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dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkv sk]vXw_ 1\\v NpaXetb¡pw

Rev. P.J James to take charge on September 1st
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 24, 2012
Views: 22525

Rev. P.J James to take charge on September 1st.
apfpg: Nv Hm^v tKmUv tI cfm tv Hmhknbdmbn dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkv sk]vw_ 1 \\v NpaXetb¡pw. P\\phcn bn ]m ]n. sP. sPbnwkns\\ Hmhkn b dm bn sXcs Spn cpp. ]m Fw. Ipn bp sS ]nKman bm bn Hmhknb m\\tbvv F p dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkv tI cfm tv FUyqtj U bdIvSdmWv.
aqhmp]pg ]pfnm\\w kztZ in bmb ]m sPbnwkv ]pn d pgnbn ]tcX\\mb ]n. kn. sPmbmnansbpw A bp sS bpw aqaI\\mWv. 1953 P\\n Ctlw Fkv. Fkv. F. F kn. ]T\\tijw 1969 apf pg auv kntbm ss__n kvIqfn ]T\\w \\Sn. ap f pgbnse ]T\\ tijw a{Zmkv Fv. _n. sFbn \\nv _n. n Fpw bp._n. Fkn \\nv _n.Unbpw Icamn. _ \\m dkv bqWnthgvknnbn \\nv Fw. F. _ncpZhpw t\\Sn. 1980 aWme s^bvv Xntbm fPn skan\\mcnbn Aym ]I \\mbn. 1981 ]m Fw. hn. Nmtm apfpg ss__n kvIqfn cPnkv{Smdmbn \\nb anp.

Inpgn, tImbw Su, Xn cph tUnbw, Ipsshv k` IfpsS ]mdmbncpp. ASq Un kv{SnIvSv ]mdmbpw {]h nnpv.

]m sI. kn. tPm Hmh knbdmbXns\\XpSv 2002 F Uyqtj UbdIvS dmbn. C tlw UbdIvSdmb tijw au v kntbm ss__n tImtfPv ]ptcmKXnbntev IpXnp. ss_ _n tImtfPn\\pthn aq c G ew hmn. C tm {]hnp ss_ _n tIm tfPv sInSns cpw aqpw \\neIfpsS ]Wn ]q o I cn Xpw Ggp\\nebp asmcp hn imeamb sInSw ]Wn ]q o I cnXpw Ctlns {i a^ e ambmWv. IqSmsX ssh. U yq. C. F. s{]mPIvns `mK am bn ]WnX _lp\\ne an c n s ^v thUv anj\\n \\n pw t\\ SnsbSpphm C t l n\\v Ignp. IqSmsX t^mv Un{Kn tImtfPmbn auv kntbm ss__n tImtfPns\\ Dbphm\\pw Cu Imebfhn km[np.

tImbw thfp{] ]p ]dn hn. Fw. Nmn adnbm ZXnIfpsS aIfmb A sP bnw km Wv `mcy. apwss_bn m^v t\\gvkmbncp A hnhml tijw ]q kab ip{iqjbn ]m ]n. sP. sPbnwkn\\v ]nXpW \\In hcpp. F.Fw. t_mUv sadmbn {]hnpp. aI: {In bpw `mhv tPmamXyphpw AtacnbnemWv. aI: {Inw Fw. sSIv _ncpZ[mcn. Cfb aI {Ino _n. Fkv. kn. t\\gvkmbn tPmen sNpp.

Nv Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm tv Hmhknbdmbn NpaXe tb p dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkn\\v _neothgvkv tPWens B iwkI.


