of your servants, your people Israel. Teach them the right way to live, and send rain on the land 1st Kings 8:35, 36.
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Jeremy (January 11, 2011)
Like it...well done!!
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