Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 10, 2011
Views: 13487
Stay for the court order of the dismissal of Keral State Council members of Church of God.
Iukn AwK-sf ]ncnp hn \S-]Sn tImSXn dp- sNbvXp. doPn-b-\n AwK-a-m sI. kn. tPm Hmhkn-b-dmbn XpS-cp-Xv \ymb-asöv ip{iq-j-I. tIkp-I-fpsS \S-n-n-\mbn apS-p-Xv e-. \nbaw ]Tn-n-n-m eoK AssUz-k. Nv Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm doPn-b-\n {]iv\- Iep-jn-X-am-Ipp.
]mn: Iukn AwK--fm-bn-cp ]mtgvkv ]n. ]n.-Zm-\n-tb, n. kn. tPmkv, G{_lmw tPmk^v, kn. t__n-, tPmbn tPm Fn-hsc Xmevm-enI Hmhkn-b dh. sI. kn. tPm ]pd-m-nb \S-]Sn tImSXn t sNbvXp. tImbw AUo-j-W apkn^v tImSXn apmsI \Inb ]cm-Xn-bnemWv hn[n. ap Hmhkn-b tXmakv tPm ]mn Ihj tUn-b-w tUp-Imv ssIamw sNbvX-Xp-ambn _-sv Bcw-`n {]iv\- Ctm ]pXnb hgn-n-cn-hn-tev Fn-bn-cn-p-I-bm-Wv. {]iv\ ]cn-lm-c-n-\mbn \ntbm-Kn--s dh. sI. kn. tPmWns \S-]-Sn-I {]iv\w IqSp-X ko-am-p-I-bmWv Fv Hcp hn`mKw Btcm-]n-p-p. ap `c-Wa-k-anXn k`-bn \nv ]pd-m-nb Hcp ip{iq-j-Is\ Hw \nn-bmWv sI. kn. tPm Icp- \op--Xv. Hw \nba\-m Hcp hynsb eoK AssUz-k F-t]-cn IqsS \nn-bn-cn-p-Xpw {]iv\- hj-fm-Im Imc-W-am-bn. D]-Pm] kwL-ns ]nSn-bn-emWv Ctm-gs Hmhkn-b Fv Ah Btcm-]n-p-p.
" matham eaathaayaalum manushyan nannaayaal mathi " a renowned hindu priest, sree narayana guru once said !!! eppool enghaneea chinthikkaan thoonnunnu, " church eaathaayaalum, neeathaakkanmaar nannaayaal mathi " !!! once an elderly person mentioned to me, 'i p c' yil vazhakkeau, 'assembly' yil vazhakkeau---- so i asked him how about church of god ? because i already know he was trying to impress upon me about church of god--- the elderly replied by saying,---church of god-ill and then he didn't say anything. now i know what he meant-- he meant to say church of god is 'ill'. daivatheeyum, daivasaamepyvum vedinjhu, randoo munnoo perr avide kuudiyaalum, avide vazhakku oondaakkum. let it be any church, if there are problems, try to sort out your issues by dailogues and compromises, and also pray for heavenly blessing.