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Strong contention in IPC regarding Malabar Region
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Feb 9, 2012
Views: 14801

Strong contention in IPC regarding Malabar Region.
tÌäv I¬h³j\v \ntcm-[-\w ae-_mÀ doPn-b³ cq]o-I-c-W-¯n\v I½o-j³ tIcfm tÌänsâ A\p-hm-Z-an-ÃmsX I½o-j³ sXfn-sh-Sp-¸n\pÅ {iaw XSªp. XncphnXmwIqÀ doPnb\pw thWsa¶ Bhiyw Dbcp¶p {]iv\-§Ä ]pXnb am\-¯n-te¡v.

Ip¼-\mSv: \ne-¼q-cn \S¶ tIcfm tÌäv sF. ]n. kn. I¬h³j-\nse P\-]-¦m-fn-Xzhpw hnP-bhpw I­v lmen-f-Inb P\-d Iu¬knepImÀ I¬h-³j\v ISn-ªm-Wn-Sp-hm³ \S-¯nb \o¡-§tfmsS Iep-jn-X-amb A´-co-£w ae-_mÀ doPn-b-³ cq]o-I-cW¯n\v apt¶m-Sn-bmbn P\-d Iu¬kn- I½o-js\ \nb-an-¨-tXmsS ]pXnb Xe¯nte¡v F¯n. cq£-amb {]iv\-§-fn-te¡v \o§p¶ \ne-bn- tIcfm tÌäv Iu¬kn-epw P\-d Iu¬knepw X½n t]mcv ià-ambn. \hw-_dn \ne-¼q-cn \S¶ tIcfm tÌäv sF. ]n. kn. I¬h³j³ hnP-b-ambn amdnbncp-¶p. CXns\ FXnÀ¯p-h¶ hn`mKw Btcm-]n-¨-Xp-t]mse Ip¼-\mSv I¬h³js\ CXv bmsXmcphn[-¯nepw _m[n-¨n-Ã. BZy Znhkw apX Xs¶ Ip¼-\mSv I¬h³j-\n cm{Xn-tbm-K-§-fn P\-]-¦m-fnXzw C¡pdn hÀ²n-¡p-I-bmWv sNbvX-Xv. ]Xnt\gmw XobXn \S¶ P\d Iu¬kn aoänwKn tIm«b¯p\n¶pÅ Hcp P\d Iu¬kn AwKw tÌäv I¬h³j³ Ip¼\mSv I¬h³js\ _m[nt¨m F¶p tNmZn¨Xpw P\d {]knUâv tÌäv I¬h³j³ \ntcm[n¨psIm­v dqÄ sNbvXp. am{Xaà ae_mÀ taJe I¬h³ C\n apX Bdpamkw ap¼v am{Xta \S¯mhq F¶pamWv P\d Iu¬knen {]knUâv \ÂInb dqfnwKv. sF. ]n. knbnse sIm«mc¡c taJe tIm«bw, hmfIw, XpS§n 24 skâÀ I¬h³j\pIÄ Xocp¶Xv Ip¼\mSv I¬h³j³ XpS§p¶ A¶mWv. A¿mbnct¯mfw BfpIÄ IqSp¶ Ip¼\mSv skâÀ I¬h³j³ Unkw_dnemWv \S¡p¶Xv. CsXm¶pw Xs¶ Ip¼\mSv I¬h³js\ _m[n¡msXbncn¡pt¼mÄ Ct¸mÄ FSp¯ Xocpam\w Zpcpt±i]camWv F¶Xn\v kwibanÃ. F¶m tIc-f-¯n Pq¬ amk¯n I¬h³j³ \S-¯n-bm- aXn-sb¶v Xocp-am-\n¨ P\-d- Iu¬kn-ensâ Dt±i ip²n BÀ¡pw Xncn-¨-dn-bp-hm³ Ign-bpw. ae-_m-dn \S-¡p¶ I¬h³j³ bmsXmcp \ne-bnepw Ip¼-\mSv I¬h³js\ _m[n-¡n-söv sXfnªp Ign-ª-Xm-Wv. Hcn-¡Â t]mepw Ip¼-\mSv I¬h³j\v hcp-hm³ Ign-ªn-«n-Ãm¯ [mcmfw hnizm-kn-IÄ ae-_m-dn DÅ-t¸mÄ C¯cw sshcmKy _p²n-tbmsSbpÅ Xocp-am\w k`sb \¶m-¡p-hm-\à FSp-¯Xv F¶v kv]jvSw.

