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k`y-X-bpsS ]mfw sXnb kmwIp-n-bpsS Ko_kn-b X{-

Replay to E.C Samkutty
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 8, 2016
Views: 17781

Replay to E.C Samkutty.
tUm. Ggw-Ipfw kmwIpn t^kv_pn C t]mn Fs shdpsX hen-n-g-Xpw F\n-s-Xnsc tamiw ]cm-ai- \S-p-Ibpw sNbvX-tm, AXns hni-Zo-I-cWw tNmZn-m-\mWv Rm Pq 4\v kmwIp-nsb t^m hnfn-p--Xv. t^m Iv sN-cp-sXpw Rm ]d-bp-Xv apgp-h\pw tIġ-W-sapw Bh-iy-s--tm, FtmSv Xn--b-dnb Atlw \ne-hm-c-an-m `mjbnemWv XtmSv kwkm-cn--Xv. kmlnXy {]ap-J-s\pw Bo-I-s\pw Ah-Im-i-s-Sp Hcp hyn-bn \npw Dm-Im ]mSn-m {]tbm-K--fmWv Xm \S-n-b-Xv. XsIpdnv n. Fkv _me Fgp-Xn-b-sXmw Fs ssIhiw Dspw Xs \mn-p-sapw `ojWn apg-n. Fs In-\n-bnse tPmen Cm-Xm-p-sapw tIkn IpSp-p-sapw Bt{Im-in-p. F\nv 67 hb-km-sbpw C\nbpw IqSn-bm Atm Btdm hj- IqSn am{Xsa Pohn-n-cn-p-sapw \ns-sbmw XIp-sapw tIkn s]Spn Cm-Xm-p-sapw tUm. kmwIpn FtmSv ]d-p. CXmtWm Hcp s{]m^-k-dpsS s]cp-am-w. C-s\-bm-sW-n At-l-ns hnZymn-I-fpsS Imcyw IjvS-am-bn-cn-pw. tIm]w sImv Pzenv k`y-X-bpsS ]mfw sXnb tUm. kmwIpnbpsS X\n-\ndw temIw Adn-p.
Ata-cn--bn X\nv CjvS-an-m--hv FXnsc Dua-Iv Ab-pIbpw Cusa-bn {]N-cn-n-p-Ibpw sNp-Xv Ct-l-ns tlm_n-bm-Wv. Nv Hm^v tKmUn kwLjw krjvSn-p--Xn-\p-thn t_m[]qw hyn-Isf AS-m-t-]n-p-Ibpw hwiob A[n-t]w sNmcn-bp-Ibpw a-]-{X-m-cp-t]mepw D]-tbm-Kn-m \oN-`m-j-bn sabn Abp-Ibpw sNp Ctlw GtXm A[-a-kw-kvIm-c-n\v ASn-a-s-n-cn-p-I-bm-Wv.
Btcm-]Ww D-bn-p Ggw-Ipfw kmwIp-n, Xt-S-ap-s-n sXfn-hp-I lmP-cm-Ww. "" F hynbpsS t]cv Xpdv ]d-bm BW--aptm? aqv Xmtgmv \o tIc-f-nse aqc tImSn Ggw-Ip-f-ns t`mjvv hniz-kn--bn-. hnai\w `b-s-Sp-, Ak-ln-jvW-X-bpsS ]cym-b-amb Ct-l-ns Fgpv `mj a\-kn-em-Ip Bpw Adn-bmw, \mfp-I-fmbn Ata-cn--bnepw tIc-f-nepw {]N-cn-p Dua-I-p-I-fpsS Dd-hnSw Bcm-sWv. Nv Hm^v tKmUv t\Xr-Xz-n\v \nc-cw Is-gp-Xp Ct-l-ns hncv kmln-Xyhpw hnizm-kn-I Aln-p Ah--tbmsS Nh-dp-sIm--bn XmWp. tSmbvev t]-dns hne-t]m-ep-an-m Dua-km-ln-Xy- P\w ]pnp Xpw. I]S Bo-I-X-bpsS aqSp-]Sw AWnv GtXm aqebn Xma-kn-p Ctlw Ata-cn--bnse ae-bm-fn-I-fpsS CS-bn Hcp km[y-X-bmbn amdn-bn-cn-p-p. ChnsS \S-p Hcp tIm^-dkp-I-fnepw Fn-t\m-m Ct-l-ns ]nm-pd IY-Ifpw Afnp \mdp Ncn-{X--fpsS Npcp-f-gn-bm-Xn-cn--W-sa-n hmb-S-bvp--XmWv \-Xv. t`mjvIv {]N-cn-n-p Ct-l-ns {`m IpX-{--fn Bcpw IpSpn t]mI-cp-Xv.
cmP Bcyn, Avem, tPmPnb


Displaying 5 Comments
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sp (June 8, 2016)
salt eating man drinking water
sam atlanta (June 8, 2016)
I Gus that anonymous letter came out from Bhutan not from Uganda
benny haripad (June 8, 2016)
Really,wow, is this Anonymous Letter (oomakkathu) from Louisiana to Atlanta then to Uganda through all destinations....
sp (June 8, 2016)
Theevandy marinju. Aalapayam illa.
alfai (June 8, 2016)
Ente Rajanee..

Enthina evanteyokke purakee pokunne. Ahamkaram moothu thalakku oolamayatha. Krupavaram ulla arenkilum prarthicchu erakkiyal mathi.
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