Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 18, 2011
Views: 22151
Samuel Zachariah (46), Son of Pastor E.M Zachariah passed away.
\|tbmv: CSbn F_t\k hon ]tcX\mb ]m C.Fw. kdnbbptSbpw, timim kdnbbptSbpw aqmas aI kmapth kdnb (sImptam,46) amv 17mw XnbXn hymgmg cmhnse 2:30 \' (\|tbmn) Irkn[nbn tNsp. `mcy: s_n (]m kmapthensbpw, adnbm kmapthensbpw aI). a: o^, Sntam, l. ktlmZc: amX|, ^nn, tmdn, tPmk, men, t^_.
amv 25mw XnbXn shnbmgv sshInv 6 apX 10 htcbpw. 26mw XnbXn i\nbmgv cmhnse 9 aWn apX Dv 12:30 htcbpw ush nep F_t\k ^p tKmkv] Akwnbn s]mXp Zi\hpw ip{iqjIġqw tijw kv{]nwKv hmenbnep {_nv Nv skantcnbn kwkvImc ip{iqjbpw \SXmW"
IqSpX hnhcġv: C.F^v.Pn.F. sk{Idn tPmkv Zm\ntb 8455073318, 8455072817 , 9142824732, Fo \dn _sSpI.
For additional information please also contact Jose Daniel, EFGA Secretary at
i knew him samuel since his childhood, from the days- he was a very little boy. i am shocked to hear his untimely demise. i also knew about pastor e m sakaria, [his father\'s] demise few days ago. i still struggling to express myself the best way possible. i wish to share my deepest condolences to the bereaved family. i know its an irreparable loss. i pray that the good lord grant you all the strength and guidance for the days ahead.