CXn-\p-]p-dsabmWv ae-_mÀ doPn-b³ cq]n-I-cn-¡-W-sa¶ hmZ-hp-ambn Hcp Iq«À cwK-s¯-¯n-bXv. CXn\p ]n¶n hyà-amb AP-­bpw ]n³Xp-Wbpw Hcp tI{µ-¯n \n¶pw D­mbn. k`bpsS HutZymKnI hn`mKamb ae_mÀ anj³ t_mÀUv doPnb³ BhiyanÃmsb¶v I¯p sImSps¯¦nepw AXv P\d Iu¬knen hmbn¡msX A\utZymKnI t_mUnbmb ae_mÀ taJebpsS I¯v hmbn¡pIbpw ae_mÀ doPnb\pth­n hmZn¡p¶hsc Xs¶ I½oj\mbn \nban¡pIbpw Bbncp¶p. Hcp I½oj³ AwKs¯ ae_mÀ doPnb³ {]knUâm¡phm³ tIm«bw tem_n Icp¡Ä \o¡nsb¶ Btcm]Whpw CtXmsSm¸w tNÀ¯phmbnt¡­XmWv. Ct¸mgpÅ ae_mÀ taJem {]knUâns\ doPnb³ Øm\¯v F¯n¡msX I½oj³ AwKs¯ B Øm\t¯bv¡v sIm­phcphm³ {ian¡pt¼mÄ ]n³XpW \ÂIp¶ ae_mÀ taJebnse HutZymKnIØm\n Afnb\fnb³ _Ôw D]tbmKn¨v ae_mÀ ]nSn¨S¡phm\mWv {iaw \S¯p¶Xv F¶mWmtcm]Ww DbÀ¶ncn¡p¶Xv.

ae_mdnse {][m\ skâdpIsfÃmw doPnb³ F¶ Bibs¯ FXnÀ¡pIbmWv. CXn\nSbn jn_p s\SpthenÂ, ]m. Fw. ]n. tPmÀÖpIp«n, k®n apfaq«nÂ, Ipcy³ tPmk^v, tPmbn Xm\then F¶nhÀ PÌokv sI. än. tXmakpambn \S¯nb aoänwKn sF. ]n. kn. `cWLS\ A\pkcn¨v Hcp doPnb³ tIcfm tÌän Øm]n¡phm³ km[yXaÃmsb¶ \nbtam]tZiw \ÂInbXmbn Adnbp¶p. kn. Fkv. sF., Akw-»okv Hm^v tKmUv F¶o k`-I-fpsS hfÀ¨ DZm-l-cn-¨p-sIm­mWv doPn-b-³ F¶ Bhiyw NneÀ apt¼m-«p-sh-¨n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. Bcw`¯n hn.än. G{_lmw F¶ Hcp t\Xmhp am{Xta AhÀ¡p­mbncp¶pÅp. t\Xm¡·mÀ G. Pnbnepw Fgpt¶äncn¡p¶p. sX¡pw hS¡pw ae_mÀ F¶ Bibhpw AhnsS DSseSp¯p Ignªp. a[phn[pImew Ignªp F¶À°w. H¶pw c­pw ]Xn-äm-­p-IÄ skâ-dp-I-fpsS Npa-Xe hln-¨n«pw k`-IÄ¡v Øetam lmfp-Itfm D­m-¡p-hm³ Ign-bm-¯-hÀ F§s\ doPn-bs\ `cn-¡pw. am{X-aà k`-IÄ¡v hfÀ¨ D­m-bn-Ãm-sb-¦n-epw tImSn-I-fpsS kz¯p k¼m-Zn-¡p-hm³ Ch-cn NneÀs¡-¦nepw Ign-ªn-«p-­v. ae-_mÀ doPn-bs\ km¼-¯n-I-ambn ]n³Xp-W-bv¡p-hm-³ NneÀ k¶-²-cm-bn-«p­v F¶ Ch-cpsS I¯nse ]cm-aÀiw Xs¶ e£yw hyà-am-¡p-¶p. doPn-b³ cq]o-I-cn-¡p-hm³ apt¼m-«p-h-¶-hÀ ip{iq-jbv¡v Cd-§p¶ Ime-¯pw Ct¸m-gp-apÅ kz¯v hnh-c-§Ä {]Jym-]n-¡p-hm³ ss[cyw Im«ptam? t\Xm-¡-·mÀ Ah-cpsS ip{iqjm Ime-b-f-hn hntZ-i¯pw kztZ-i¯p \n¶pw e`n-¨- ]Ww sIm­v ae-_m-dn-\mbn F´p-sNbvXp F¶pw hyà-am-¡p-hm³ X¿m-dm-I-Ww. ae-_m-dns\ hnev]\ Nc-¡m¡n ]Ww k¼m-Zn-¡p-¶-hÀ ]pXnb ta¨n ]pdw Is­¯p-hm-\mWv ae-_mÀ taJ-e-bpsS cq]n-I-c-W-¯n\v Bthiw sImÅp-¶Xv F¶ B-tcm-]W¯n\v adp-]Sn ]d-bp-hm\pw X¿m-dm-IWw.