Displaying 8 Comments
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cog believer, ranni (September 10, 2012)
during the last couple of years i have been in close touch with pr. p j james. many times i spoke to him on different important occasions even from abroad. however, recently just before he assumed his office when i phoned him (after a gap of a month), he was totally indifferent which was never expected of such a person. since he pretended not even knowing me, i have tried to refresh him memories but to no avail. i have seen many people degrade in various fields including spiritual circle, but have never seen this kind of behaviour anywhere.

it is my humble suggestion to pr. james to be more careful. incidentally, someone has aptly posted in fb group church of god in india, kerala state under number 209068215801412. unfortunately it is in malayalam and i believe pr. james has not forgotten malayalam too.

with best wishes for a bright tomorrow for him and all church of god believers as well as pastors under him.
a. s. mathew (September 3, 2012)
REJI/Bangalore. Great comment and 101% reality. Please keep on speaking on these issues loudly. While thousands of GOD's servants in the northern parts of India are struggling to put basic food on the table for their crying children, what we see in the south is ruthless fights and nasty politics in the Churches. GOD will stretch HIS sword of judgment upon this modern day religious highway robbery, one day very soon.
reji/bangalore (September 2, 2012)
the real intention or desire of anybody who ran for any position and got elected is not to serve the lord but to uplift themselves and make money and fame. look around and show me one person in the entire pentacostal circle - irrespective of whether it is churh of god, indian pentacostal church of god, assemblies of god (all has "of god" but none has the heart to follow under anybody - forget about following christ). if they know the word of god clearly then this kind of debate won't come into play at all. our lord is not coming to take cog, ipc or ag - and there are 1000s of other family owned churches out there as well. one thing has to be noted - there are still servants of god really serving the lord so we can't generalize this and categorize everybody into this club. all leaders become crorepathis and many believers are still struggling to give minimum education to their kids - so pathetic!
varghese (September 2, 2012)
rev. m. v. chacko sir and rev. v. c. itty sir were the best overseears for church of god in kerala. chacko sir was really a man of god and a bible scolar. he is an innocent person. but, he faced a lot of difficulties from cog, other leaders in cog gave him hard time. finally with a broken heart, he left cog and joined ipc.

rev. itty sir was an anointed man of god with a sincere heart. thousands were blessed by his ministry. he loved to serve god and always helped people who are in need. he earned respect from all believers of cog and other churches. he served only a short span as overseear then he promoted to glory . cog needs leaders like rev. m. v. chacko and rev. v. c. itty.
former mt zion student (September 2, 2012)
i came to know about jesus and accepted and received baptism a few years ago. it was the best thing in my life. then i received the call of god in my life.i didnt know much of bible, so pastor asked me to join a bible college and learn the word. he directed me to mt zion. however, when i went it was nothing like i expected. it was more like a joining a construction company, work, work, work. i felt many of the students were there since, they didn have other means to survive. all kinds of lawlessness were practiced.when i mentioned and asked about this to authorities, they told mone nee athmiya shishuva,a thukunda engane okke thonnunathu.finally with tears i left the place and i am now studying the word in a different institution and serving the lord. i could see how james sir close his eyes to many bad things and not speaking against kunjappy pastor, even when he knew corruption was going on.only few like pg mathews, pc, ninan, itty, eapen cherian, jose baby, ommachaan,knew abt all
williams (September 2, 2012)
I dont think pr James will be successful leader,he does not have any leadership quality.and also dont have any experience .may God protect the church.
cc abraham, saudi arabia (August 28, 2012)
Congratulations and best wishes to Rev. P. J. James. May God bless and strengthen him to shoulder the responsibilities in a wise manner than all his predecessors to perform the role in accordance with the Word of God for the glory of God and for the spiritual edification of all the Churches under CoG in Kerala and beyond. CC Abraham and family
cog well wisher believer (August 26, 2012)
i really respect pr p j james for his contributions to cog. he is a well respected and blameless leader. he is a good administrator. on the other side, he do not know the sufferings of common pastors as he has never been in any church plant or mission station. its true he still lives in rented house, that is not because he is poor or does not have money. he is wealthy from his family, received a good amount of salary from world missions and will receive pension of more than 50 thousand rupees.however, he always ignored poor pastors but one of the most diplomatic person, who can tactfully attract every one. also, bible college no interior works is finished right. will he also continue finishing the office complex. its true he didnt start it, but some one started it for church of god right. so lets wait and see how he will tackle the konni tyrants, who acts like the most spiritual gundas. god bless cog. i am praying that there be an abundance and harvest of souls in cog.
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