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Bn hoWp acnp

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 23, 2011
Views: 11959

River claims young life.
amth-en-c: amXr-k-tlm-Zco ]p{X-s\mw Bn hoWp ImWm-Xmb cp hb-p-Im-c- ac-W-s-p. sNn-e sXv apX-e-ppw s]mv IS-hn jmPn-bpsS aI s^bvXns\ (cv) i\n-bmgvN sshIn-mWv AtIm-hn-em-n ImWm-Xm-b-Xv. tI{-a{n sI. kn thWp-tKm-]m CS-s]--Xn-s\-Xp-Sv sImn-bn \nv Fnb BdwK t\hn kwLw ]I apgp-h Xnc-n \S-nsbnepw 20mw XobXn sshIp-t-c-tmsS arX-tlw Bn s]mp-I-bm-bn-cp-p. t]meokv kwLw t_mnsen ]cn-tim-[\ \S-n. sImSn-p-n kptcjv Fw]n., Fw. F-. F-am-cmb kn. sI. kZmin-h, ]n. kn. hnjvWp-\mYv Fn-hcpw e-s-n-bn-cp-p. Xl-knZm Pn. _m_p-hns t\Xr-Xz-n dh\yq hIp-mWp {]h-\- GtIm-]n-n-Xv. s^bvXns ]nXmhv jmPn Zn-Wm-{^n--bn \nv \mn-se-n. s_kn, aI s^bvXv, s_kn-bpsS ktlm-Z-cn-bpsS aI o^ Fn-hsc s_kn-bpsS hoSmb Xm-c-ew ]\--aqSv Ipw-aq-n \np ktlm-Z-c _nPp-hmWp ss_n Iot-cn IS-hn sImp-h--Xv. o^s In Ipns\ \In-b-tijw ss_n \nn-d-nb s_kn _mKv FSp-p--Xn-S-bn o^s In-en-cpp s^bvv IpXdn aptm-m-p. XpSv Ccp-hcpw Bn-tep hogp-I-bm-bn-cp-p. aI apn-m-gp-Xp Ip s_kn \ne-hn-fnv Bn-tev FSp-p-Nm-Sn. aqhcpw app-Xp I _nPp Bn-en-dn BZyw s_kn-sbbpw ]nmse o^-s\bpw apSn-bn ]nSnp henp cn-s-Sp-p-I-bm-bn-cp-p. Atm-tgpw s^bvv apn-m-Wn-cp-p. ih-kw-kvImcw 21 mw XobXn sNn-e IotcnShv sF. ]n. kn. k`mlmfnse ip{iq-jbvv tijw Inbq sF. ]n. kn. skan-t-cn-bn \S-n. ]m Fw. hn. hokv {][m\ ip{iq-j- \n-ln-p. ]m kmw tPm, Pn. tPmWn-p-n, ]m Fw. H. sNdn-bm XpS-n-b-h t\XrXzw \In. _neo-thgvkv tPW-en-\p-thn ]m sI. sP amXyphpw, sv ^ut-j-\p-thn kmwIpn amXyphpw A\p-tim-N\w Adn-bn-p.


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joy chembakasseril, usa (June 26, 2011)
This is unbearable, I am very saddened to hear this, the two year old should have been saved first, because the youngest or smallest has the least possibility for survival ! But the Baby is with the Lord, maybe he was hurrying up to be with the Lord ! My deepest sympathy and condolences to the grieving family.
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