P\-d Iu¬kn \nb-an¨ I½o-j³ AwK§Ä ae-_mÀ doPn-b-³ F¶ Bh-iys¯ ]n³Xp-W-bv¡p-¶-h-cm-sW¶pw Iu¬kn-ensâ Xmev]cy kwc-£-W-¯n-\mbn am{XamWv Cu I½o-jsâ \nb-a\w F¶p-amWv tIcfm tÌäv `mc-hm-ln-IÄ Btcm-]n-¡p-¶-Xv. I½o-j³ knänwKv \S-¯p¶-Xn\v tÌänsâ AwKo-Imcw hm§msX ip{iq-j-Isc hnfn-¨p-h-cp-¯p-hm³ {ian¨Xv {]iv\w Ct¸mÄ cq£-am¡n-bn-cn-¡p-¶p. B`-c-W-[m-c-Ww, hnhmltamN\w, D]tZi hnjb§fnse \ne]mSpIÄ F¶ohnjb§fn tIcfm tÌäv `cW kanXnbpsS \ne]mSns\ FXnÀ¡p¶hcmWv tIcfm tÌäv hn`P\¯n\mbn {ian¡p¶Xv. _nkn\Êv tem_nIfpw A[nImc tamlnIfpw tNÀ¶v ZpjvS emt¡msS \S¯p¶ ss]imNnI \o¡amWnsX¶pw ]mÌÀ ^nen¸v ]n. tXmakv Btcm]n¡p¶p. tIcfm tÌäns\ hn`Pn¨v ZpÀ_es¸Sp¯phm\pÅ _nkn\Êv tem_nIfpsS \o¡s¯ ]cmPbs¸Sp¯psa¶v sF. ]n. kn. tÌäv tPmbnâv sk{I«dn ]mÌÀ jn_p s\Spthen ]dbp¶p. tIcfm tÌäns\ ]e IjW§fm¡cpsX¶v ]mÌÀ sI. kn. tPm¬ Hcp hmcnItbmSv ]dªp. B`cW[mcWs¯ A\p-Iq-en¨v Hcp t\Xmhv Cu ASp¯v Hcp hmcn-Ibv¡v \ÂInb A`n-ap-J-¯n \ne-]m-sS-Sp-¯n-cp-¶p. C¡pdn Ip¼-\mSv I¬h³j-\n amÀ {IntkmÌw Xncp-ta\nsb {]kw-Kn-¸n-¨Xv ]cs¡ {]Xn-tj[w DbÀ¯n-bn-cp-¶p. C\n Ce£sâ \mfpIÄ. ]qc¯n\v sImSnbptadn. hcphm\pÅXv sh«ns¡«pIfpsSbpw IpSamä¯nsâbpw \mfpIÄ. Im¯ncn¡mw.


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church of god believer (February 14, 2012)
what is this?

is this a church b/w gen & state councils?? what is this fighting each other? please remove all politicals .we should be careful in life,

is this a church of jesus,,shame shame shame,,,,

full politicals ,,,,,,,all pastors need to understand ,,,,stop elections and let gen council elects some people ,,for the state council ,in coming elections let us see,,what is going to happen?

malabar region is good ,,,also so that they new plant of ministries,,,

even though in wayanad there is no ministry ,no church ,,not even literacy people,,there,,,i pray god would bring new servants of christ for the name of the lord in coming days,,,,this are should be consider.

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